All Chapters of The Alpha's Caregiver : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
187 Chapters
50.To Find Her.
ALPHA REX. The number of times I asked my prisoner about what I already knew proved the singular point that I wasn’t willing to accept that someone I had just tossed out of my pack somehow, has something to do with a revolution I was still confused about.“I told you everything I know! Please…please…let me go now.”The screams and yells of the man followed my move out of the room with Logan following dutifully behind me. I didn’t care what the men did with him, I already got what I wanted from him even though it was not in the least satisfying. If anything, it made me want to trash the whole club. I just couldn’t wrap my head around anything especially where the Omega was concerned. What was it about her? Why was she…why was she everywhere in my face?“You look angry.” Logan said quietly, stating the very obvious.“No shit, Sherlock.” I grumbled at him. “This is about her right?”“Isn’t everything about her now?” I snapped. Everything revolved around her yet I couldn’t figure out
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51. I Need You.
EUDORA. I was no stranger to the dark. It was what my life was…an endless tunnel of darkness with not even a glimmer of light at the end of it. Whenever it felt like I was slowly stumbling my way out of the tunnel, my eyes catching on to the traces of light it can find, the road out of the tunnel then gets darker with every turn.I was in darkness. Literally. The world around me was dark and once again, the moon goddess was too cruel to bestow the lights of the moon over the large expanse of forest I was in. The sky was void of even stars and I had to strain my eyes to be sure if what was in front of me was a huge tree with lots of branches or a monster with thousands of eyes and the same number of arms out to get me. After Logan dropped me off, I had been lost at first. I stood and looked around, thinking of where to go next from there. My mind was as blank as a sheet of paper. It didn’t help that even on a really bright day, the forest around the Angels and Banes pack was scar
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52.The Omega Takeover.
EUDORA.“I need you.”Three words and it’s just Alpha Rex saying them with the usual pointed look in his eyes, making it difficult to properly make sense of the words and why he said them like they were just another set of words he always flings around at me. I barely got the chance to say anything after what he said and even if I did, my brain failed to make any sense that could send signals to my lips to make them work. It happened fast and now we were in his car, on the way back to the pack. It was surreal and no, it’s not just returning to the pack that made me feel that way but because Alpha Rex came back to get me and now I was seated right beside him while he drove. We rode wordlessly. The few weeks I spent being close enough to him made it clear that he was not a man of many words and especially not to me who he didn’t even like the sight of. The awkward situation dampened my excitement. I was going back to the pack, I was going to meet Zena and Lillian again, I wasn’t just
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53–Key to Pandora’s Box.
ALPHA REX. The old Gamma blinked back at me, her mouth opening and closing as evidence of her shock at my words. I expected that much from anyone who knew me and what I was capable of, especially with the events that have happened in the last few days.“Alpha, you want me to train Eudora to take care of you?“I didn’t want to repeat it because it was more bearable to think about it in my head than for me to say it out loud but I was going to be doing that a lot and I needed to get used to it. “Yes, that is exactly what I meant.” I said and added, “She will take over from you as my caregiver.” “But…I thought—”“This changes nothing, Lillian. I still feel the same way about her but I need her around.” I left it at that. Not that the Gamma would question my authority or decision but I was done with the look of pity everyone gives the Omega like I was the bad person here. Granted, I never believed I was good, heck, I’m not even close to it but that doesn’t make it less frustrating tha
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54–Sorry, not sorry.
EUDORA. The reason I was brought back to the Angels and Banes pack wasn’t officially announced until after a few days when Lillian came into my room, bearing shopping bags in her hands. I ran over to help her with the heavy bags, now just realizing that the Alpha had no maid around the house to handle things like this. I only just realized how much work Lillian did here. “Do you get paid for this?” I asked, more worried about her than I was curious about the loads of bags dumped on my bed.Lillian smiled tenderly, tired lines causing her forehead to crease. I had heard the Alpha talk about her leaving this week and I already knew why. Lillian was retiring. She has until her birthday to be this strong and able to move heavy things around the house.At eighty, she will have no wolf to give her the strength anymore. I was just like that. Give me a few wrinkles and tired eyes and there you have it, a wolf fit for the retirement pack. “The Alpha does send me money but I have had no use
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55–To Heal Him.
EUDORA.Lillian waited for me outside my room while I changed into one of my newest dresses. I already picked out a favorite, a red one with white floral patterns and soft cotton, tied in the front to keep my boobs from spilling out. I tried to keep the revealing of my cleavage minimal because I just couldn’t hide it no matter how hard I tried. I could only just hope that the Alpha wouldn’t get mad at me. I was also relieved knowing that he wasn’t attracted to me in a way that will make me feel uncomfortable. The dress stopped right above my knee and I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, without my wig. I had the full black wig set on the dressing table, the only thing I had left with that was from the Bluecoven pack. I stared at my mass of black and white hair, as if looking at it for so long will make it look normal. It wasn’t going to change and it will remain a secret till I am old and graying like Lillian. By then, everything would have turned gray anyway. I put my
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56–No saving her.
EUDORA.Lillian left early the next morning. She was transported to the retirement pack by Logan and we were allowed to see her off just outside the house and nothing farther than that. As I watched the car leave, I thought back to break of dawn when she had stealthily walked into my room. My bed dipping with added weight was what woke me and I had been startled at first. “Did I ruin a pleasant dream?” She whispered as I slowly sat up. I shook my head, eyes heavy with sleep but even though my vision was still slightly blurry, I saw the way the smile on her face slowly froze. It was then I realised something a little late. Lillian’s eyes were already on it and I couldn’t hide it anymore.“Eudora, your hair.” She whispered. On instinct, my hands went to my hair. I knew I looked like I was a deer caught in the headlights with how startled I was. Her eyes then lurked around till they found what they were looking for sitted on my bedside table. My wig. I exhaled, my heart beating fast,
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57–His…and Her first time.
ALPHA REX.♣️♣️♣️PAST “Rex, say hi to the mister.” This mister in question was peering down at me with a tight smile on his lip. Oh, I remembered this moment clearly. It was the first time I met the damned scientist and even as young as I was, I knew I wasn’t going to like him. Call it the petulance that came with being a child but I didn’t want to be around him even though was dressed just like every other doctor I have met since I spent half of my little life going in and out of the pack doctors’ office. I’d learned to be calm around them and their prickly needles but I could already sense this man meant trouble more than his prickly needles. He tried at being friendly, bending over to be on the same eye level with me, he supported himself with his palms flat on his knees while my eyes caught the inscription of his name on his breast pocket. Doctor Ambrose. I knew the names of every doctor that I have visited. I memorized them as part of childhood innocence and curiosity.
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58–New Hostile in the building.
EUDORA. As Zena would say, “I fucked up.” I messed up so bad on my first time even when I thought I had it all under control. I was wrong, I had nothing under control and as the Alpha chased me out of this room in the wee hours of that morning, I contemplated running out the front door of the house and not return to the room I was still having sleepless nights in.I couldn’t tell why I couldn’t sleep but my mind zeroed continuously around being able to hear Alpha Rex breathe through the thin layer of the wall and also being so close to him than ever before and no, the walls did nothing to make it feel better. I was nervous…could he hear me breathe too? Did I breathe too heavily? Was my scent too much for him to handle? The thoughts kept me up all night and I tried to keep my nerves in check by reading a book from Zena’s shelf. Somehow, his steady breathing assured me that he was asleep and I would admit that regularity of it was in a way…calming. I was wide awake when I noticed th
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59–Bad arrangements.
EUDORA.I blinked rapidly, slowly setting my cutlery down at the same time every other person did. Alpha Rex was still as cool and composed as ever, like he didn’t just ruffle more than a few feathers with his words. “I…I do not understand you.” I said in a voice that was slightly above a whisper. Somehow, hearing Leticia talk made me so conscious about how my voice sounded to the Alpha's ears. No doubt like rough gravel. Just like that, I unlocked another insecurity. But that was the least of my worries, how the Alpha concluded we had to spend more time than we already were forced to was a bigger concern.What is this about going somewhere with him from tomorrow? And not just tomorrow alone, everyday? Just us? Alone? Before Alpha Rex could answer, Leticia already jumped in. “You’re taking trips? But…you don’t take trips whenever I’m here.” She sounded utterly displeased, it would be too hard to hide the displeasure from such a smooth sultry voice. “Our trips won’t affect your w
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