All Chapters of His Stripper: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
Chapter 51
Ollie’s body stiffened for a brief moment, his heart quickening, as he was taken aback by the wide, beaming grin that spread across his face.Like an eleven-year-old who’d just laid his eyes on his crush, he felt a rush of adrenaline at the mere sight of June. She confidently donned a crop top that complemented the baggy pants she wore with a pair of comfortable Crocs. His eyes moved slowly down her figure pausing to appreciate the exposed skin between the waistband of her trousers and the edge of her crop top. His hands itched to caress her smooth, flawless skin. As she approached, the overwhelming urge to bridge the gap that separated them crawled up his sleeves. He desperately wanted to envelop her in his arms, to breathe in her scent, and to taste the softness of the crook of her neck with his teeth. He yearned to press his lips against her plump, inviting ones and confessed how much he’d missed her, to the extent that he couldn’t function properly.As these thoughts mired him
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Chapter 52
Ollie wasn’t a heavy drinker. And every single time he’d drank had been because of June. Their dynamics remained the same. June still ignored him like a plague. She’d been indoors throughout the day. And he couldn’t stop running a loop in his head about how she’d said they would go their separate ways. It was fair since he’d signed the deal and that was when they agreed the contract would come to an end. It was fair that they went their separate ways. But he didn’t want that. After they went their separate ways. He would have no reason to call her. He would have no reason to see her. He would have no reason to be with her. He would have no reason to see her smile. He would have no reason to breathe her air. The thought of it was driving him crazy. He was going insane. He headed to the bar to drown himself in alcohol. He’d spent his days drowning himself in loads of work but it didn’t seem as effective anymore.In a disarrayed state, he staggered out of his study room and traverse
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Chapter 53
Desperately needing to leap off a cliff because of how embarrassing she was. She needed to disappear like a squirrel into a hole and never show her face again. No one deserved to see her face after the embarrassment she’d caused. The memories were mostly a blur, but a single vivid snippet that flashed through her mind, made her wish the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Honestly, she wouldn’t be pissed if the ground swallowed her. At least, she wouldn’t have to face Ollie again for the rest of her life. It was one thing to ask Ollie why he wasn’t attracted to her. And it was another thing to beg him to have sex with her. And she’d done both. Imagine how embarrassing both were on their own. And she'd asked for both. Her hands rose to her head and clutched it tightly. She let out what bordered between a scream and a cry when she remembered how whiny she had been about it. What the fuck had she done? Why couldn’t she keep her mouth zipped? She used to have a very high to
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Chapter 54
His desperation grew until he contemplated rallying a search party and employing every means possible to locate June, even resorting to tracking her phone’s location.He had been trying June’s number and it wasn’t going through. Just as he was on the brink, the call finally connected. He heaved in relief which was immediately short-lived when an unfamiliar voice pierced into his ear exacerbating the raging inside of him. “Hello,” the voice intoned. He clenched his teeth and maintain a tense silence, as though he were stalling to brace himself for the inevitable tragedy that awaited him on the other end of the line. The unsettling realization settled in that a stranger answering June’s phone could only imply one grim outcome. After agonizing seconds of silence, the unfamiliar voice resumed speaking, its words searing into his ear with each syllable. Drawing every harsh breath out of him. “The owner of the phone has been taken to Careggi Hospital. She’s sustained severe…” The
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Chapter 55
Guilt wrapped around her heart like a tightening coil, feasting on the heavy silence between them, squeezing with each passing mile as they made their way from the hospital to the penthouse. It was a weighty chain, dragging her thoughts into the depths of shadow.It didn’t help that she couldn’t get a read on Ollie. As if the repeatedly grinding of his teeth was a way to prevent him from combusting and spewing fire all over the place. He was definitely angry at her. And she didn’t blame him. Anyone would be.The need to apologize gnawed at her like an insistent hunger until she couldn’t take it anymore. It was the right thing to do so when they slipped into the penthouse, she quickly chimed up.“I get it. You’re pissed. If I had to drive such a long distance I would be too. And I’m so sorry.” God and she was sorry. She was so sorry.With his back turned to her, a bitter laugh that caught her off guard clawed its way up his throat, punctuating the already thick and charged atmospher
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Chapter 56
While spring was the start of something beautiful and warm. To Ollie, it had been the start of unending nightmares and haunting memories. Spring had always been tainted to him. He’d always associated it to the death of his mother. And the beginning of his father infliction of unending painSo while others had a brilliant outlook to the beginning of spring, Ollie did not. Because it came with all it baggage and thorn. And though, all those times of torture had long gone, the memory still stuck to him. The nightmares. The gnawing feelings. The sleepless nights. But today, it changed. For the first time, Ollie slept without memories of the pasts haunting him nor to his demons lurking behind the darkness waiting for him to shut his eyes. He didn’t wake up to a banging headache nor did he had to listen to the tick tock of the clock because he couldn’t sleep. He didn’t have to bury his head in load of works because he couldn’t shut his eyes.It looked like a simple concept, insomnia but
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Chapter 57
It’d been four weeks since Italy happened and he’d never been happier than he was right now. Crazy. He’d never thought he could describe himself as happy. It felt strange. But he was in fact happy. Every day he genuinely looked forward to something. Someone. He couldn’t believe at thirty-two he would be saying this. But everything finally made sense. Being with June made sense. She was the sparkle in his life. The color and vibrant of his monotonic life. It was like emerging into a bright light after walking through a long dark tunnel. It felt all new and strange. Calm. Their relationship had progressed over the weeks. They’d gone on a few dates. They’d gotten to know each other better and also satisfied their sexual and emotional needs as much.And even though they had been countries apart for three days now, there had been consistent communication between them through texts and calls. And he looked forward to June’s message with an embarrassing enthusiasm even though they would
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Chapter 58
She looked happy and alive. He thought to himself as he stared at the vintage photograph of his mother erected in front of her urn. A part of him was thankful for that. At least, At a stage in her life, she’d been what he described as happy and alive not what he grew up to know. There weren’t any good memories to reminisce on, so Ollie just stood in the mildly hot columbarium, sweat beading on his forehead. Perhaps if his eighteen-year-old self had visited, he would be steaming with deep-seated rage and spite and he would surely have a lot to say. But right now, nothing came to his mind. His mind was blank.He'd stayed away for so many years, and now that he was here, the feeling was neither hot nor cold, just a strange underwhelming emptiness hung in the air. “Well, well, well.” Ollie’s lips thinned disdainfully at the familiar voice. As much as he hated it, he recognized the voice. It used to be a voice that frightened him so much but not anymore. If he was thirteen, maybe it
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Chapter 59
He opened his eyes to June. She lay there, curled up on the couch, her chest rising and falling rhythmically with each breath. She was bathed in the moonlight streaming through the window. He couldn’t help the smile that tugged his lips. He stared at her for a long moment enjoying the view before he slid off the bed and approached her in a noiseless step. He bent over, in an attempt to move her to the bed. That must have woke her up, because she stirred in her sleep and blinked her eyes open. “Sorry. I woke you up.” He whispered. “what?” she said, dazed. “How’s your fever?” Her hands flew to his forehead as she sat up. Ollie placed his hand on hers. “Better.” “No” she shook her head. “You’re still burning up. Why are you even up?” She was already up on her feet, leading him to back to the bed. “The fever is gone.” He said. “I don’t need—.” A look from June was all it took to shut him up. “Okay.” He raised his hand in surrender. He wasn’t going to pretend that he wouldn’t d
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Chapter 60
June woke up with a big smile, mirroring the same one she had on her face nestled against Ollie’s chest after he’d fucked her senseless. The soreness between her thighs a big evidence, the scent of desire and sex still lingering in the air. The scent of Ollie on the crisp bedsheet caressed her nose as June buried her face into the bed. She couldn’t help but inhale deeply. With her eyes closed, she reached out to her side. When her hands couldn’t find him, she peeled her eyelid open. The bed was empty. Knowing just one place he could be in the house, she slipped out of the bed and huddled out of the room. Just like she’d predicted, he was there. In the study room. Ollie was perched behind a polished mahogany desk with a laptop in front of him, the leather chair beneath him creaking gently. She could smell his favorite coffee in the air. He was so focused on what was in front of him, that he didn’t even notice her. June watched him for a bit before saying “God, you’re such a w
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