All Chapters of Identical Strangers: Once Upon An Empire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
Growing deeper feelings
Xavier as his parents had named him woke up in the morning, something he wished he never did because now he was going to have to face the argument of if he was Jimmy or not. Well, one of his numerous wishes was to know the answer to that question. Who is the real Jimmy?He tried to recollect anything that had happened before the hospital incident but no luck, his memories weren’t back yet. Another bad news he had to wake up to, not like he was expecting it to magically return after all the drama yesterday.Everything felt different from the moment he woke up and the only person he could think of was Aria. Well, she would have either been here when he woke up, tending to his needs or making him smile with her morning face. He already missed feeling her hand on his body through the night as she would usually check if he was running a fever. Maybe she thought he had forgotten what a fever was and wouldn’t be able to voice out if he had one.Xavier smiled at the thought of that and sat up
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Going on a drive
For Xavier, on that very day, it felt like time wasn’t moving at all. Well, he had been stuck in his room the whole day because he was avoiding the awkwardness of going outside and bumping into any of the family members, especially not Jimmy.He was starting to feel suffocated there but had no idea how to get rid of the boredom, he thought of going out to the balcony but what was the possibility of bumping into someone out there; the last thing he needed right now was drama like that of yesterday.Xavier looked around the room in search of anything interesting and before long, his eyes caught something that interested him. Car keys!! He didn’t remember seeing them there when he woke up, how were they suddenly laying on the bedside table?He knew it must have been Aria who kept it for him when she came in earlier today and he really appreciated it. Perhaps she knew what was on his mind, a long drive would help him get some air and feel better. Perhaps he could also grab some stuff from
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The incident
Triple J walks out of his room and looks around to see if there was anyone in the hallway, when he was certain that it was empty, he looked down to the sitting room but there was no one there as well, so he proceeded with his plan.He went to the stairs and poured oil all over the second set which led up to Xavier’s floor. He knew that Xavier was the only one up on the third floor so except someone goes up to see him, he is the one who would come tripping down this stairway.Jimmy hoped to injure Xavier for a long time so that he spends a few months in the hospital while he comes up with a new plan on how to get rid of him. His first plan had already failed the previous day when he attempted to kidnap Xavier.He had paid some men to kidnap Xavier the moment he stepped out of the house but they had failed. Jimmy didn’t care what they did with Xavier, all he cared about was getting rid of the pretender.He wouldn’t sit back and watch someone steal his place in the family, he was the fir
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Xavier remembers!
“He is opening his eyes,” Aria muttered immediately with excitement in her voice.They were in a hospital room where Xavier was laying on the bed with a bandage around his head. Susan, Rebecca and Jimmy were present; of course he had come to see how good his plan went and how much damage he had caused.“He is? But the doctor said he might be out for the whole day,” Rebecca muttered and stood up from the side chair, she walked up to Aria who was standing by Xavier.“Well, it seems like the Doctor’s calculations are wrong.” She replied with a smile.Xavier groaned and blinked his eyes. “What is all that noise in my head?” he muttered.Rebecca chuckled and then smiled. “I am starting to believe that you have nine lives, my friend.” she jokedXavier smiled. “Hey,” he muttered. “What is happening?” he asked“Well, you fell down the stairs, for some reason there was oil and you slipped. It is a surprise that your eyes are open, the doctor didn’t expect you to come around till tomorrow.” Ari
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A trip down memory lane
Two months ago, Xavier went on a boat trip with his father and younger brother. It was supposed to be a fun day and all night vacation to help ease work stress from the previous week. Some other male relatives were present as well, it was mostly males and the only females there were entertainers.Xavier wasn’t much of the water guy but since all the males in the family were going, he decided to hop along as well. They had sailed all through the evening in the private boat; it was a very large boat, nearly as big as a little ship and had enough rooms for the family.Xavier had gotten up from his bed and picked his phone from the bedside desk, even though the weather was cold, he still felt hot and suffocated inside the room. He needed air and so he climbed up the boat to its balcony on the top.Xavier stood there and admired the large river; it was dark as evening had come upon them. Of course, it was an all-night party and so the fun was yet to come. The family had come with boat crew
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Who spilled the oil?
The Queen family had returned to their little Empire and Susan summoned all the workers in the house, the oil stain was still present on the stairs because Susan had strictly instructed that no one should clean it off. She needed it as evidence to show her husband that there was a traitor in their midst.Mr. Queen had gone to pick them up at the hospital and she couldn’t wait to get home so as to show him the oil spill which was very unusual. Mr. James Queen hated being interrupted at work because of family issues and so he was pissed when he had gotten the news. As soon as he got home and confirmed that his wife was right, he summoned all the servants to find out which one of them had spilled the oil on the stairs.The family had left Xavier and Aria behind at the hospital because they thought it was best that he remained there till he was strong enough. Aria was there to support him and surprisingly, Jimmy had no problem with it. Of course, he didn’t want fingers pointing at him as
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You are who now?
There was silence as the family waited to hear what Xavier had to say. There were so many guesses including the possibility that his memory was back, and that scared them.Were they finally going to get answers to the long asked questions? The mystery that had tortured them for days; what happens after that?From the look on Aria’s face, the disappointment and pain, Rebecca already knew how this would go down. Their suspicion was correct; Xavier wasn’t the real Jimmy, not like they didn’t already know but they wished that he was. And now that his memory was back, he was certainly going to leave them. She guessed that it was why Aria was sad, she had grown attached to this new Jimmy and now that it was proven that he wasn’t Jimmy, she would have to let go of him and return to her toxic fiancé who now has more reason to be mean to her.“Go on Jimmy, we are waiting to hear it,” Mr. James Queen spoke with curiosity audible in his
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The Kingston family
About four exotic cars arrived at the Queen Empire in grand style; they all belonged to The Kingston family who were here to see their son. They had brought half a dozen bodyguards with them. Now the Queen Empire was rich, but the aura with which the Kingston’s arrived showed a different level of wealth.The whole family was standing outside the building when they arrived, some shocked while others confused. So they had the child of a billionaire with them all this while and they didn’t know it?The Kingstons were silent billionaires, quite unpopular in the entire state, but that didn’t make them any less powerful. They just didn’t like to show off or be heard of in the news and on TV all the time, they were not that kind of rich family.Anna didn’t wait for the bodyguards to open the door when she hopped out and froze at the sight of her son, she began to run towards him even before her husband would alight from the car but as she closed in on Xavier, she saw somet
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Confession time
Michael made his wife sit down and then he turned to his family with shame in his eyes. “I have sinned against you all and I can only hope that you forgive me.” He began.“Father, what are you talking about? I know you too well, you can do no wrong.” Xavier replied and held his shoulder.“Sometimes, at our darkest hours, we tend to forget who we are and do the worst things imaginable. We all have our moments of weakness and times where we have to become someone that we don’t recognize when we look in the mirror.” Mr. Kingston spoke with trembling lips.“Can we skip all this petty talk and get to proving points. I also want to know how this freak is my brother because as far as I know, the Queen empire only had one son and it has been that way ever since, not even a miscarriage so how the hell is this possible?” Jimmy yelled, now getting frustrated by the whole emotional drama.“Shut up and let's hear what the man has to say!” Susan yelled at him, and then she ea
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Son, please don't leave me!!
“How dare you steal my child?” Mr. James Queen barked and charged at the Kingston's but their bodyguards interfered and blocked him from making it to the billionaire CEO.Two of them stood in the Millionaire’s path and stopped him from doing whatever he had in mind. Well, Mr. James was a very calm man but seeing his wife in tears was enough to awaken the tiger in him, she was so hurt.He couldn’t believe that his wife was right the whole time, even without meeting each other since they were separated at his birth, she still felt the connection between a mother and child, she could still tell that he was her little baby.But which mother wouldn’t recognize their own child after all the pain they go through in the labor room? Are you worthy of being called mom if you can't even recognize the child you birth?“Enough with this drama, I don’t care what you said or will say, save this confession for someone who needs it.
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