All Chapters of Love Happens ( Her Only Weakness): Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
111 Chapters
Episode Twenty-one
Taking a gander at the wildness in Ethan's eyes, Henry was somewhat bothered and briskly got up to get into his shirt.Then, at this point, he rushed to the following room to inform his mother. Truth be told , his mother was at this point alert when Ethan came in and had an argument with Henry. At the point when she heard them argue, she disregarded it. She thought her son would handily drive Ethan away. However, a couple of moments later, Henry arrived in a rush. "Mother, get up fast. Ethan called the security officer to drive us out!" Carolyn was stunned and got up quickly to get into her flip-flops She had recently placed on her flip-flops when she heard the sound of rushed strides outside. The cook said boisterously downstairs "Is everything alright? Who requested for you? Master is not around" "I did!" Ethan remained in the passage and peered down at the security officers. "How about you come up? I wasn't at home for a couple of days and returned to find two outsiders
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Episode Twenty-two
Ethan hung tight for close to 60 minutes in the diamond store. A few staffs took amplifying glasses and painstakingly concentrated on his gems individually. At long last, they wrapped up. "These gems are genuine. I will inform our supervisor right away. Sir, what is your assessed cost?" "Obviously a 200000 bucks. What do you think the greatest cost be offered?" "We should ask our supervisor first and afterward make an offer for you. Kindly sit tight briefly, Sir." Under twenty minutes, the secretary came back again. "Sir, our supervisor said that he would pay Two hundred million bucks for your gems" "200,000,000?" Ethan was shocked. He thought that he heard it wrongly. The secretary said it again. Ethan was stunned. "Could it be said that you are certain you heard your supervisor well? This is certainly not a brand new jewelry. It has been wore by my mother on several occasions. " "It doesn't change anything. " The secretary answered genuinely. "Large numbers of your Je
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Episode Twenty-three
After making a call, Henry and his mother kept on waiting in the cafe. However, Hudson didn't come after they waited for north of two and half hour. Carolyn called Hudson again, however his telephone was switched off. Carolyn turned so angry and tossed the telephone out. Seeing it, Henry also realize that something was off-base. "Mother, do you think father is ignoring our calls on purpose ?" "Of course yes. He's switched off his telephone, so he's certainly not going to care about us." Carolyn answered with a vile look on her face. "Does that mean we're on our own? It's excessively heartless, isn't it ?" "Haha, your father thinks he's wise and would do anything to rub shoulders with Lawville City's wealthiest citizens. How much better could he ever be for us if he was that horrible to his son Ethan?" Carolyn had a decent understanding of Hudson and knew the base of the issue. "Is it really necessary for us to leave if father doesn't seem to want us anymore? Is it possible
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Episode Twenty-four
"Ms Crown, are you alright?" Ethan asked. His voice laced with worries. Debra thrashed around with a stomach hurt. Ethan held Debra and said. "You don't feel good? I'll call the doctor now.' "My doctor is now here. Simply open the door" Ethan opened the door and saw a doctor in a causal outfit standing at the door. He quickly welcomed the doctor in. The doctor saw that Debra was in extraordinary pain and her pale face was covered with beads of perspiration. The doctor turned to Ethan. "Did Ms Crown ate anything spicy?" "Yes! Not thinking for even a second to sit around idly, the doctor quickly proposed sending Debra to hospital for treatment. Ethan, who was in a mess, followed the doctor to the hospital in his night wear. After the assessment, Debra took some medication and was placed on a trickle. Ethan inhaled a murmur of help and sat on the couch, checking Debra out. "Could it be said that you are attempting to startle me to death? For what reason didn't let me know y
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Episode Twenty-five
Ethan enjoyed two hours in the ward with Debra prior to heading out from the hospital. Now that his card is blocked, he wanted a job, so he needed to go to the workplace to mind what is happening. Ethan worked in a part of the Crown family company. He served in the project department of the company. He had gone to work in the Crown family in view of Sally who had filled in as the manager. Now that he and Sally were at this point separated, he needed to think of it as two times regardless of whether to keep on working in the Crown company. Ethan was going to go to the Omega company when he got a call from Hudson on the way startlingly. Hudson welcomed him to eat together. Ethan wanted to understand what Hudson's motivation was, so he convoluted and went to meet Hudson. Hudson pick an eatery near his office. At the point when Ethan showed up, Hudson had previously requested his favourite dishes. At the point when he saw Ethan coming in, he grinned and said. "Come on, I reques
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Episode Twenty-six
Ethan hurried into the long term building. The lift halted and the executive president of the Vertex organization, Liam, left it.They met up close and personal. Ethan was dazed briefly. Liam greeted him with a grin. "Hi, Sir Ethan!" "Hi, Mr. Kingston!" Ethan regaine his composure and answered. Liam left smiling. Ethan saw his back and felt somewhat odd. "For what reason is the executive president of Vertex organization so amicable to me? What's more, who did he come to the hospital for?" Ethan shook his head and went directly to the ward to see Ms Crown lying on the bed and having an intravenous trickle. At the point when she saw Ethan come in, she grinned and said. "You're back? You don't look well overall. Something wrong?" "Is it that obvious? I was so furious a few seconds ago." Ethan let Debra know how he was threatened to get fired by Sally in the company. A hazardous gleam moved quickly over Debra's eyes, however it vanished in a matter of seconds. Ethan didn't
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Episode Twenty-seven
It was around 12 o'clock when Ethan returned to the hospital. At the point when he pushed open the entryway of the ward, there was nobody inside. Debra was not in the ward. The beds were flawlessly coordinated as nobody slept in it. "She's gone?" Ethan pivoted and searched for the attendant, who told him that Debra had left the hospital promptly in the early evening "Where did she go if she didn't go home? She didn't try calling me?" Ethan glared He promptly called her, nobody picked up the telephone. *** In Citrus General Hospital of Lawville City, fast strides sound in the calm passages of the celebrity senior ward. Wearing relaxed clothing, Debra stepped through the passageway with four bodyguards and went directly to her mother's ward. Outside the ward stood lady kate's bodyguards and nanny. At the point when they abruptly saw somebody drawing nearer, they blocked the entryway. Particularly Cynthia the Nanny, came over and said. "I'm sorry madam, strangers are not pe
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Episode Twenty-eight
Driving back to the Wingkarta province, Debra saw Ethan sitting in front of the television in the parlor. Hearing the entryway opening, Ethan didn't turn around and kept on gazing eagerly at the television.Ms Crown strolled over to him happily and sat on a sofa by Ethan's side. "I didn't answer your call since I was occupied." Without a word, Ethan just kept on gazing at the television screen. "Are you listening?" Debra reached out and touch his hand. Ethan moved her hand away. "You didn't let me know you were discharge from the hospital. Also I was worried" "Aww, so adorable. You look more attractive when angry." Debra said and afterward pulled a bouquet from her back and given it to Ethan with a major grin on her face. "Here! It's a thank you gift. Thanks for taking care of me when I was in the hospital. " Ethan gazed at the brilliant bouquet in Debra's grasp. So lovely and the new rose was. "A bundle of roses for me? Is this an expression of remorse?" He planned to for
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Episode Twenty-nine
Henry sent a text to Sally and hung tight for a while, there was no reply. Sally didn't text back. Henry started to falter, "Mother, are you are certain this plan could work?" "Try not to overreact. She's probably trying to figure out how to tell her uncle about the lunch. "Do you truly think that you can save what is happening with that video and for being pregnant ? It sounds unthinkable" "There are different plans. My pregnancy is only a testing to tell regardless of whether your father thinks often about the child inside. Assuming he does, we can continue on toward the next phase. If not, we really want to consider another way. Also, that is where Sally and her uncle comes in." "How mother?" Carolyn jeered. "Albert overlooking you and Sally since he's been watching what is happening. Since Ethan and Sally have dropped out , we're the only ones he can fall back to, right?" Henry was profoundly dazzled by his mom strategies."I can hardly imagine how you got such bits of know
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Episode Thirty
"Holy sh*t." "Henry's mother is pregnant?" Ethan checked out at the message briefly. He subconsciously answered. "How could you know that?" "I saw it in the company chatting bunch. Henry's mother was spotted doing a pregnancy test at the clinic. The fact that she is pregnant makes me wary. Ethan, did you and Sally truly separate for good?" "No doubt, it is absolutely impossible that we can be together again." Ethan answered. Everything was over between them when Sally, in a self - equitable way, deceived him to accompany Henry and assisted with bullying him. He had given up Sally and Henry, yet the news of Henry's mother pregnancy came as disaster for him. "Don't be miserable, Ethan. Sally cheating on you in your dating period demonstrates that she isn't the right one for you. You merit someone better!" Emma said. Ethan moaned intensely and set aside the phone. Henry's mother pregnant. Debra gazed at Ethan without moving and she thought, "He was fine prior to checking out th
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