All Chapters of Fell In Love With My Roomy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
148 Chapters
Life is so good right now; I feel like I'm cheating at it somehow. I've been sleeping in the same bed as Kent for three days now, whether it's his room or my room, I couldn't care less, I just get him. No more dorm bed and sleepless tossing because I forgot to call, just him and me. This morning, we're in mine, my schedule's changed this term, and I only have four courses to keep track of to give me time for my honors. On Fridays, I have no classes, and today is my first glorious Friday of the new term with Kent beside me. He's tangled in my bedsheets, sprawled out like he's sleeping in my bed alone. I usually sleep in a ball anyway so it works out, yet another thing that couldn't be more different between us but that works anyway. His hair's getting long, so long that it hangs down in his eyes. He's got such nice eyelashes too; they fan over his cheeks while he sleeps. The other thing I've really gotten used to is his snoring. It's not loud but it's noticeable, sometimes it's lik
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The moment is completely ruined when I hear a loud knock on the door, and Kent freezes as I pull the blankets over our bodies. "Guys! We discussed this, no loud noises while Kyle and I are here, it's inappropriate!" Mark's voice comes from the other side, and my face turns red with embarrassment. "If you don't like it, leave!" Kent shouts back. "You don't seem to mind when your headboard hits the wall and the noise when you bring your girls over!" "You all don't know those girls, it's disgusting!" He shouts. "I-I'm sorry, Mark!" I respond, wishing I could disappear. "I thought you were in class!" "Just please don't do that again!" He calls and walks back down the hall while I bury my face in the mattress. "Kill me," I mutter. "Please, just kill me." "It's not that bad," he whispers, and I feel a sense of dread inside me. "I didn't think anyone was home." "Me neither," he chuckles. "It was just a sound or two; you were in the middle of it." I understand Mark's discomfort; it w
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The atmosphere in the kitchen is incredibly tense, and you could cut the tension with a knife. I feel a lump rising in my throat, and I press my lips together. Kent's reassuring hand moves up my back to my shoulder blades, and I sigh, attempting to relax. "Kent," Piper begins, clapping her hands together. "Is there... some reason you're holding onto Juls like that? Is she already that intoxicated?" She asks in a mean, condescending manner, and Kent squeezes my shoulder. "Juls is my girlfriend," he responds without hesitation, and her eyes nearly roll back into her head. I half-expect her to become possessed, climb the walls, and have her head spin in a circle. That's a bit of an exaggeration, but I do notice her eye twitch. Not a lot, just twice, as her right eye betrays her while her mouth tries to maintain its unflinching smile. It's not working. "I'm sorry; I think I just hallucinated. Did you say she's... she's..." "She's my girlfriend," he repeats calmly, and this time her sm
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I expect his emotions to be evident; they were quite strong last time when he confessed that they'd been in that situation but that he'd never gone through with it. However, he looks confused, as if he can't recall it at all, and now I'm starting to get concerned. "I don't know what you're trying to pull, but we never did anything that night," he says in a low, dangerous tone. "I don't appreciate you causing all this chaos and telling lies." "No, Kent, a lie would be untrue," she says, opening her phone again, and I blink. She displays a picture that nearly makes me sick: it's him behind her in bed, both of them on their knees, his face pressed into her neck, and I feel tears welling up in my eyes. What's worse, I can see everything; she's done nothing to cover her body in this photo. "You took a picture?" I ask angrily. That's a major breach of trust for her. "I have a nice camera in a plug on my wall," she smiles, and I step away from Kent, feeling annoyed. We were supposed to b
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"I may have gone a bit too far with the punch, but she truly deserved it. When I returned, she was nowhere to be seen, and Chloe was the only one left from their group. That's when Abby told me she made them leave." "She was so mean, and I had had enough of her causing trouble," she whispered, and I couldn't help but agree. Kent handed me another beer, trying to downplay how tough the night had been already. He kept his hand on my hip or back, showing everyone that we were together. The word will spread in the next few days, but I don't care. Everything was going well until Chase showed up in the kitchen for the first time all night. He seemed to pause when he saw me, looking confused, stressed, but also amazed all at the same time. Then it was tinged with sadness when he realized I was with Kent. Chase had genuine feelings for me in the past, albeit at an inconvenient time. I felt bad for him finding out this way. "I should talk to him," I mumbled, and Kent held onto my arm. I u
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He grabs my waist, and I gently rock against him, feeling that bulge in his boxers grow larger. I feel antsy; things are getting hot way too fast. This is different than the other sex we've had; it's less about love, more about sex. But knowing there are feelings woven into it is more than enough for me. I slide my hand between us and reach into his boxers, setting him free and running my hand up and down his length. He groans and moves his hands to the front of my body, cupping my breasts and deepening our kiss. "I need you," I whisper, and he nods, reaching down to pull my underwear aside. His hand slips down and gently traces his fingers over me. It's not enough; I don't want gentle right now. I push up on my knees and slowly settle over him, feeling him deep inside of me, and I nearly scream, managing to keep it to a short moan. He curses, and his jaw hardens, hands holding onto my butt firmly. I rest my forehead on his and grip his headboard, slowly starting to move over him.
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Here I am, packing another suitcase for New York. Maybe I should have lied to get out of this, told him I would have preferred his parents to come here. But he would have hated that more than the trip. Kent's parents being anywhere near Brown and his life here made him angry, and I could understand why. I have to suck this up. We're on good terms, things are great between us, and it's time to rip off the last band-aid in our relationship. Besides, it can't be any more of a disaster than when we told Piper. I have a simple carry-on suitcase and my backpack. It's only three days, including this one, so I don't need to pack a whole lot. I zip everything shut and wheel my suitcase out to the main room, going to double-check that my Gravol is in a secure place in my backpack. Mark is at the dining room table doing some work, and I sigh, putting on my sneakers. "You two heading out?" He asks, and I nod quietly. "Can't believe he wants you to meet his parents. I've only met his mom once
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"For the past two weeks, our sex life had been almost too much for me. It was fun and nice, and in a lot of ways, it was love, but it had ramped up dramatically." "Because I love you," he answers quietly. "I think you're hot, it feels good, I like watching you-" "Oh my god," I mumble, shoving him slightly, and he laughs. I feel my cheeks turn pink and I clear my throat. "You're really too much for me." I'd never been in a relationship where sex had become such a normal part of it. When I dated in high school, sex was something I did every once in a while. It wasn't anywhere near as often as Kent and I were doing it. "You know there's nothing wrong with us, right? Couples have sex," he shrugs, and I clear my throat. "I know there's not," I whisper. "We're so not having this conversation." I amend a second later, moving around him to get back to the fridge in search of a bell pepper. He's not having it, though, picking me up and sitting me on the island. "Kent! Just let me." "Why a
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I feel light and airy while we eat dinner in the small sitting room off the foyer. I refused to eat it in the grand dining spaces surrounding the kitchen because those felt completely cold and uninviting. Kent, of course, agreed and smiled, letting me choose the spot. Our early dinner was steak with roasted potatoes and green vegetables. Incredibly boring as a dish, but delicious in taste. Whoever had made it certainly seemed to know what they were doing. "Did you want a glass of wine with dinner?" He asks, breaking me from my enjoyment of our food. "I'm alright with my water!" I whisper, and he shrugs. "Just offering," he suggests, and I smile briefly. This playful look passed between us every now and then, it continued to make my cheeks flush every time. "Is it good?" He asks, and I smile. "Delicious," I assure him, and he nods, reaching across the table for my hand. I place it in his, feeling warmth tingle through my palm. "Mark finally seems like he's getting used to us," I
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I turn on the taps over the bath, letting nice warm water run into it. I add some body wash left on the side rail of the tub along with more neutral bath essentials. It was always ready for someone to drop by and stay. I go back out to grab my toiletries out of my suitcase, and I smile, seeing Kent in the corner on his laptop. It was in moments like this when I could really overdo it and see us together for a really long time; I wanted moments like this forever. I give him a brief wave, blowing him a kiss, and then I head back to the bathroom. I rest the door on its latch and pull off my clothes, looking at the inviting bathwater. I take off my jewelry and tie my hair up in a loose bun this time, walking over and turning off the water. I test it out with my hand, and I grin at how nice it seems. Then I walk over and dim the lights, hurrying back over to the tub, easily settling into the warm water and laying my head back on the bath pillow. I couldn't believe how well stocked this
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