All Chapters of Paint My World Red: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
177 Chapters
Chapter 101 – Full Twelve-Course
(Aya’s POV)It was a ‘pee excuse’ to stay away from Gino’s gaze while we were at the beach. I was hoping to send Addie and Leslie a message and ask a favor to bring the kids to our room because I could not bear being in the same area with Gino. If I were to ask, I did not want to join the party. I only wanted to be with Red and the kids, but as Ariana said, I had to be there to show at least my appreciation that he found my daughter.While he was singing earlier with Ned and Carlo, I almost ran to them to strangle him, hating that he had the guts to sing that song, and locked his eyes on me. If my children were not around, I would have picked up a handful of sand and thrown it on his face. I expected Gino to follow me, but I did not anticipate seeing my husband sauntering like a deer on the sandy beach and hiding in the bush. Seeing Katie in Gino’s arms earlier also surprised Addie and me. Especially me! Seeing my daughter’s resemblance to him, I was not ruling out the possibility t
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Chapter 102 – The Sea Monster Ate Mommy
(Aya’s POV)I woke up at the sound of the waves, leaving a rustling sound as they crashed into the shore. I smiled, stretching my arms and opening my eyes, thinking of the beautiful night Red and I had shared. We were too intoxicated with each other, making love many times but not finishing the entire twelve-course as he promised. We didn’t even reach the tree house because my legs were already wobbling from the intensity of our union from the beach gazebo and the hammock. The last thing I remembered was us stargazing while lying on the sand and me teasing him that he could not make love to me under the stars because Scarlett was looking at us.I was wrong.It was dark because it was a new moon, but the tiny sparkling diamonds above the sky were so beautiful and enchanting that Red and I fell asleep at the beach, naked after making love. Or maybe it was only me who went to the Land of Nod because I was lying in the soft bed in the beach gazebo, covered with a blanket up to my neck.Fi
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Chapter 103 – Just Too Much
(Aya’s POV) Returning to Sherrilyn’s place was different from the day we arrived. There was household staff in the garden, busy clearing, trimming some plants, and preparing the area for tomorrow’s event, while others were busy cleaning inside the mansion. As soon as we arrived, Red told me to go to the kitchen to see if there were also people working there. When I went to the cooking area, my heart leaped with joy seeing Fabian, but he was scolding his kitchen team, as he called them, about something when I came in. “Fabian!” I squealed, dashing in his direction and embracing him. I moved back and pouted. “You’re on leave; why are you here?” I asked, not minding the people in the kitchen. He scoffed and moved his head toward me. “The last time I went on leave, I disappointed Red, letting you cook for many people with all those numbers of dishes,” he whispered. He eased back and looked around. “So, I postponed my plans for the weekend and flew here, just in case no cook would come.”
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Chapter 104 – Sherrilyn's Limit
(Aya’s POV)If Violet were not my daughter, not Red’s child, a Carlington, I would think having this kind of party for someone celebrating an eleventh year was too much. When I turned eleven, I was ecstatic that my mother bought me a cake, my dad bought me a sheep stuffed toy, and Myra finally gave up her old set of crayons and left the box on top of my school bag.The guests, not including the household staff, were about a hundred fifty. There were only about thirty children, and six of mine were part of the count already. Most guests were Scarlett’s cousins, friends, Sherrilyn’s associates, and relatives.I had been to many parties, not as a guest but as someone serving in catering services, but I had never been to a party like this, full of elite people, mostly talking about business, the economy, and the future.“Can this just be a normal children’s party?” Addie was frowning as she stood beside me.It was my fault for not asking my daughter what kind of birthday party she liked b
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Chapter 105 – Katie Is A Carlington
(Aya’s POV)Seeing Rina giving gifts and shopping bags to her grandchildren, I finally understood where Ariana inherited her generosity and sweetness. Addie and I had not opened all the shopping bags of clothes and shoes Red and Ariana had given to Katie, and now, she received more. What I appreciated the most was that the grandparents had given the same number of gifts, except for Violet, the celebrant, receiving more.“Rina, thank you,” I choked, feeling emotional at their warm welcome of my daughter. I cleared my throat as I glanced at Katie, giggling with her twin siblings as they watched the ballerina in the music box and copied it as it twirled around the box.“The kids already thanked me, Aya,” she grinned, anchoring her arm to mine. “And please... call me mommy.”I could not help remembering the first day I met Ariana, treating me like a close friend when I was no one but a mere applicant for a 'tutor' position I didn’t get.“Still, thank you, Ri...” My cheeks blushed. “thank
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Chapter 106 – The Wedding Gift
(Aya’s POV)It was a slow Monday.Ariana and Red left last night with their parents for a business trip, the children were back to school, and Leslie went to the office. Addie yawned wide, not bothering to cover her mouth. It was still early for her to open the tutorial center, and I would attend class later, starting at six in the evening. I should be ecstatic as this semester would be my last, but as if freedom was taken from Addie and me, we were here in her apartment’s living room, doing nothing but sighing and looking bored.Although I had placed cups of coffee on the center table, my cousin remained lying on the couch, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. I sat on the floor, crossing my legs, propping my elbows on the table, and squinting my eyes at the cups as I massaged my temples.“That was a crazy week,” Addie sighed, rolled on the couch, letting herself fall, and sat on the floor, copying me. “My life suddenly became empty without those six kids.”“I know,” I sighed sadly. “And m
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Chapter 107 – The Important Guest
(Aya’s POV)“Lucy, I’m here to treat my daughter,” Dean jokingly snarled at my manager when she said lunch was on her, and then he grinned. “But I’d appreciate a discount.”“A senior citizen discount, of course!” My manager chuckled as she led us to the table overlooking the garden.“Are you sure about this, Aya?” Dante asked, smiling apologetically at me and not sitting down. “Red will not be happy if he finds out -”I raised my hands and smiled. “I’m not the one who invited you, Dante. Besides, we’re just having a quick lunch.”I glanced at my personal security detail on the table near the main entrance. No matter how my father convinced him that we were only having lunch, he declined the offer and told him he was on duty.“I am paying for his meal,” Dad said, but Lucy shook her head as she pulled the chair for him.“Na-ah, Dean. I’m deducting his meal from Aya’s salary,” she muttered, winking at me.Knowing Lucy was only joking, my father laughed and took the menu card the server g
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Chapter 108 – You're Okay
(Aya’s POV)“Deidre.”“Join me,” she said, gesturing her hand on the empty seat across from her.My eyes flickered on the chair, but I shook my head and wondered if Lucy knew about this. Knowing my manager, she would never feed me into a den with a hungry lioness inside, even if she were an important guest. I was hundred percent sure that Lucy would not fail to inform me about this.If not for Addie and Leslie, I would be standing here thinking about who she was. On the day Deidre called me, despite her popularity in the fashion world and is the only daughter of a billionaire like the Carlington, still, my cousin and her partner browsed her social media page and read news about her online, showing me her daring pictures as she wore designer clothes and shoes. Seeing her photographs, I concluded that Red was into her and stayed in their relationship despite her lack of love for her because of her uncanny resemblance to Scarlett.Seeing her in person, I realized my notion was wrong. Sca
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Chapter 109 – Little Pets
(Aya’s POV)“I’m not sure the kids will be happy with your cupcakes, Aya.”Leslie’s voice startled me as she got one cupcake from the table, opening her mouth but showing the design of the pastry to the camera as she took a selfie. She put the cupcake back on the tray and began typing on her social media page, saying her post aloud.“Eating my sadness away,” she chuckled. “Post.”“Sadness?” Addie asked as she entered the kitchen, and when she realized what Leslie meant, she smirked and pulled a chair to sit across from me. She took one but took a bite of the pastry. “How long has Red been gone?”“Two weeks and two days,” Leslie answered.I turned my head at her, raising my eyebrows. “How did you know?”Addie swallowed the small cake she was chewing and then raised her index finger, pointing at the text written at the top of one of the cupcakes.“2w n 2d.” She took another one but placed it before me, showing me the sad emoji design, taking the piping bag with blue icing, and adding te
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Chapter 110 – For Little Aya
(Aya’s POV)At home, Red’s walk-in closet was three times my apartment. I pouted my lips for a second, sighed, and clucked my tongue as I opened my closet, realizing this was all my clothes. After Red left yesterday, I decided to stay for the night, giving dad my excuse that I could not sleep in the bedroom without my husband at home.I thought he would give me his long lecture about staying in my husband’s place, but he was thrilled by the news. Addie, Leslie, and my kids were ecstatic about my decision; the nannies were happier, giving them a day off, but not our bodyguards, who stayed in the car despite my father’s invitation to sleep in the living room. My boys slept in dad’s bed; Violet stayed with me in my old room, while Sapphire and Katie slept in Addie’s apartment.Sighing, I blinked at my clothes, hanging peacefully on the garment rod. After hearing from Deidre that the elegant gown Rina had given was her choice, I made a decision not to wear it. I knew my cousin and her par
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