Semua Bab The Alpha King's Mistress: Bab 121 - Bab 130
139 Bab
Chapter 122: The Call
After a few hours, finally, sleep decided to visit me. I lay curled on the cold stone floor. But just as the edges of consciousness began to blur, a familiar scent pierced the stale air – a blend of cedarwood and sandalwood, a scent that sent a jolt through my body.Nicholas.I squeezed my eyes shut, willing it to be a figment of my tortured imagination. But the sound of approaching footsteps, heavy and deliberate, shattered the illusion. It was then his voice that confirmed it was not my imagination.“Are you asleep?”I opened my eyes and instantly sat upright, staring at him. “W-what are you doing here?” I asked, stunned.He stopped in the cell opposite mine, leaning to the bars. The clinking of the bottle held the only sound room. He sat on the floor casually clad in casual sweatpants and a t-shirt. My gaze landed on the bottle in his hand, half-empty and held with a loose grip."Couldn't sleep," he confessed, his voice tired, "Couldn't stop thinking."I bite my lip to stop the te
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Chapter 123: The Letter
The sound of approaching footsteps broke the suffocating silence of the cell. My heart leaped, hope forming in my chest. It has been 2 days since he visited me. Maybe it was Nicholas, maybe he'd finally come back for me. But as the figure rounded the corner, the overly sweet familiar scent, my breath hitched in my throat – Samantha. As if on cue, she materialized in jeans and a simple shirt paired with a pink blazer. "Samantha?" I croaked, my voice rusty from disuse. "What are you doing here?" She stood a few feet away, her face unreadable in the dim light coming from the lamp. "Visiting," she mumbled. A heavy silence descended upon us. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Samantha spoke again. "I’m sorry…..for how our mother abandoned you." I stared at her, speechless. An apology? From Samantha? Maybe my expression showed what I truly felt about her sudden apology because she continued. "I…" she began, then faltered. "I don't like you, Florence. I never have
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Chapter 124: A Note??
My head throbbed against the cold bars, a dull ache mirroring the one that had settled permanently in my chest. It's been three days since I received that letter from my father and that hollowness in my heart still lingers. Fatigue clung to me like a second skin, and peering at the face staring back from the bars, I barely recognized the woman with swollen eyes and lifeless hair. A metallic clang echoed through the corridor, jolting me from my weary daze. The heavy metal door groaned open, revealing an unfamiliar woman with red hair. She was new. The woman was oddly familiar. Ah right. She was the woman I saw in the hallway the night when the incident with Agares happened. The woman looked at me, meeting my eyes for a second before averting her gaze. Without a word or even a flicker of acknowledgment, she put a metal tray through the small gate at the base of the door. At least these days, I am now eating 3 times a day. I didn't know what happened but I was thankful for i
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Chapter 125: Surprise Package
Nicholas's POV The rising sun bathed the pack gates in a golden glow as I stood ramrod straight, eyes scanning the path ahead for any sign of the approaching vehicle. Today was the day the 'package' arrived. A shifter delivery man, I was expecting. Behind me, a line of trusted faces – Isaac, Gayle, Layla, Clifford, and some of our strongest warriors – stood resolute. The distant rumble of an engine shattered the morning silence, growing louder until a lone jeep materialized on the dusty road. A plume of red earth erupted as it braked to a halt just outside the gates. A frown creased my brow. No one emerged. "Open the door," I barked at the unseen driver. Seconds ticked by, agonizingly slow before a car door creaked open. The crunch of footsteps on gravel followed. I tensed, muscles coiled like a predator ready to spring. A figure emerged from the dust cloud, and the breath caught in my throat. Alpha Percival, the leader of the Silvermoon Pack, stood there, older than I r
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Chapter 126: Set Things Right
"That," he said, his voice low, "holds all the evidence Florence has gathered. The password is 253675." Intrigue gripped me. A password-protected briefcase? Florence was more cautious than I thought. "She shared all of this with you?" I questioned skeptically, examining the briefcase. "She left a note with passwords for all her things. She believed it would be beneficial for someone to open the safes and vaults after her death to reveal everything." My brows knitted together at the last part. "Quite forward-thinking," I said sharply instead. Percival leaned back in his chair, a contemplative gleam in his eyes. "Florence always planned ahead, but perhaps not this time. She trusted us. She was a smart, unassuming girl who just sought care from people. Keith took advantage of her. I'm ready to face the consequences, but I request leniency for my son. He was young and merely followed my orders." "Why take such a risk for Florence?" I couldn't help but inquire. "I see her
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Chapter 127: Ends Here
Percival’s POV After spending a few hours in a spacious room, my son Quinn and I found ourselves trailing behind Isaac, the stoic Gamma of the Moonstone Pack, down a musty hallway that reeked of damp stone and urine. This dungeon was a far cry from what I was used to. "Wow, this place is positively charming," Quinn quipped, his voice bouncing off the stone walls. "Think they rent it out for children's birthday parties?" I sighed, choosing to ignore his sarcasm, hoping he'd rein it in. He tended to get flippant when he was annoyed. Thankfully, Isaac paid him no mind, his focus fixed on the path ahead. Earlier, he'd confiscated all our electronic devices and given us a thorough pat-down. "Remember," Isaac's voice, lacking any warmth, broke the tense silence, "the prisoner is off-limits. No physical contact. Any violation will be met with swift and severe consequences." I nodded, not surprised by the strict rules. A pang of worry gnawed at me. How would Florence react to s
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Chapter 128: Surprise Reconcilation?
Florence's POV The days blurred together since my last conversation with Sonya and the encounter with Percival and Quinn. Each passing day was etched onto the rough stone wall, a makeshift calendar marking my time in this wretched prison. Five became six, then seven. Each tick felt like an eternity, my worry and concern mounting with each passing moment. Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by a sound I hadn't heard in days—the approaching footsteps. The creak of the rusty hinges filled the air. I braced myself, expecting the usual guards, perhaps even Nicholas himself. But the faces that greeted me were a surprise. Clifford stood at the forefront, his usually stoic expression tinged with an unfamiliar emotion. Beside him stood Isaac, his face inscrutable. But it was the two figures at the back that truly shocked me—Layla, her dark hair pulled back in a tight braid, and Gayle, her fierce eyes softened with something akin to regret. Shock rendered me speechless. What we
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Chapter 129: Talk, Talk
Florence's POV My jaw slacked as the heavy iron gate creaked open, revealing Nicholas on the other side. He wasn't dressed in his usual regal attire, but in simple brown trousers and a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal toned forearms. In his hands, he carried a small, foldable table and a wicker basket overflowing with what looked like… food. His intoxicating scent quickly filled the room. This couldn't be real. Sunlight streamed through the barred window, illuminating the spread he was setting up on the table. There were even flowers – delicate white lilies – in a crystal vase. Even though my prison cell doesn't stink and is only filled with dust, I didn't think he would come here to…eat. "Nicholas?” I asked in disbelief. “What the hell are you doing here?” He straightened, his gaze locking onto mine. He gestured to the makeshift table. "My wolf seems restless. Mates are supposed to meet, are they not?" Mate. The word felt foreign on my tongue, a cruel jok
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Chapter 130: The Festival
Nicholas’s POV Through the office's window, I looked outside. The aroma of grilled meats and sweet pastries instantly filled the air while the lively melody competed with the lively chatter of the pack. Long tables stretched across the training grounds, filled with goods mostly meat. Lanterns adorned with intricate paper cuttings. The Moon Festival was in full swing. It is a festival that only Lycans do to look back on the time the Moon Goddess made our kind—Lycans. I stepped away from the window, pulling down the blinds. I craned my neck as exhaustion gnawed at my bones. The past few days had been a series of meetings. Coordinating with teams hunting rogue Council members, tracking down Keith's remaining experiments, and issuing orders to the packs who'd agreed to help capture them. It was a global game of cat and mouse, fueled by Florence's intel about Keith's hidden facilities. I had just showered and honestly, a refreshing shower had offered me a little relaxation whil
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Chapter 131: Attack
Florence’s POV A few minutes ago……. The loud joyous sounds outside drifted into the dungeon, making me sign for the nth time. My nerves were high and all of my senses were heightened since the letter that Keith delivered to me was about this day—The Moon Festival. It is said he prepared something for me to escape. I hope Nicholas and everyone were prepared for whatever was going to happen. I rubbed my temple to loosen some tension in my shoulders when my senses detected a loud thud from the distance followed by quick and light footsteps. I snapped my head in the direction where the metal door in the prison cell room was built. My heart is racing in anticipation. The creaking of the heavy dungeon door drew my attention, and I immediately smelled the scent of faint spices. I raised a brow, expecting the woman. Olga appeared and walked toward me with a knowing look in her eyes. “Get ready, we're leaving now” she unemotionally demanded, looking back to the door while he starte
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