All Chapters of The Mafia's Seductress : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
32 Chapters
Isadora's POV I was in the kitchen when I heard a familiar voice scream my name. I turn to See Gabriella, Josie and cass all walk in. "Isa!" Josie screams and runs to hug me. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" "They always attend the Montez Ball with us" Gabriella says smiling."Montez Ball?""Rafael didn't tell you?"She glared.I shook my head."Esa perguena inierda! I could just strangle that boy" (that little shit!) She sighs. "The Montez Ball is an event we throw every year. Mostly family and close friends of the family attend. We get together, drink, mingle, dance and overall have a good time." She explains. I wonder why he didn't tell me? "Are you telling me this because you want me to go?""Of course you're going Josie and Cass are taking you shopping""I don't have the money to go shopping Gabriella and there's no way that .."She Cuts me off. "Shhhh No discutas conmigo carino. We will pay for anything you want.I will not take nk for an answer and you won't worry
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Isadora's POV As I prepare in the bathroom, butterflies run amuck in my stomach. I've never been to a ball before. What do l do? How do l act? So many questions and never enough answers. I finish and walk out to see Rafael in a navy blue tux. His hair slicked back and his tattoos peaking on the skin he does have visible damn he looks god. When he sees me his jaw drops. He doesn't move nor speak .. he just stands there, scanning me over and over as if to determine whether I'm real or not. "Madre de dios." (Mother of God) He mutters to himself but I hear him and giggle. I slowly approach him and he pulls me lightly to his chest, putting his forehead on mine. "Damnit kitten. Why are you doing this to me?" I raise my eyebrows. "And what exactly am I doing to you"! I ask. He sighs and grawls deeply. "'M trying very hard to restrain myself from pinning you to a wall and fucking you till your legs don't work," He whispers through gritted teeth in my ear. I let out a soft b
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Isadora's POV It's been hours, No one has said a single word since the nurse left. Not that there was anything to say in the first place. Rafael was in a trance like state. He hasn't moved from staring at his blood covered hands. I get up and grab his arm which seems to jolt him out of his trance and he looks up at me. His eyes were red and puffy. His hands were stained with blood but it wasn't just Mirella's. A few minutes after the nurse left, Rafael beat his hands bloody on the walls. It took all his brothers, Emiliano and two securily guards to restrain him. When he finally calmed down, he went into a catatonic state the rest of the time. "Come with ne baby." I say gently. He didn't say anything, He just got up and let me guide him into the bathroom. I ran the water and put his hands underneath. Gently nursing his torn up knuckles. Suddenly he jerks his hands away and yanks me close to his chest. Crying as he burried his face into my neck. "I'm here baby. I'm here
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Isadora's POV -The Silver Paw-Ever since the ball, he's more clingy than he was before he won't allow me go anywhere without him. 'Stay where I can see you kitten' He's way more protective now. I decided to go back to work while we wait for Mirella to wake up. The boys came back to the club and did .. well whatever they usually do. Rafael agreed to let me work, even though l know he didn't want me to. He just sits in his lounge chair and watches me. Occasianally walking the floor, finding me and pulling me into a dark corner to make out like horny teenagers. He'll tell me he loves me, pat me on the ass and say get back to work kitten. "After our aggressive fuck session, he's more gentler than ever. Not gonna lie. I kinda liked the rough sex. Maybe not hale-fucking but he can throw me around and choke me a bit. He promised he would never do that again unless I asked."How's Mirella?" Startled. I turn around and slap the ever living fuck out of Josie. I was so lost in thought, it too
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Isadora's POV With Mirella asleep on my shoulder we walk in the house and the air is tense. Everyone was crowed in the kitchen. Emiliano looks at me with a stern face. "Please put her to bed and come back when you're done." He says. I nod and take her upstairs. When I get back to the kitchen. Rafael stands behind me and puts his arms around my waist. "Okay, as far as we know. Rodrigo is hiding out in one of his fathers safe houses in Brazil. Since there is no extradidion there .. we can't, from a legal stand point, go and arrest him. Which is why we need to catch him ourselves, Off the books," Jacob says, eyeing everyone. "Jacob and his team will be on standby if we need them." Emiliano adds. "Not juining the fight old timer?" Alfunzo snickers. "My fighting days are done kid, but I can still pull a trigger," Jacob glares at him. "Buuuurn!" Ishmael shouts and smacks Alfonzo on the arm. Alfonzo retaliates and hits Ishmael hard in the chest, "Ow! You hit ny nipple br
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Isadora's POVIt's Josie Birthday and I'm planning on surprising the shit out of her. Josie is not a fan of her birthday, but she is a fan of hot men and sexy girls. In all the years I've known her, she has never once let me throw her a party. Not even a small gathering. So I told Rafael, if he helped me throw her a badass birthday party, he could get his privileges of touching and kissing me back. Oh yes I was serious about that. Its been days since he last touched or kissed me and he's going through withdrawal. Technically I am too but i can handle it. He snaps at everyone except for Mirella. He could never loose his cool with her. Even on his most irritating days. He did everything I asked of him, so I guess I can let him off the hook. Right now, him and his brothers are at The Silver Paw double checking everything before they call it done. As for my final act of punishment for him, I'm gonna wear something to make him drool.Not Only do l pull off the color red, but
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Isadora's POVBrazilIt's beautiful here. The colors are so vibrant and the scenery is unbelievable. Rafael grabs my bags and his too, carrying them like weighed nothing. Almost like it was a workout for him. Gabriella and Mirella stayed back at the mansion. Gabriella insisted on coming but Rafael told her Mirella wasn't going and that was the last time she argued with him. "My team and I will go to the safe house and do some recon. For now, everyone can relax until we get back." Jacob says and we all nod. Him and his team get into their black SUV's and drive off. I feel a kiss on the back of my head and turn around. "I'l take our bags to our room. When I finish unpacking, I'm taking you to the beach." Rafael winked at me and walked off. Before we went to the beach, Cass and Josie took me shopping again. I didn't have a bathing suit and Josie wanted a new one. Of course, she made me get the one that would be a jaw dropping, drooling factor for you know who.Once we reach
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Isadora's POVI wake up to Rafael pacing back and forth talking on the phone. "Okay, well we'll be there in ten." He says and hangs up. He noticed me and Smiles "Morning baby." "Who was that?"" Jacoh. He got back last night and has a plan. He wants everyone at his hotel to go Over the details before we do this."I nod and groan as I get out of the bed. My muscles are sore. I feel like I've been hit by a car. "Moving a little slow there baby?" He chuckles."This is your fault" He walks over to me and kisses my forehead before lightly patting my ass, just enough to make my entire body ache. I almost collapse."You'd learn not to tease me evenually." --Jacob's Hotel-- Jacob layed the blueprints out on the table, with circles drawn in certain places."Okay, currently the situation is in our favor. He only has fifty men guarding the entire perimeter. Alfonzo, Ishmael and some of my team will take west point. Javier, Enrico and more of my team will take eas
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Isadora's POV My head feels heavy. I slowly open my eyes and I notice I'm in a hospital bed. what the hell? what happened? I look to my left and see Rafael asleep in the chair next to he bed. His hair is messy and his eyes have bags under them."Rafeal?" I manage a low raspy whisper. He shoots up from the chair and looks at me."Isadora !?" He yells, grabbing me and hugging me light."Baby I can't breathe." He losens his grip and kisses me. "I missed you so much kitten." He was on the verge of tears. "You are never doing something like that again. You hear me?" "What happened? Did we get him?" He shook his head. "You got him to confess but the moment he said he was going to kill you, I snapped. You were hurt really bad. You have a couple broken ribs and a dislocated hip. Your body couldn't handle the trauma you went through and you slipped into a cona. You've been out for a couple weeks." Suddenly a nurse walks in and gasps. "Oh good, you're awake!'There are some people here
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Isadora's POV In the backyard, we all gathered around the bonfire. Rafael of course made me sit on his lap, keening his hand on my stomach and rubbing circles with his thumb. Nadia was telling me how great babies are and Esme only half agreed. "'M just saying .. babies can be a joy toddlers are a pain and teenagers send yOu either to a mental institution or prison." Esme laughs. "How does a leenager send you a prisan?" "l almost went to prison because of leonardo. when he was sixteen, he set our cando on fire playing wilh matches. As we watched the fire department put out the flames, the fire in me was still raging, I beat the boy's ass in front of the entire neighbarhood that night, cops included.” She glared al Ieo. “She still doesn't forgive me for roasting her favorite shoes.” Ieo stated. I laughed. Everyone shared a story I finally felt like I was part of a family, and now I was starting one of my own. "Teenagers give you the hell, if you don't whip them into shape
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