All Chapters of The alpha's chosen - Crow Island: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
60 Chapters
Chapter 11
I was still in the crosshairs of that dark and intense gaze. I couldn't tell if Commander John Chase could see in my eyes, in the half-light of the room, the horror and shame that now filled my thoughts and heart, and if he could, what did it do to him?He took a deep breath." Don't you know what to say, princess?" asked Chase.I sighed in the face of the inevitable." How can I look into your eyes without seeing the blood you have spilled?"" And who did I spill this blood for?" asked the commander.His question was completely unfair, I didn't ask anyone to fight for my hand." How dare you try to put this blood on my hands? You killed for power!" I shouted at him.Suddenly, his hands pushed me backwards onto the bed, his weight crushed me on it, I gasped for breath, but then his mouth claimed mine again. This time more aggressively, his hands went inside my dress and that drew a horrified scream from me, would he really do that?I tried to resist, trying to turn my face away from hi
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Chapter 12
I tried to struggle against him, but Chase was too strong." Stop trying to get out! Look at me!" he shouted and that made me freeze, there was that danger energy coming from him again, a real, palpable danger.I froze and stared at him, feeling my face flood with tears, his expression before was one of anger, but when I looked at him, it softened. His grip on my wrists lessened enough that it seemed as if he was just touching me there, then he lowered his hand and waved it in front of my face.It was wrapped in a white linen bandage, he untied the cloth revealing a cut on his palm. A cut deep enough to... It can't be..." The blood on the sheet is from my hand." he confirmed my suspicions.John Chase got up off me and sat down on the couch, his gaze still on me as he rewrapped the bandage." Nothing happened yesterday, but that doesn't mean they would think so. Most likely your maids would think you weren't pure when you married, I did it so as not to have rumors about your honor."
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Chapter 13
I woke up with John Chase shaking me gently. When I opened my eyes I realized that he was tense, and looked around for any sign that it was morning, but in that windowless room it was hard to tell." I asked him, but he was already standing, looking at the door."He brought a finger to his lips, giving me a clear signal of silence, then walked slowly to the door, squinted his eyes, and then someone kicked the door in.John Chase was thrown away, he crashed into the wall of the room. When I looked at the figure in the doorway, responsible for this, I screamed. My whole being screamed, and I couldn't believe my own eyes.A giant creature was standing in the doorway, and it was just as the legends described, huge red eyes, with giant fangs capable of tearing through anything, and claws sharper than swords. He was tall and muscular, although his body was covered with hair and he had a completely animal-like appearance, he stood upright exactly like a human being, and when he looked at me,
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Chapter 14
The horses were all in the stable. I ran to the nearest one and pulled him up and mounted him, as he climbed on, I squeezed my legs and made him run as fast as I could.It was still early in the morning and I chose a road that would take me to Riviera. The lands of Duke Charles Edwards, was closer than the capital and the Palace, and he had men, warriors, surely after I told my story, they would protect the princess.As I rode into the first lights of sunrise I thought about everything that had happened. How was I going to tell that I had been attacked by a werewolf and that I had possibly married a supernatural creature? Duke Charles was not the least bit superstitious, he would probably think I was running away from my husband out of futility. Men were all the same!But I could prove what I was saying.I remembered the inn full of shattered soldiers, all I had to do was say that I had been attacked and ask them to send men to look for survivors, then they would have proof that somet
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Chapter 15
Daniel put me on his own horse and led me toward the manor house, the ride was quick and I didn't say much, I was still in shock over the man he had killed right in front of me, I tried to conjure up memories of the summers I spent here on the Riviera, of Daniel skinny and several inches shorter than me, that Daniel would vomit at the thought of killing a man for an insult, I wished he would have just punched the man, but to take his life? And the quiet way he had done was chilling. When we arrived at the Edwards' estate Daniel got off his horse and soon after pulled me by the waist holding me down, I looked at the huge building painted with dark green and white details, the Duke's house was always very impressive, as soon as we climbed the steps of the balcony the servants came to meet us, when they saw me they widened their eyes unable to hide their surprise. " Show your respect, you are standing before Her Royal Highness, Princess Helena of Lancaster House." The servant
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Chapter 16
I sat at the table looking at the dinner, but I didn't feel hungry. I got up and then lay down again, rolled from side to side until I finally fell asleep.I had been isolated in my room for three days, I had asked one of the servants for wine while she brought the meals, and my request had been granted. Her name was Liz, the redhead from the first time.I spent these days getting drunk so that I could close my eyes without seeing those shattered bodies, without seeing that terrible werewolf, and even that guard that Daniel had killed in front of me. On the fourth day I woke up and decided not to drink, took a shower and got dressed, then went to talk to Daniel about an escort back to the palace. He was in the stables tending to his horse, but he also intended to speak the truth.When he saw me entering the stables, he immediately turned to me." Daniel, we need to talk." I said, stepping closer.I was going to tell the truth, even if it didn't make any sense. I couldn't be responsibl
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Chapter 17
When my gaze landed on the commander sitting relaxed on the window sill, my heart flooded with relief, because that dangerous energy emanating from Daniel, warning me to run away from him, was now dissipating considerably. In its place, however, I felt a hostility from both men, although the commander displayed a relaxed smile, the hostility I felt from him was almost suffocating, it was like a shadow stretching across the room, whose only target was Daniel." Commander! " I exclaimed, standing up unable to hide the relief in my voice.Chase didn't answer me, just gave me a quick glance and turned back to face the Duke." How the hell are you here? We're on the second floor!" The Duke stood up too, his posture was tense, his eyes red, and now it was obvious that he had been drinking heavily.Chase settled himself on the ledge and crossed his arms, took a deep breath and replied:" I'm not sure it's appropriate for the Duke to be in a married woman's bedroom in the middle of the night."
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Chapter 18
I took a deep breath and moved closer to Chase, he had finally stopped laughing, and a silence settled between us, and when I sat down beside him on the bed I suddenly remembered when he'd warmed me at the inn, how kind it had been, and when I looked into his eyes I regretted that those eyes belonged to Cristhofer's murderer, because they were eyes so deeply beautiful, like a night sea, full of secrets. " I know you are scared and shocked." he started, but I interrupted him with a finger on his lips, when I did this I realized how intimate it was, and quickly took the finger away, when he had done it to mine it seemed too natural, but I had never been silenced like that, much less silenced someone like that. " Why did that werewolf attack us?" I asked. " Either you are born an Alpha, or you become one, the second option is to kill an Alpha, so wherever I go I am a target." I looked into his dark eyes and wondered which of the two options had made him an alpha, birth or killing, bu
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Chapter 19
When we arrived at the stables Chase quickly caught up with a horse that seemed to be very fast, he easily threw me on top of the animal and then climbed on top, he pressed me against him and made the animal start to run, we dashed out of the stable into the cold of the night, even after we got away from the estate you could see the brightness of the torches in the sky, the number of them scared me, and their annoyed shouts could be heard even at a distance, then the sound of swords cut the air, I shuddered when I looked back and saw that a battle between the duke's men and the heathens had begun. " We must go back! There are too many of them, Daniel will die!" " I'm not that lucky, princess." I turned on the horse and elbowed him, or at least tried to, but he held my arm and the horse suddenly stopped, he neighed and reared up madly on his hind legs, with that movement we both fell off the horse, I would have been badly hurt had it not been for the commander holding me up and absor
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Chapter 20
When the healer left, I pondered his words until a maid came in and cleaned up the mess. Then another one came in and left a bowl of soup, the latter helped me to take a bath and took me to another cabin. It was invigorating to wash off all the dirt of the trip, and the blood of those men on the road.After this, she took me back to my own cabin, and then I began to think.I was on my way to my new home, the Island where the ruler was a man I did not completely trust. I lay in bed for a few more hours, and as Mr. Carter had said, the tea calmed my stomach. Then I sat up in bed for a few minutes and looked out the window, we were on the high seas and the sun was setting. I looked at the untouched plate, I wasn't hungry.I went back to bed and again the door opened. I didn't turn to look, imagining it was a maid coming to get the tray of food, I only realized it wasn't a maid when I felt the bed sink under its weight.When I turned my face to face Commander Chase, he had his hand outst
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