All Chapters of REBIRTHING THE BETRAYED ALPHA : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
103 Chapters
Twenty one
Chapter 21The impact of the explosion was very strong and I fell to the ground immediately hitting my head of a chair of another stall. I remembered screams of adults and children, people packing up their goods and sound of sirens and ambulances coming.I tried to walk but i wobbled in my steps. I had hit my head really hard on that chair and I touched it, I felt a liquid which was blood on the side of my head and I also had some bruises on my arms and legs.I hit the side of my head which was close to my ear, my hood didn’t protect me since it wasn’t that thick and I couldn’t balance well. I fell to the floor and everything became a blur but I saw someone rush to me before I blacked out.I woke up on a hospital bed with Alpha Damon’s mom beside me, my eyes blinked and I tried to remember what happened but I had a headache.Alpha Damon’s mom noticed I had woken up and called the doctor to examine me. They were talking but I couldn’t hear them well and I had a bad headache again. Th
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Twenty two
Chapter 22Elena's POVI felt weird Having to use the restroom while he was there but the pain I was feeling didn't let my mind void such shy emotions. He actually saved me.He actually did care about me. I couldn't possibly hurt someone like this. All this was happening quite too fast for me as I didn't know what to do and how to go about it. He went out.Maybe I should try to stand up, but I would fall. I already knew that so I called out, “Alpha Damon” I said and he opened the door. He carried me back to my bed. “It’s weird calling me alpha Damon, just call me Damon” he said and I nodded. I was tired of calling him alpha anyways.He just stayed beside me holding my hand. Hurting him would be like killing someone to me, he was genuine and sincere towards me and I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hurt him, I’d just go back to Alpha Lucien and let him kill be and spare my parents.The more I thought, I felt a pang of pain in my head. And my stitches, it needs to heal fast to prepare myself
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Twenty three
Chapter 23A bodyguard would be great, even though I wish I could guard her all the time I knew it wasn’t possible for me to do that. As an alpha I have lots of roles to perform but Elena was my biggest concern right now. I just hope no problem would arise since I didn’t want to leave her side at this tough time, though I knew my mom would be there but I still want to be the one by her side. I didn’t want her to feel like I had abandoned her for my mom.It had been two hours since Elena had been sleeping and I had gone out and come back still to find her asleep, I was getting worried. I called the doctor in to check on her, he said she was alright and needed lots of rest and it was normal for someone who got involved in an explosion.I wasn’t still reassured but I calmed down.My mom also came in to check on her, “it is normal son, she’s fine” she assured me and I nodded and sighed.Another hour passed and she wasn’t awake, I tried to calm down but it didn’t work so I called the do
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Twenty four
Chapter 24Elena took the small square balls and said they were called dice and had spots on each side indicating how many times you had to move from the ‘begin’ box.“Where is the jail,fees?” She asked herself and turned the board over and over. “This isn’t monopoly, it’s moply” she said and laughed. I stood up again to the receptionist and told her to bring the snakes and ladder board to our room since that was another name which sounded weird. She came in and laid it on the table, “dismissed” I said and she left, giving a small bow.This game also had dice but it looked easier, “so the number the dices land on are added together to move your position with the checkers” she said and paused and I looked at her, “do you you understand?” She asked me and I nodded.“Then if you roll the dice then added the numbers and you land on the snakes head, you move down the where the tail is in a box” she said and pointed to the head and slid down the the tail. “Do you understand?” She asked and
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Twenty five
Chapter 25‘Of course I was going to take care of her,’ I thought to myself while walking outside. I was happy that Elena was finally better, seeing her in pain on the first day gave me pain and it broke me to see her in that state.I went outside and mom and Elena were seated in a car brought by Asher, I walked towards it and entered the back seat since my mom was in front, it was myself and Elena in the back.“How are you feeling now ma’am?” Asher asked, “I’m better, thank you Asher” Elena replied with a smile. The way she smiled at him made me feel that sour feeling again called jealousy. I didn’t know why I was jealous, it just happens. “Asher,drive” I instructed. “How do you feel coming out from the hospital” I asked Elena, “I feel more free and happy that I recovered fast but not fully at least not yet” she replied and I gave a simple, “Mm” and wore a hood to cover my face.People couldn’t just see their alpha in a car with his Luna and beta with some other woman seated in the f
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Twenty six
Chapter 26Damon's POVAsher got the message and walked into the kitchen and after some minutes Asher came out and gave me a gentle nod. Soon after the cook came out.Mom was happy as soon as the cook came in."Don't worry ma'am just pass on instructions on what you want us to prepare today and we make sure it is available, you don't need to stress yourself ma'am." The cook said holding a note in his hands to be able to jot down our orders."It's no bother at least let me help you in the kitchen after all Elena Just got back." Mom said persisting in taking part in the cooking process but truth being said I didn't want her taking part."No Mom, it's his job and he would have a lot of helping hands. All you need to do now is to rest and take care of yourself." I said finally stopping her from taking part."I want to have a little walk with you around if you don't mind." Elena spoke out in a soft and gentle voice; it was obvious she was tired."Are you sure? If you are tired you are free
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Twenty seven
Chapter 27Damon's POVFor some reason I remembered Lucas and a thought strolled through my mind of Making him also go to war and that would decide his fate if he would be able to live or not.But I just couldn't trust him, someone like him could sell us out at the war front because he didn't look like he was trustworthy at all. I didn't know how he was faring and I didn't think I actually cared if he was and if he was not. The hatred I had for him was unmeasurable."What are you thinking about sir? Are you thinking of a strategy or what?" Asher asked, confused because of my absent minded state." I want to go and pay Lucas a visit." I said as I walked majestically towards the door. By this time my anger had deduced and I felt a little calm but still rage was evident in my voice as coldness creeped in."Why, if I may ask sir?" Asher questioned because I had once said that I would never set my eyes on him so it was okay and predictable for him to be surprised at my sudden change of hea
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Twenty eight
Chapter 28Damon's POVWhatever I had Lingering around my heart, hatred definitely surpassed it.I hated him than anything and his face alone made me boil in anger. I had began to suppress my anger towwars him and it's only because of Asher. Nothing else was stopping me from killing him a long time ago.But Asher always found a way to manipulate my decisions to make sure i didn't take and under a bad temper because I would always end up making a wrong decision.I was so angry whenever I saw the look on their faces especially Lucas and how he didn't even feel he had ever wronged me. Well he would be locked here until he is ready to realize that mistake.At least Kiara felt a little remorse through her words right from the start when she was being dragged into here and locked into chains. I wouldn't be able to withstand her begging because she looked pale as she cried her eyes out but I didn't care about that, what matters was that she broke my trust and as if that wasn't enough wanted
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Twenty nine
Chapter 29Alpha Damon's POVStill in the dungeon.I have been here for hours and Lucas was still acting hard and u didn't want to result to torturing him. Where on Earth did I get such a fake and wicked brother and I have never noticed it before."I see you are still trying to play hard to get and please don't think about it that I would ever try to release you out of pity. This would actually be the only way for me to let you out and yet you want to ruin it. What exactly do you think of yourself? Have you ever thought that if me and you went one on one against each other you cannot possibly defeat me? I hope you are aware of that. If not that you are such a cheat you would have known your place a long time ago. Let it stick into your brain that you would always be the better one. Can you please drop dreaming too much? I know what I am doing and unlike you I am not selfish. You should have seen the difference a long time ago and if you haven't it's better you start now so you don't
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Chapter 30Killing him was very easy but i chose not to. Some would consider me having a soft side for him but I had my reasons for not killing him. If he kept on behaving the way he did in the cells I just hope I would be able to control myself not to kill him right then and there. I thought for a while but felt sleepy since I felt weak, I drifted off to sleep and didn’t even realize it.Next morning….I woke up the next day feeling better than I did yesterday. It wasn’t early because it was half past eight. I stood up to take a bath and freshen up since I was just in my shorts.The warm water poured on my face and my whole body. I bathed myself but I didn’t hit the dagger, I didn’t want any pain that would later affect my stability and composure. If I felt pain in front of the people, I would be seen as weak and they would wonder why I was in pain since I wasn’t sick. Elena was the only one who could see the dagger.‘You still love her especially since she’s your mate’ I remembered
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