All Chapters of The Alpha's Blessed Beta Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Thirty | Destined Couple
MackenzieEverything around was so vibrant. I could smell the wildflowers in the field, the crisp water from the lake, along with the fresh scent of dirt. I kept my mind clear while I focused on controlling my emotions. Throughout the morning, I have learned that sadness makes everything seem scrambled, anger makes things hard to remember, while happiness makes everything clearer. I took myself back to all the times I played in the field by the lake as a child. The flowers, the crisp lake air, as well as the scent from the woods. I made most of my memories there as a child with El, Mason, Erik, and Nico. We were all kids back then, but playing tag, hide-n-seek, and all the fun child games made everything better.I opened my eyes to see everyone below me. We were in my office practicing since it was raining out. Peyton and El looked at me in awe, while Grammy looked proud. We'd been at this for hours and I couldn’t seem to keep my focus. Grammy suggested I clear my mind, close off my m
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Thirty-One | Club Trouble
Mackenzie “Are you sure about this?” El asked as I raided my closet for a dress. It’s been a few stressful days of training since Grammy told us we have a month to prepare. She said we wouldn’t necessarily be attacked at that time, but that was when our powers would manifest to their highest. It was imperative we knew how to control them by then, just in case something did happen. “I think it’s a brilliant idea!” Peyton chirped as she fixed the straps to her top. “If they find out, I’m not going down for it.” “Stop being a worry wart.” I shook my head. “I’ll take the blame when they find out. No need to worry out that.” “We’ll only have a few hours. I’m still learning how to make my glamour spell last longer than that.” “That’s all the time we’ll need to have a few drinks and loosen up.” I called over my shoulder. I gave up on looking for a dress, going for a pair of black leather pants and a deep blue halter top. After putting those on, I paired my ensemble with a pair of silv
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Thirty-Two | Punishment
Mackenzie The club atmosphere was not my scene, but you needed to let go and have fun occasionally. I was more of a dive bar girl, preferring to spend my time sitting with friends, making memories, and drinking shitty beer. The food was the best there. Greasy nachos, saucy wings, and the best burgers you’ll ever have. This was only my second time at the club, partying that is. I could see why some love clubs, but it was too crowded for my liking. Even the VIP section was at capacity. I was focusing on my surroundings while trying to have a blast. The liquor was starting to hit hard, since I don’t drink much, so I knew it was time to slow down. Just as I finished my fourth drink, I sensed him before I even smelled him. His aura was out in full force, and I knew I was in deep shit. Trying to ignore the oppressive, I kept dancing with my girls. It wasn’t until I felt hands on my hips that I stopped dancing. “You’re in so much trouble.” His husky voice rasped as his breath fanned my ea
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Thirty-Three | Suspicious Invitation
Nicholas After seeing how well Kenz took her punishment, I decided to test her more when we got home. Once things were smoothed over with her parents and mine, I took her straight to our room where I bound her to the bed. The primal look in her eyes told me she enjoyed this as much as I did. I wanted nothing more than to have her tied to my bed while I fucked her senseless day in and out. Unfortunately, duty called, and I had to cut our time short. Seeing how flushed her skin was, the rise and fall of her chest, I knew my girl was just as kinky as I was. I planned on pulling out all the stops the next time I had her all to myself. Currently, we were all sitting in my office, her on my lap, of course, while Mason and Erik went over patrol reports. We were going over finances from our father's construction company, the two clubs they owned, as well as the new pack project. Everything seemed to be looking good as we stood to make a lot of money off the new pack we were building with Cas
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Thirty-Four | Heat
MackenzieThe days flew by faster than I would have liked. Not much happened during the week except for going over finances and making sure everyone was taken care of. I never knew how much Aunt Nicole did or had to endure until I became Luna. I would always see her talking with pack members, helping others out, along with charity work. I only saw a fraction of what she did, and I hope I could be half the Luna she was. It was hard work, but I strived to make things better than before, even if nothing needed fixing. Being the daughter of a Beta, I got to know everyone in the pack. I would always go to meetings with daddy, especially if those meetings involved other pups. I would play with them while daddy did his job to make their family life better. By the time I got to junior high, I knew all the other pups my age in the pack. I made a point to keep in touch with everyone, even if they didn’t have pups. I looked up to Aunt Nicole and my mom.My mom was an amazing woman who loved ever
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Thirty-Five | Strange Encounter
Elena With Mack and Nick being busy with her unexpected heat, Mason, Erik, Peyton, and I headed up to the Wild Spirit pack. It wasn’t ideal to show up without your Alpha, but it wasn’t unheard of. The ride was not that long, just about two hours. Everywhere you looked, all you could see was dense foliage and trees as far as the eye could see. It looked serene, but isolated. Our pack was in the forest as well, but we weren’t far from town and had a few parks nearby. Our pack lands were spread out, so we had a variety of things to do. As we neared the gates to their territory, you could see they had everything behind the gates. You could see houses in the fields, a few buildings in the distance, as well as open space for their members to roam in wolf form. Pulling up the long driveway to the packhouse gave way to an amazing view. You could see mountains in the distance along with the tops of trees. The house itself was modest. It was a three-story home with a rustic mountain feel. The
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Thirty-Six | Manipulation
Mason After El and Peyton excused themselves, Erik and I were left with Caius and his Luna. Not too long after that, Luna Willow excused herself from the table as well. I watched Caius for a moment, before turning my attention to Erik. During the whole meal, their interactions seemed off. Normally, one can’t keep their hands off their mate, especially an Alpha. While their story seemed legit, their interactions told a different story. There was a gap between them the whole time, their hands were always visible, and they barely looked at each other. Either she was here against her will or something was not right. “Would you boys care to join me for a drink in my office?” Caius offered, standing from the table. “Sure.” I stood from the table as well, followed by Erik. “I don’t trust this Alpha.” Koa grumbled, coming to the forefront of my mind. “What do you mean, bud? Do you know something?” “If I wasn’t so weak, I would be able to tell.” “Weak?” What did he mean he was ‘weak’? No
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