All Chapters of The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
132 Chapters
When Calista, the spoilt and pampered daughter of a powerful Greek Alpha, finds her life in the crosshairs of an unknown threat, she’s forced to accept a new bodyguard into her already fortified world. To her, he’s just an overqualified babysitter, another move in her father’s manipulative game. She’s annoyed by his intrusion and the unsettling way he seems to read her like an open book, but also strangely drawn to the man who appears to be her complete opposite. Levi, haunted by the sins he committed while under a malicious hex, is given a shot at redemption by being assigned to protect Calista. Focused on his mission and nothing else, he vows to guard her life with the same ferocity with which he once destroyed others. Yet, the more he gets to know the bratty, complex heiress, the more he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her. Their lives are worlds apart: she’s the center of every party, and he’s the shadow lurking in the corner. While Calista can’t deny the unsettling, electric
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Levi / ArmataThe sound of the door clicking shut behind me reverberates through my chest like a drumbeat, the sound of finality. I hear Liam’s footsteps recede, swallowed by the silence that cloaks the room like a heavy mist. Every fiber in my being aches to call him back, to mend what’s shattered between us. But what’s done is done. There’s a debt I owe to the world, one I’m not sure I can ever repay.I’m lost in this melancholy haze when the door swings open again. My body tenses, half-expecting Liam to return, but it’s Alpha Nikolaos who steps in, his eyes unreadable, and his powerful frame filling the doorway. The chains around my wrists rattle softly as I push off the stone wall, rising to my feet. Respect is respect, Alpha or not, hexed or not.Alpha Nikolaos steps in, his eyes betraying a glint of something—concern or pity, perhaps? His tall frame fills the doorway, silhouetted against the brighter light outside. “Levi, may I come in?”“Do you need my permission, Alpha?” I a
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CalistaThe morning light streams through my bedroom window, bouncing off the array of designer bags and shoes that populate my sanctuary. I’m scrolling through my social media feed, double-tapping on photos that barely hold my interest, when there’s a knock on my door. It’s probably one of my existing bodyguards, reminding me of some mundane errand I have to run today.Instead, the door creaks open and my father steps in. His aura fills the room like a cloud of stern disapproval. “Calista, we need to talk,” he says, the weight of his authority in each syllable.I roll my eyes. “I’m busy, Daddy.”He strides across the room, ignoring the clutter, and sits on the edge of my bed. “This is important, Calista. More important than whatever party you’re planning to attend tonight.”“Highly unlikely,” I quip, but he’s not laughing.“I’ve arranged for a new bodyguard to join your team,” he says, not a hint of humour in his eyes.I snort. “Another one? I already have two. What’s wrong with Niko
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Armata / LeviAs she storms out, her dark hair flowing like a river of midnight behind her, I can’t help but feel a tinge of amusement. Feisty, spoiled, and seemingly oblivious to the gravity of her situation—that’s Calista. Yet, the way her blue eyes bore into mine for that split second tells me there’s more to her than the bratty exterior. She’s a firecracker, this one. High maintenance, undoubtedly, but also... intriguing. A challenge. The word crosses my mind, and I almost smirk at the thought.“Stubborn, isn’t she?” Alpha Dimitrios says, a hint of rueful pride in his voice as he glances at the closed door.I turn my attention back to Alpha Dimitrios, who has been watching the exchange with the scrutiny of a man who trusts no one when it comes to his family.“She’s quite the handful,” I remark, keeping my tone neutral.“You have no idea,” he replies, sighing. “But she’s my daughter, and I’d kill to protect her.”“Understood. You won’t be disappointed in my services.”From a locke
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CalistaI roll my eyes as I glance at “Armata” as he insists on being called—standing in the corner of the training room like a dark sentinel. Honestly, what was my father thinking? I already have two bodyguards, but no, he had to bring in this one. This tall, impossibly broad-shouldered man with piercing eyes and an aura of danger so thick, it could cut glass.Today is training at Luna Academy, a place for women to learn and grow into the roles they’ll assume alongside their Alpha mates. It’s supposed to be empowering, but instead, the room is electric with a different kind of tension today. I can practically feel the sidelong glances and whispers from the other Luna candidates as they fawn over the mysterious bodyguard who’s come out of nowhere.“Who is he?”“He’s so... rugged.”“He can guard my body any day.”I want to gag. Do they have no self-control?Armata, for his part, seems completely unmoved by the attention. Arms crossed over his massive chest, he surveys the room, not l
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Armata / LeviAs the sleek black car rolls up the gravel path leading to Calista’s sprawling mansion, her sighs fill the silence that has cocooned us during the drive back from her day out—a luxury she partakes in with the freedom of a bird that doesn’t know its wings could be clipped any second by the lurking hunter.She’s been in a sour mood ever since we left the boutique after her training, a mood that curdled further with every smitten look thrown my way by the store attendants. I get it—she wants to feel normal, unobserved, and my towering presence does nothing but draw more eyes.It doesn’t bother me; my presence isn’t meant to be a comforting one. I’m here to protect, not to pamper or to please.The ride is silent, charged with her silent wrath. I can’t help but find it almost amusing—the way she’s trying to simmer me with glares that I feel but never meet. I keep my eyes on the road, on the shadows between the trees, on the lookout for anything amiss. Her safety is my respon
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CalistaSix months have crawled by, and every day with Armata is like living with a personal eclipse — his shadow looms over my every move, blocking out any semblance of normalcy. It’s not hatred that simmers in my chest now; it’s a begrudging tolerance, the kind you afford a storm that refuses to pass. I find small victories in moments he’s not around, though they’re as rare as they are brief.My friends are a lifeline, a connection to a world where being the Alpha’s daughter isn’t my only identity. Six months have done little to dull the edges of my disdain for him, but they have taught me patience and the art of seizing opportunity when it arises.“Cali, it’s now or never,” whispers Zoe, her eyes sparkling with mischief that reflects my own.“Do you think I can actually do it? Get out without him knowing?” My voice is a mix of excitement and nerves.“With that fortress of a man? It’s gonna be tough. But hey, that’s the thrill, right?” She grins, and I can’t help but grin back.“Y
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Armata / LeviI stand there in the dim-lit hallway, the fading sound of her door slamming shut echoes like a verdict. I feel the rage boiling inside me, a storm of frustration and concern, all aimed at the reckless whirlwind named Calista. I need to clear my head. The idea of taking her over my knee flashes across my mind—a visceral, inappropriate response that sets my teeth on edge. I crush the thought the moment it surfaces. What the hell is wrong with me? She’s my charge, not someone for me to reprimand, let alone in such a primal way.I take a deep breath, trying to snuff out the fire, reminding myself that she is my responsibility, not a problem to be solved with the sharp edge of discipline. It’s a primal response, one that flashes bright and dangerous before I shove it away. It has no place here, not in my job, not with her.God damn it.I should be out there, scanning the perimeters, checking the shadows for threats, not babysitting a spoiled brat who has the death wish of a
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Calisa Packing is a drill I’ve gotten down to an art, zipping up my suitcase in the silence of my room that buzzes with a quietness I don’t usually get to enjoy. The suitcase, all sleek corners and polished leather, seems like overkill for just a week away. But then again, my life’s always been about overkill, hasn’t it? Especially with Armata lurking around, that constant, shadowy presence I’m finally getting a break from.I don’t even know why I think of him now. Maybe it’s because he’s been a little less... Armata-ish lately. I barely notice him anymore. It’s like he’s there but not there, a ghost I’m constantly aware of. It’s unnerving, like the memory of walking in on him in the gym, that night when I couldn’t peel my eyes off the sheer force he’s made of. I mean, the guy is built like a literal God, and I stood there like a deer in headlights. Pathetic, right?I tell myself to knock it off. To stop thinking about the ripple of muscles, the sheer physical power of him. It’s no
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Armata / LeviAs the mansion comes into view, a behemoth of stone and opulence, I can feel the slight tremor in Calista’s fingers where they grip my arm. Her face is ashen, eyes like those of a deer caught in headlights — this wasn’t the goddamn wake-up call I wanted for her. Seeing her, usually so untouchable and fierce, clinging to my side like some scared kid, it stirs something strange in me, a mix of anger and something I can’t quite put my finger on.I didn’t want her to get the picture this way. Sure, she needed to understand the shitstorm that is her legacy — the danger that comes with her name. But not like this, not with this crippling fear that’s latched onto her, seeping into her bones.She’s always been a wild one, bucking against my authority, and I’ve always gotten a twisted kick out of the fire that lights up in her eyes when I invade her space. But now, she needs me close, and it fucks with my head how this doesn’t repulse me one bit.As we pull up, Alpha Dimitrios i
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