All Chapters of Marked Against Her Will: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
110 Chapters
Chapter 101 – Pregnancy
“Oddly, I do feel different.”“In what way?”“I’m not sure. It’s just a feeling I get.”“Is it . . . a good feeling? Or not?”She smiled at his concern. “I think it’s something good. You don’t need to worry.”“Tell me if you feel anything different or unpleasant, alright?”“I will.”“What did you make for lunch?”With that, she set the table and they enjoyed the food she made.It was ten days later, when she woke up from a forgotten dream, that she felt something within her. It has become a habit, every morning, for her to touch her stomach and to feel for tiny heartbeats. This time, she was stunned as she clearly felt each beat. They were weak, but clear.Jared was woken up by the sudden surge in her emotions. He could clearly feel it, and he was momentarily confused, thinking it was his own.“What is it? What happened?” He was alert and ready to fight any second.She couldn’t say a word so she simply took his hand and placed it on her stomach. He was quick to understand her gesture.
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Chapter 102 – A Near Future
“It’s not about the baby. He loves you and he wants the baby as much as you do because he knew it would make you happy. I told him one other thing. Just like you, he probably didn’t believe me at first, but now that you’re pregnant, he must be thinking the other matter will also come to pass. It’s something he has already given up on, so he’s probably having a hard time accepting it again. He’ll come around. Just give him time and continue to support him. You two are made for each other. He needs you.”Polly was relieved to hear it, but she became curious, too. “What else did you tell him?”Luna pursed her lips. “It’s not my matter to say. You should hear it from him. I’m sure he would eventually tell you. Just wait a bit more. Don’t be hurt by his actions. He’s already struggling so just show him your support. You’ve done it before, right?”She gave Polly an encouraging smile and the woman was reminded by her words. Yes, she has done it before. Years ago, she told him to open up to h
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Chapter 103 – More Surprises
He sighed, holding her tighter, “I’m not. I’m sorry I made you worried.”“I thought you were upset that I finally got pregnant and that you didn’t really want to have a child.” She finally aired her complaint, wanting to hear his reassurance.He seemed surprise by her assumption, “How could that be? I want this child. I want to give you everything you want, anything that would make you happy.”He bent down and gave her a long kiss, which was exceptional.“I want you to name her.” She implored him after recovering her wits.“Me?”“Yes. Please?”Damn. He’s feeling more pressure from this task than the possibility of becoming an alpha.“Wait. Her? How do you know it’s a girl?” He raised an eyebrow and looked down at her stomach. That’s a pity. He wanted to have a boy, an heir.She grinned at his reaction and knew what he must be thinking. “Luna told me. Didn’t she tell you we’ll have another child after you become an alpha? That one will be a boy so you don’t need to worry about an heir.
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Chapter 104 – Not Quite The End
Jared was worried. He left his mate and their daughter home. Polly was sick and couldn’t come with him to the celebration. The Alpha King and Luna Queen will be officially recognized. He was reluctant to go but she convinced him that he must.“You’re an alpha now. Your presence is required.”When he didn’t look convinced, she added, “We’ll be fine here. Nothing would happen. Alex already confirmed that there are no more Lycans. No one would attack us while you’re gone. Besides, don’t you remember Luna’s words? We’ll have a son soon.”Her eyes twinkled, looking forward to having another child. She has waited for so long before they were blessed with one. The prospect of having another made her excited. She wanted to be a mother. She wanted them to have an actual family, complete with children.He sighed as he relented, “Fine. I’ll come back as soon as I can.”“I know. Try to have a little fun, Jared. The war is over. When you return, we’ll be able to focus on our own lives. I’d like to
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Chapter 105 – A Glimpse of the Future (1/5)
“You fucked up.”Polly stated from behind Jared as they watched their son walking away.He sighed before facing her. “What do you think I should’ve done?”“You could’ve told him much earlier.”“It’s not as if it was a secret. Everyone knew we meant for Janelle to take over as alpha.”“He’s still young. He might have heard but he might not have taken it seriously. Still, you haven’t properly discussed this with Janelle either, have you?”“I’m waiting until she’s of age.”“Shouldn’t you do it sooner? What if she declines? You would’ve made your son upset for no reason.”Jared grunted before sighing. “Would she?”“From my observation, I don’t think she’s quite interested.”He sighed again as Polly stood next to him.“He’s as mature as his sister. And I think she understands that as they grow older, she’ll be physically weaker than him.”His lip twitched. It’s true that he initially planned it that way because he wanted to be unconventional. He wanted to show that he doesn’t care if his h
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Chapter 106 – A Glimpse of the Future (2/5)
The thing is . . . the guy she likes is a year younger than her. She was nervous when her eighteenth birthday came, hoping she won’t feel a mate bond towards someone else. She was both relieved and disappointed when she felt nothing, though. If he was her mate, they’ll only know when he turns eighteen. And so, they continued their training.As his birthday loomed, she couldn’t help the trepidation she’s feeling. Still, they remained close and for his part, he was somewhat excited. He already told her when his exact birthday was, as if it was important that she needed to know.“What’s this about?” Janelle accepted his invitation to hang out. The Royal Pack has a dormitory for all visiting trainees, but this guy was a nephew of the reigning royals. He has a room of his own, which was twice as big as a regular room in Red Rogues.“Your room is nice.” She commented after looking around.Austin cleared his throat. “Tomorrow’s my birthday. I’m wondering if you would care to celebrate it wit
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Chapter 107 – A Glimpse of the Future (3/5)
A few years later, in the middle of the night . . .Xandra gasped as she woke up, her surroundings still shrouded in darkness. What is it? She asked in her head. She sniffed as she caught a faint scent in the air. It was faint but something she immediately recognized. Her mate! He’s here!She grinned as she hurried from her bed and went to her older sister’s room.“Kaia!” She shouted with much excitement.The older woman bolted from her bed and even managed to take out the knife she kept strapped on her thigh. Her expression was one of confusion, even so, she was ready to fight. “What?”“Do you still sleep with that thing? You’re inside the palace.”Kaia frowned, looked outside the window, and stepped off the bed. “What did you yell for?! The sun’s not even out yet!”Xandra jumped up and down in front of her. “My mate! He’s here!”“What?”“I can sense him! I think he just arrived!”Kaia grimaced. “Why are you excited? He might not even be someone you’ll like. Calm down!”Yeah, that se
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Chapter 108 – A Glimpse of the Future (4/5)
Xandra sat on her bed. She took a deep breath before closing her eyes and doing her best to locate him within the castle. She can’t mess up and link to a random person. She’d done that before and it was mortifying.She pictured his face in her mind and called for his name. Jordan. She called him three times before receiving a reply.He frowned when he heard someone calling him, but he’s currently alone in his room. He thought maybe someone was calling from outside the door. Also, it was a girl’s voice. What’s a girl doing in the men’s dormitory?“Who is it?” Frowning, he got up and went to open the door. He saw a couple of guys further down the hallway but that was it.As he closed the door, he heard her voice again.“It’s me, Xandra. You know who I am, don’t you?”“Xandra?” He gulped, unsure if he’s hallucinating or not. They’re not mated, so how can they have a link?“Hmm, you know who I am, right?” She badly wanted his answer to that.“The younger princess.”“And?”Jordan took a de
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Chapter 109 – A Glimpse of the Future (5/5)
She sheepishly told her parents what happened and she didn’t like the look her father was giving her.“He already told you that he’s having difficulty controlling himself and you still went to corner him? What were you thinking?”She pouted as she explained, “I just wanted to see for myself what exactly he’s going through.”Alex sighed. “What would you have done if he lost control? You should be thankful he managed to stop.”“Why is it my fault? It’s his responsibility to control himself.”“But you went to him, triggering the bond further. In that sense, it was your fault.”“Still, nothing really happened. I’m fine. Why is it that he’s strongly affected by the bond? The others I’ve seen weren’t.”This time, it was her mom who replied. “It’s different for everyone. You should be glad you’re not as affected as he was.”Xandra took a deep breath. “Fine. I understand.” She’d seen it for herself, so what else can she say? She also became curious. Why is it that he’s feeling more compared t
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Chapter 110 – The End
The alpha king audibly sighed in exasperation. These kids! Why don’t they listen?Thankfully, Jordan didn’t react negatively. In a way, he felt relieved that he could tolerate her proximity now. He managed a smile, which she promptly returned. He looked more handsome when he smiles!When the guy Alex called showed up, Jordan tensed up again.“Just stay there for now. We’re doing an experiment.” Alex instructed.“Alright.”“You’re not looking at him.” Alex noted, wondering why the boy would display aggression.Jordan grunted, “I could very well imagine him looking this way. At her.”Alex sighed. So, the potion worked for his possessive tendencies, but not for aggression.Through the mind-link, Alex asked the other boy to move closer. Jordan growled in warning and Alex told the boy to go, thanking him for his participation.“Were you like this yesterday? It’s a wonder you haven’t brawled with anyone yet.”“The training helped in distracting me. Right now, there’s nothing to distract me.”
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