All Chapters of Invading The Billionaire's Heart: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
171 Chapters
Chapter 100: Interrogation
Jason* I began to call on Lisa after I found a necklace that belonged to my wife beside my bed. I couldn't believe that the woman I sought after came into my room once in a while without my knowledge. I found one of the maids in the kitchen doing dishes. "Where's Lisa? "She was taking her bath when I left the apartment, I think she should be done by now." "Did you at any point in time, meet with my wife in this house after she fled?" "Umm... No, sir." "Call me Lisa immediately," She left at once and made went to the sitting room to wait. Lisa walked in looking quietly, "You sent for me, Mr. Jason." "Yes, I did. Sir." She didn't sit immediately, she stood contemplating whether or not she should sit. "Sit, Lisa," I repeated and she sat reluctantly. She wondered why I said so because I had never done such before. I just needed to make her feel comfortable with me so that she would be able to spill the truth. "What are we together?" "You are my boss and I'm your servant,"
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Chapter 101: Make her Jealous
Ariella* I ignored her and started for the stairs. "Ariella!" That was Mom's voice but I still didn't bother. After I got back to my room, my little sister walked in and sat beside me on the bed. She stayed there for a while and looked around the room. She exhaled and took my hand. "Why did you do it?" With disgust she stared at me. "It's none of your business, focus on your studies instead. This is an adult's affair." "Whether or not it's an dult's affair, you have no right to bring shame to this family, how could you? Why would you even imagine such?" "Leave my room!" I voiced out but she became adamant. "You can push me or whip me but I'm not making a single move" Her eyes steadied on my face making me feel the guilt that I had always tried to suppress boil inside of me. As a big sister, I was supposed to teach, correct and nurture her into being a better woman. That feeling of being a failure engulfed my mind, it was all I could think of. I failed my family, is that
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Chapter: 102: Back to One's Vomit
Ariella* After work, I stepped out before Mom but she blatantly turned me down. "My car? Do you expect me to take you home in my car? Don't you know that I'm so ashamed of you?" "Mom we can talk about this, we can always settle issues like a family. You haven't listened to my part of the story, you go ahead to believe your sister." "Will you shut up your mouth and take your shameless and filthy body out of there before I hit you with my car? Mom called me filthy? Wow, I heaved and walked away from the driveway. Mom started her car and drove off leaving me behind. Suddenly, at the twinkle of an eye, my uncle drove and came directly to where I was waiting. "A ride?" He asked, I watched his darkened eyebrows that added so much beauty to his face. It was well-lined together with the mustache. His lips went pinker every day. My aunt didn't deserve this man. She couldn't even attend to his sexual demands. What sort of woman would be married to a such splendid man and keep her body
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Chapter 103: Vibrator
Ariella* "Are you done?" I asked as though I wasn't excited about the things he had just done to my body. My uncle was indisputably the sweetest man I had ever laid with. He was stunning too! His biceps and triceps made him more appealing. No woman would bypass him in the street without turning behind to look at him again. That was the man my aunt gave restrictions concerning her body? What the fuck? Incredible! My aunt was a weirdo, something was wrong with her. He got up and walked into the bathroom, his shaft dangled between his thighs. His egg-filled sack, the very same color of ripening almond fruits "Will you join me?" He asked from the bathroom. Without speaking out, I took my weak body into the bathroom. I stood before the mirror and he was behind looking at my naked body. "I love you," The statement escaped from his mouth. Was he sure about what he had just said? Was he saying that as a result of the things we were doing together? "Are you sure at all?" "I am, I'
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Chapter 104: Gamed
Mr. Duke* "I promise I won't bother you tonight, come home with me please." "I'm already tired, I want to be here at least when mom steps out tomorrow morning, she will understand that I have tried to endure all of these things she's doing to me. I'm human, I deserve to be loved." "I have always wanted to love you, but you keep pushing me away, it shouldn't be so. I need you, Ariella. If you insist on being with me, your mom will not counter your decision." I was watching her with my bright-colored eyes, praying deeply that wouldn't turn me down. Soon, she was in his car and I was driving her home. It was the weekend and she had received her weekly pay. She would be leaving very early for the market for shopping while I would be preparing to hit the gym. **** Jasmine* I drove to Melbourne without a prior plan. My dad had a letter delivered to me yesterday after work. His health situation was deteriorating day after day and he needed to see the doctor. Jason had probably st
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Chapter 105: Tolls of Death
Jason* "Stay put please," I begged her gesticulating with my hands upon noticing that she had started to make a way to escape from the room. She wanted to leave the room immediately, she had her eyes on the exit. "Do you want to take my own life too?" She inquired. "No, I just need to talk with you, for some minutes please Jasmine." "To hell with your useless stories, how dare you follow me here? Why do you think that I will wait here and listen to you?" "I'm sorry I, I umm..." Having nothing to say to her immediately, I went on my knees. She was undoubtedly amazed, her face spoke of wonder seeing that I was kneeling before her. "I hate you, I hate you so much that seeing you right here could make me throw-up." She held her palm over her chest to perform the act of vomiting. Her eyes searching the open door for a possible escape point. Unfortunately, my kneeling on the floor didn't seem to move her as her mind was already made up, "When you are done with weeping, make a w
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Chapter:106: Roll Call
Jasmine* The chaos went on and on. People ran here and there just to confirm that their relative who were patients in the hospital were in a good condition. I retreated to the reception unit and stood by the door to watch since I didn't want to be seen by the depressed lady. The blonde continued to wail profusely. She was wearing a flowing gown, with a hat made of raffia. She was the most dramatic, she held on the hem of her gown and walked out of the hospital. I followed her quietly as she made for the ambulance. After she had spoken briefly with the driver she made for a Toyota RAV4 at the car park. The door was open, she bend forward and conversed with a woman inside the car. The door was half open and sthe woman in the had one leg on the floor. I knew it was a woman because they both wore a hat. When the blonde was done talking, she stood upright and wiped her tears. The woman in the car stepped out and I marveled at who it was. Hart's mother made toward the hospital an
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Chapter 107: ... attempted to kill you?
Jasmine* I sat down weakly on the bench at the reception unit and had my mind wandering to my pasts. Hart and I were in love, we shared and cared about each other until when he decided to put up the drama at Caravan Park. I sat with my face buried in my palm and struggled to believe what Hart's mother had just said. She wouldn't be joking with such a delicate News, News that left me appalled. It marveled me upon realizing that my assumptions were right. I wept and wept about Hart. Now I regret not giving him a chance the other day to clear his mind and talk things out with me. Well, the honest truth was that I had forgiven him and there was no point in talking and talking all over again. Seated with a lot of thoughts rushing in and out of my head, I wept and continued until someone called out to me. "Yes, I'm Jasmine." With the back of my palm, I wiped off the tears that were trailing down my face. "Where have you been all these while?" "I'm sorry, ma'am I was with a frien
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Chapter 108: Bleeding
Jasmine* "Enough! Else I'll call the doctor." I warned him. He looked at me for a while and shook his head. Through out my stay in the room, he remained quiet until I got up to go." "Don't go please, I promise to pay heavily for your time that have been wasted, I'll make it up to you as soon as possible. Just stay with me please." He pleaded with me. "I'll be back in a few minutes," Without waiting to listen to him, I went out of the room. I spoke with the doctor about him before leaving. We were both hungry and not leaving this place to fetch for a proper food would mean staying hungry through out the night. I got into my car and drove into the closest eatery around. A man with an average height welcomed me in, he took me around to buy the things I needed then when we got to the counter, he revealed himself to me. "I'm a brother to Austin, the movie producer. You should know him." "Oh really, that's nice. I noticed the resemblance from the onset but choosed to ignore it. H
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Chapter 109: New Friendship
"Call the nurse, Jasmine!" With an increased heartbeat, I rushed out to call the nurse who visited earlier. I found a man in the hallway he was moving with a fast pace, "Hello, I'm looking for the nurse that..." He didn't wait for me to complete my statement because he had seen us together sometimes during the day. "I saw her walking a wounded lady into that ward," He pointed at it. "Thank you" I walked away. As soon as I knocked on the door and opened up, she was stepping out with clinical equipment. "Mrs. Jasmine, is there a problem?" "Yes, Mr. Jason, umm... My husband has started bleeding again." "Oh my, is the doctor there already?" I was glad that she didn't spot my craziness. "Yes, he asked that I fetch you for him." She preceded me and got in first. "Hope it's not so serious?" "Not, really, let me have a cotton wool." She took a piece of cotton out of a foil and passed it to the doctor through me. "Here it's it, " The doctor took it from my hand. Jason was made to
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