All Chapters of The Alpha's Wrath: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
145 Chapters
The door pushed open and Shastina walled in, her heart banging heavily on her chest, pitching her fingernails anxiously. "Your Highness” She bowed and greeted while Queen Nneka, watching through the window, turned and faced her. “My answer” She went straight to the point without bothering to acknowledge her greetings. “Your Highness, I haven't been able to find out the person beneath the mask” Shastina stated, although she knows Nneka would never believe in her lies, she was as smart even back then in their community. “And you expect me to believe your lies” Nneka states, and she bursts into devilish laughter. “I didn't…” A sudden strike landed on her cheeks before she could finish with the sentences, Shastina's hands moved to her cheeks, she tilted her head and her deadly gaze glaring at Nneka, she has to control her temper, she could have pinned her to her wall due to her nasty temper, but she tried breathing in and out to calm herself down. “I heard about your nasty temper, yo
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Hundred and one
In the evening, after Aurora finished with her duties, she was in her bedroom brushing her hair, and humming to her favorite song.Today is one of her best days in life, having King Malik agree to her requests. She wanted to use tonight to carve a good imprint into the king's heart, hoping he would never forget her name, even though she might leave the palace soon.Dancing, brushing her hair, and humming, the door slammed open and Morena walked in."Morena" She called, looking back with a smile on her face, making it obvious that she was happy indeed.“The king ordered me to give you this and wear it when coming, and he requested your presence at the meeting spot you agreed” She informed her with a concerned smile, she was feeling concerned for her, knowing about her feelings for the king, although she knows the king felt the same way even though he didn't want to accept it.This is the first time she will hear the king asking her to give a woman a necklace, although it's their respon
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Hundred and two
The king felt a strange sense of comfort as Aurora's hand rested on his back. He turned to face her, noticing the concern etched on her face. Her eyes held a warmth that he couldn't help but appreciate.They continued walking around the garden, the king felt a sense of ease and comfort in Aurora's presence. The moon was full, casting a soft glow over the flowers and trees, and the air was cool and refreshing.“Tonight is so beautiful,” Aurora said softly. “It's a shame that moments like this are so rare.”The king nodded in agreement. “I know. That's why I came out tonight's”Aurora smiled, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight, she was happy that the king decided to spend it with her.“Thank you, your Majesty” Aurora uttered silently, making the king p his feet and look at her.“What for? He asked.“For spending it with me,” Aurora said, and the king didn't say anything, he didn't get angry for calling him Your Majesty instead of my lord, this all made Aurora's cheeks redden and she co
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One hundred and three
Aurora walked along the dimly lit hallway, her mind filled with thoughts of Nneka 's strange behavior and the possibility of Xena discovering her secret. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off, that she was walking into a trap. She quickened her pace, eager to get to the maid quarter and away from the prying eyes of the palace.As she reached the door, Aurora paused and took a deep breath, hoping all the maids had slept, especially the trouble maker among them, Shastina. She likes stepping on her toes even when Aurora knows her secrets—Both know each other's weaknesses.Aurora knew that she couldn't let her guard down, not even for a moment. She had to find out if Xena had really discovered her identity, and if so, what her next move would be.She entered the room and the flickering candlelight cast shadows across the walls. Aurora found her way among the maids sleeping on this mat until she reached her mat and settled on it, then she closed her eyes, taking a momen
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One hundred and four
Alpha Malik strode into the throne room, his regal figure towering over the ministers who quickly fell silent, their gazes dropping to the floor. Despite the smile on his face, his aura exuded a sense of danger that made them uneasy–Knowing the meaning whenever a smile curled up his lips.Taking his seat on the throne, he gestured to his right-hand man, Jaguars, to bring forth the messages and petitions. As he perused them, he occasionally muttered to himself, nodding in agreement or frowning in displeasure.Finally, he looked up and addressed the room. "Are there any matters that require my immediate attention?"One of the ministers stepped forward, bowing deeply before addressing the king. "Your Majesty, the people are growing restless. They demand an heir from the Queen, but she has not yet borne you a child, nor have any of the concubines."Alpha Malik's smile faltered, and his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "And what do you suggest we do about it?"The minister hesitated, knowing th
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One hundred and five
Morena didn't waste any time. She quickly picked up her treatment tools and rushed out from her infirmary, not caring about the people who greeted her on the way. Her only thought was to reach the king's chamber and attend to him as quickly as possible.She had always admired and loved the king, and his late mother had saved her life, which made her feel indebted to their family.As she walked, her heart raced with worry. She couldn't bear the thought of the king suffering again. He was a good man, and she felt a sense of loyalty to him, not just because of his mother's kindness to her in the past but also because of the kind of person he was.She couldn't help but feel emotional. The king was more than just a patient to her; he was like family. She wished she could do more to help him and take away his pain.Moreover, she couldn't bear to see a good man like the king suffer due to the treachery of others. Morena often wished she could leave and search for someone important in her lif
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One hundred and six
King Louis strode into the meeting room, his ministers bowing low as he took his seat at the head of the long table. His daughter, Princess Daisy, followed behind him, her presence causing a palpable tension in the air.The ministers greeted the king with forced smiles, but their eyes flicked nervously to Daisy."Your Majesty," one of the ministers spoke up, "may we begin?"King Louis nodded and turned to Daisy. "Tell us, my daughter, what challenges face our people?"Daisy cleared her throat and began to speak. She talked of how germs were devastating the crops, and how bandits were stealing the harvests. As she spoke, murmurs of discontent began to rise from the ministers.King Louis slammed his fist on the table. "Silence!" he barked. "This is a matter of utmost importance! Show respect for your future queen!"The ministers cowed, but Minister Lucas spoke up. "Your Majesty," he said, "Princess Daisy is not yet our crown princess. The ministers have not yet agreed on it."The room f
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One hundred and seven
The sound of pounding herbs filled the air as Morena worked on her latest concoction inside the clinic. Aurora sat on a wooden stool beside her, watching her work with a smile on her face."So, Morena, tell me," Aurora started, breaking the silence. "Do you use the infertility drugs for the women in the kingdom?"Morena stopped pounding for a moment, looking up at Aurora with a small nod. "Yes, I do. I'm currently pounding another batch inside the mortar."Aurora raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Wow, you're always working so hard to help your Queen and put the other women in a problem. Moreover, how do you ensure that the infertility medicine won't affect them for the rest of their life"Morena smiled, happy to share her knowledge with Aurora. ". I use an antidote once a week to counteract any negative effects of the medicine. Since you expressed your concern last time, I considered it. Even though they can't get pregnant now, it won't affect their fertility in the future when the Quee
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One hundred and Eight
Jeanne sauntered into Nneka's chamber, after Nneka asked her to comes in.Her eyes traveled around the room, her mouth parted in awe, seeing how beautiful her room was more than her friend, she scoffed and muttered inwardly that everything will soon ends."Mother of the country," Jeanne said with a respectful bow, "Concubine Xena requests your presence in her chambers. She needs your assistance."Nneka felt a wave of indignation wash over her. How dare Jeanne, Concubine Xena's bed friend, demand her presence like this? She thought inwardly She bristled at the condescending tone, but she couldn't refuse a request from a concubine since she had always portrayed a good queen in front of everyone."Of course," she said through gritted teeth. "Lead the way."Jeanne nodded. "Thank you, Nneka. Xena needs your help, and I'm sure she will be grateful for your presence."As they made their way through the palace, Jeanne maintained her polite demeanor but Nneka could sense something off about h
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One hundred and Nine
Jeanne burst into the clinic with Xena in her arms, followed closely by Nneka.Morena, the healer, looked up from her work and her eyes widened in alarm at the sight of the unconscious Xena.“Quickly, lay her down here,” Morena instructed, pointing to a nearby bed. “I'll take care of her.”Jeanne gently placed Xena on the bed as Morena went to work, checking Xena's pulse and feeling her forehead. Morena's eyes widened in shock as she tested Xena and confirmed that she had lost her pregnancy.Morena's mind raced as she tried to imagine how it could have happened.Queen Nneka had tasked her with administering infertility medicine to the palace women to prevent any heirs from being born. Had she made a mistake? Has someone else interfered? The possibilities raced through her mind as she worked to save Xena's life.Morena's mind raced as she examined Xena. She couldn't help but wonder if the infertility medicine and the antidote she had prepared had caused this. She clenched her fists tig
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