All Chapters of The Supreme Lycan's Human Mate : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
151 Chapters
Chapter 50: She's next
“Balzar and the people who were supporting him are dead,” Arthur simply answered.Amelia didn't say anything as there was no point in doing so. The centaurs who tried to betray Arthur and tried to kill them were dead and that was all that mattered.“Let’s head back, it’s getting late,” Alphaeus said and he immediately teleported them out of the forest and on to where Arthur’s car was.“Arthur and Amelia entered the car while Alphaeus and Cara decided to go ahead of them in case there was any danger ahead.She wouldn't put it past her sister that she would be waiting to ambush them.Arthur then started the car and started driving. The awkwardness and tension immediately returned as soon as they were on the road.Amelia wanted to ask Arthur how he was and whether he was hurt but she couldn’t bring herself to ask him especially after she remembered that they had fought earlier.Huh, why was her pride not allowing her to just ask the question that was bugging her.She knew that even if A
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Chapter 51: Late night conversation
“Adrian, Lance to my house now!” Arthur roared through their mind-link.The anger he felt was so powerful that it brought Adrian and Lance to her knees where they were.After that, he called Alphaeus over. He took one last look at the woman’s body before going out to meet Amelia who was shaking profusely. “Come, let’s get you out of here,” he said to Amelia. He wrapped his hands around her shoulder and he led her out of the bathroom.He walked her to the bed and sat her down on it. “Amelia nothing will happen to you, I promise.”“Arthur, we are here,” he heard Adrian inform him through their mind-link. Sensing the anger and urgency in Arthur’s voice, he and Lance had shifted to their lycans and had rushed over there. “Come to my room,” he ordered them and within twenty seconds, they were in his room.“Alpha, what happened?” Adrian asked worriedly. His worries only increased when he saw Amelia’s state and Arthur’s lycan on the surface.“Check the bathroom,” Arthur told them.They d
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Chapter 52: The story behind his Gamma
“Sadist!” Amelia muttered under her breath and Arthur chuckled causing her to roll her eyes at him finding her statement funnyHow has it been like being the Alpha?” she asked curiously. She could see that it wasn’t an easy task ruling over all the supernatural creatures in the world but she wanted to hear how it was from Arthur himself.“It’s not easy but I’ve gotten used to it plus I have Adrian and Lance to make it easy for me,” Arthur replied.Amelia was suddenly reminded of something Adrian said about how Lance became the Gamma.Adrian didn't go deep into the story and so she decided to take advantage of the opportunity to ask Arthur to tell the full story.“I heard that Lance became your Gamma as a punishment for something he did,” Amelia started.She had been itching to know what Lance did that made Arthur punish him by making him his gamma.Isn’t the punishment for a crime committed death, imprisonment or banishment so why punish him by making him the Gamma?” “It’s a long s
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Chapter 53: The story behind his Gamma 2
“His uncle died a few months before he clocked one hundred,” Arthur told Amelia.“Since he didn’t have any children, there was a question of who would become the Gamma and it was up to me to choose,” he paused before continuing.“Then one day, as usual he was being brat as always and I slapped him for the first time ever,” Arthur revealed to Amelia. Her mouth went over her mouth and her eyes widened in shock over his revelation. Looking at them now, no one would have thought that they had such a messy history."The look of shock in his eyes is something I'll never forget," Arthur stated. "No matter what he did, I would simply scold him and either lock him up in the mansion or take away the things he loved for a short time.""What did he do after that?" Amelia asked.“He flared up and said that I was a terrible Alpha and Adrian was a terrible Beta and that we should go to hell.”“You lost control didn’t you?” Amelia asked as she knew Arthur’s lycan wouldn’t accept such insults from L
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Chapter 54: The arrival of the Alphas
The woman looked down at her wound and indeed saw that she had been healed. The wound had completely disappeared like it was never there and it was jaw dropping to her as she had never seen such power before. “Thank you,” the woman said and this time, she was sincere in her thanks. “You’re welcome,” Amelia said. “Now how did you get this?” she asked. “I got into a fight with some thugs and they tried to kill me,” the woman answered and shrugged casually as if almost getting killed was no big deal. “You’re human,” Amelia stated in awe and the woman nodded. “But you have supernatural abilities.” “Just like you,” the woman stated and it was Amelia's turn to nod. “I want to see your face,” Amelia demanded as she started to sense a familiar feeling but she couldn’t place what it was. The woman sighed and put her hand around the mask on her nose but just like Amelia, she was unable to remove it. She gave up trying after countless times and looked back at Amelia. “I can’t remove it
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Chapter 55: No one to piss off there
Amelia slowly opened the door to the bathroom and peeped inside the room. She sighed in relief when she saw that there was no sign of Arthur in the room and she came out of the bathroom.“Why were you peeping?” came the voice of Arthur as he opened the door to their closet and came out.“Ahhhh!” Amelia shrieked in horror as she didn’t expect him to still be there. “What are you doing here?” she asked as soon as she had calmed down.“This is my room too,” Arthur reminded Amelia. She pouted her lips as she had nothing to say in response to him.After all, he had just as much right to be in the room.“The first Alpha arrived moments ago,” Arthur informed Amelia and he heard her heart start pounding in her chest.“Relax, I’ll be right by you,” he assured her.“Do we have to go and welcome him now?” she asked.“No, we will wait for all the Alphas to arrive before going to welcome them,” Arthur answered. He didn’t want to stress Amelia too much by making her do the same thing over and ov
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Chapter 56: The other people
“Go away!” Arthur growled as he wanted to spend time with Amelia.“No way am I leaving soon when I haven't even annoyed you to my satisfaction yet.” Cara said. She then started to dish her food, showing that she had no intention of leaving. “Don’t you have Alphas to welcome?” she asked when she saw Arthur glaring at her.‘One day, I’m really going to kill you,’ Arthur muttered under his breath. He then stood up from his seat. “I’m going to go and see how the preparation for the remaining two Alphas are going,” he informed Amelia and then left.There was no point in staying anymore as Cara would just annoy him and he didn't need that at the moment or ever.Plus, he knew Amelia wanted to tell Cara something she didn't want to tell him and so, he left so they could have their privacy.As soon as they heard the door to the mansion open and close, Cara waved her hand and the sound blocking shield appeared. The conversation they were about to have wasn't for anyone who wasn't supposed to
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Chapter 57: The rude woman.
After Amelia had left, Arthur came back into the dining room. “Where’s Amelia?” he asked when he didn’t see her in the dining room.“She is upstairs taking a nap,” Cara answered. And from Cara's tone Arthur could immediately tell from her answer that something was wrong.“What happened and why is she taking a nap?” he probed.“She had a vision of a dead lycan with its blood in her hand and she freaked out, she’s resting so she can regain her composure,” Cara answered.“Her vision is going to come through isn’t it?” Arthur asked Cara but the way he said it made it obvious that he was making a statement instead of asking a question.Her visions always came to pass and so he knew that if she saw it then it would come to pass. He just needed to hear someone else say it.“Yes,” Cara affirmed what Arthur already knew. “And it’s no coincidence, she had the vision at a time like this when Alphas who have a grudge against you are in the pack.”Arthur's eyes became cold as he realized what Cara
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Chapter 58: Tension in the air
“Aren’t you supposed to go with the supreme Alpha,” Maximus asked when he saw Adrian still with them.Normally, Adrian would always follow the supreme Alpha whenever he went to make his speech but he didn't bother this year.This made Maximus smirk inwardly as they all knew the reason why Adrian didn't follow Arthur.“No, I prefer to stay here in case you try to do something to the Supreme Luna,” Adrian stated bluntly."After all, she would be the perfect target to get back at Arthur for all the things you think he has done to you."He had no time to sugarcoat words as he wanted to make it clear to the Alphas that he knew they didn't have good intentions and he wouldn't hesitate to show them their place if they crossed their boundaries.“What would make you think such,” Maximus asked with a smirk on his face.“Hmm, let’s see,” Adrian said and he put his hand on his chin pretending to think. “For starters, you still hold a grudge at the supreme Alpha for him killing the asshole, sorry
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Chapter 59: Another fight
“How are you a terrible cook?” Amelia asked Arthur as she watched him struggling to make spaghetti. “You’ve been alive for over four hundred years and didn’t bother to learn how to cook?” she asked mockingly.They were currently in the kitchen after freshening up and changing their clothes. Arthur said he wanted to cook something for Amelia but the result wasn’t what he expected.“It has never interested me plus I thought it would be easy having watched chefs cook,” Arthur defended himself. He opened the pot of spaghetti and sighed in defeat as all he could see was black.He had completely burned it and the sauce wasn’t any better. It looked like crap and it sure tasted the same way even worse.Amelia peeked from behind him and her face contorted into a frown. “Well at least you achieved your goal, seeing your food has cured my hunger,” she said and Arthur glared at her.“Are you a good cook?” he fired at her, not wanting to lose face in front of her.“Hello, I was fending for myself
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