All Chapters of The Lycan King's Hot Sin: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
145 Chapters
101. Failing My Woman
KING ARCHIE’S POV“We might have found our man, My King.” Curtis found a way to tell me that through the mind link when everyone else was focused on the female that had been introduced as Ava’s twin. It didn't have to be spelled out to me. I understood Curtis immediately. The closet Lycan to me… the most powerful that could stand against me.There he was in his dark robes, disobeying me and making me look like a sick joke before my subjects.Byron. My cousin. But for what?If he was the mastermind we have been searching for, why would he do that? Why would he send that letter to me only to perform his drama?He wasn't coming for me or my throne. He was going for Amanisa instead. He was going for the woman I loved. Insulting her and calling her a criminal yet I couldn't stop him from talking for two reasons. One, Byron had the support of the Lycans in the throne room. Secondly, the more he spoke, the more Curtis and I could access him.“Amanisa mentioned something about Violet kno
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102. Poison, Asshole
AMANISA’S POVThere was no way that was Damon… the real Damon. That clown couldn’t be Damon. No way! “The real Damon knows you aren't Princess Isidora's friend.” Arla pointed that fact out. “He knows who you truly are. What's going on with him?”Two things could be going on with Damon.First, he could be fake just like we have established that Eva was but I still couldn't understand how that was possible.Secondly, Damon could be himself and have been captured somehow by Byron but had decided to still protect me to the end… “How is he protecting you, Ama? He is literally accusing you of killing all those people and Kovan can't really save you if Damon continues. You might get killed, Ama.”Arla argued.Yes, Damon wasn't protecting me. He was giving me out in ways that the Damon I knew since way back wouldn't. The real Damon would never give me out or put me in danger no matter what the case may be. That Damon wasn't real.“She brought about the idea of saving the King’s mom herself
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103. Love And Law.
KING ARCHIE’S POVWhy does it have to be like this?Why does everyone have to stand against my happiness even though I was the King?Being a leader sucks.Just when I thought I had found a way to save Amanisa from the web she was tangled in, Byron brought about another way to snatch her from me… He was snatching my happiness and peace from me.There was no way I would see Byron in the same light anymore. Despite how confused I was, I was still certain Byron wasn’t as pure and loyal as I thought he was.There was no way he was doing all of this for me. He was ridiculing me in the presence of everyone here. He was making me look incapable.He was making my heart hurt.“He is opposing you and I wonder how much Amanisa knew about all of this.”Jay called my attention to the fact that Amanisa wasn't actually stunned to see or hear all that I have been seeing and hearing.Until now.Until Byron took threatening steps toward her, making my blood boil.“I have had enough, Jay. I can’t sit her
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104. Royal Prison
AMANISA’S POVLook at me.Take a look at the royal darkness that many had worshiped. Right there in the middle of a cold, lonely, and soul-draining hell hole.Take a look at me. Amanisa Isidora, sitting like a pitiful princess in distress in a place that was meant for criminals. Hardcore criminals.Take a look at me as I drift away in a dark, cold, killing, and suffocating cell room. I could see the spiders. The roaches. The slimy remains of dead rats and other irritating small pests. I could see them all.But after staying here for a night. I have learned to overlook and ignore everything in the cell except myself. I was locked up just like Byron, Violet, Ardin, and perhaps Sophie wanted. I was locked up. All alone. And since fate has always been against me, I felt sick in the guts. Like I would puke anytime soon.“This place is built to weaken Lycans, Ama. I am able to communicate with you because the energy here couldn't sense me.”Arla announced, making it known that it could ha
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105. Core Of Life
AMANISA’S POVIs she one of them?As in the healers?“What are you talking about?”I queried as Ava crouched, dropping the food tray in her arms and signaling that I should crouch too so I could eat before her time elapsed.“Say something, Ava.”I urged impatiently. I did hear her clearly but I couldn't digest her words. My twisted guts wouldn't let me.“I am sure you must have questioned my identity within yourself a couple of times in the past. I am certain you know that my aura differs from other werewolves. I am weak physically but not completely weak.”Ava began. She made me eat while she spoke and I gladly did that because I was hungry and thirsty. “My sister and I were born with mixed auras due to our parent's origin and identity. Eva had a strong aura because she inherited our father’s aura while I had a weak aura because I took after my Lywolf mom.”Ava announced. My jaw dropped and the crumbs of the bread I was eating fell off my mouth. She had a Lywolf mom? She and Eva? Th
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106. My Lover And My Mother
KING ARCHIE’S POVI was doing all I could… Perhaps I could have done more to get her out if my hands weren’t tied. I had no evidence to counter the ones that Byron had presented to the Lycans yesterday in my throne room.Those pieces of evidence were made up but I still haven’t been able to prove anything. “Please tell me you found something.”I said without hiding my frustrations from Curtis who had been doing everything to follow up on the clues Amanisa provided. “I still haven’t found anything that proves that Alpha Damon isn’t himself, My King. I have calculated his take-off time and arrival and also found the place he was captured by the Lycan Prince—”“What about my mom? What do we do to help her become herself? We can focus on her and use her to find ways to expose the fake Damon and the other female. That will make releasing Amanisa possible.”I interjected emotionally. Jay and I were worried about two women. My lover and my mother. Amanisa claimed that my mom wasn’t herself
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107. It Went South
KING ARCHIE’S POVI caught her before she could be grasped by pieces of broken glass.I caught her and held her despite the fact that she felt nothing like my mother. The fact remained that she was my mom. “Is anyone out there!”I barked as my mom’s eyes rolled, closing as life left them. She has lost consciousness and if Curtis was coming, he should make it now. He should arrive now before I lose my mind.“I am here, My King.”Byron.By fucking ron!Why not Curtis?Byron attempted to take more steps closer to my mom and me after he entered her sleeping chamber but I stopped him with one word.“Don’t!”My voice lacked friendliness and neither did I make him feel welcome. He has become a betrayal. A liar! “My King. Please let me help–”“Do not take another step towards her, Byron!” I sneered. “You have done more than enough.”Byron bowed his head but that didn't stop my anger from growing. He was the one that made me lock up the only person that could comfort me amidst this chaos. He
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108. Opportunity Of Murder
AMANISA’S POVWas this what misery felt like?The dizzy feeling. Blurry sight. Could that be misery?The draining effect in my guts. The emptiness and constant constriction of my heart. Could that be misery?Could the sad and bitter vile in my throat be symptoms of misery? Could I be dying like a pauper despite being born into the royal family? This has to be misery. Amanisa Isidora was miserable and to be honest, this misery was different from the forms and levels that I had to endure in the past.The ache in my chest was caused by something bigger than betrayal. It was caused by heartbreak. I couldn't believe that I was still locked behind bars after many hours. Kovan should have gotten me out by now. I trusted him too. And perhaps my trust would still be in him if he wasn't taking too much time and if I could still feel Arla’s presence in me. My Arla was gone. I didn't know when or how. She just suddenly stopped being present within me. She vanished like she was never there,
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109. Path To Your Death
AMANISA’S POV“Oww. look who is eager to die.”Violet cooed with a straight face. Her annoying face was making me sick to the point of feeling nauseous but I didn't puke... Not yet.If there was one thing Violet and I had in common at this moment, it would be the straight face and “could not be bothered” attitude that we showcased. That doesn't mean that I still wasn't in pain and that I wasn't breaking internally.“This will be your last chance, Murderer. Do your thing and stop wasting our time.”I retorted, holding my ground. Perhaps I should have kept my tongue in check. That might have saved me from getting struck across the face by my biggest rival and spiteful opponent, Violet.“Did you get stronger after killing your parents? Because that sure hurts like a bitch.”I uttered, maintaining eye contact with the Violet eyed bitch that thought slapping me would change the truth about her involvement in her parent's death.“I wish I could make you see death without killing you now.” V
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110. A Bigger Mess
KING ARCHIE’S POV“He still hasn't regained consciousness? You must have knocked his soul out of him.”Jay commented as I strolled into the basement of Curtis's home. Byron’s unconscious man couldn't be dragged to my quarters for safety and discretion reasons likewise the female Gamma who we saved from the clutches of death.“Welcome, My King.”The female Gamma greeted me as soon as I showed myself to her. She has been put in charge of guarding Byron’s unconscious man since she couldn't be seen outside by Byron and neither could Curtis nor I stay in the basement to keep watch.I was needed back at my mom’s quarters and Curtis had duties that were his responsibility.“What's your name?”I asked the female Gamma because I was tired of calling her “the female Gamma” each time I thought of her which has neem every minute since she was saved yesterday. “Kate, Your Majesty. My name is Kate and I will never be able to pay you back for saving my life–”“There is no payment needed, Kate. It's
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