All Chapters of The Lycan Kingpin's Captive: A Baby For The Beast: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
132 Chapters
GiannaI haven’t been able to sleep.Divan kissed me, he really kissed me and then left again while I stood with my heart in my throat and wondered what the hell just happened. Everything about our conversation felt so intense, the way we were finally letting out our truths and how I saw right through his lie.I draw my hand to my mouth and a small smile tugs at my lips as I remember the kiss. The feeling of his hands in my hair, the way it felt like he claimed me with a kiss alone…my entire body was on fire just from that one kiss.What will happen when we see each other tomorrow? Will we both be too awkward to speak about it? Knowing Divan, he’ll probably avoid it and run away from getting too close again, but I don’t want to be the one to do it, either.It needs to be addressed; I want to know where we stand.As I think this, the unmistakable sound of groaning echoes through the silent house and it sends a shiver up my spine. I sit up in bed, straining my ears, and dread seeps into
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Ghost / DivanShe’s looking up at me expectantly, waiting for me to say or do something when I never prepared myself for taking things this far. Gianna’s scent in my bed, the way she helped me through one of the worst night terrors I’ve had in a long time; it made me lose all reason.Now I’m on top of her, inside of her with the taste of her blood like honey on my tongue.“Divan?” she says in a breathless voice and reaches out to touch my face. “Are you okay?”I lay my head on her chest and breathe out a sigh, trying to get my thoughts together without hurting her feelings. I’ve come this far. There’s no way I can turn back now… it wouldn’t be fair on her.“I’m just… overwhelmed right now,” I admit, breathing out a long sigh and then looking back up at her. “I just need a moment.”She nods, because why wouldn’t she? Gianna is the most gentle person I know; even if she were hurting, she’d never show it. I rest my forehead against hers while allowing her heartbeat to anchor me.I can fe
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GiannaEden looks at Divan and me with wide eyes as she opens her front door. “Hey! What are you two doing here?” she exclaims, and I can see the questions in her eyes. She’s going to want the full play-by-play and every little dirty detail, even if it’s mortifying for me. I hold up the plastic container of cookies. “I made too much of this and thought you might like them,” I say, and the way her face lights up at the mention of food makes me nearly laugh out loud.“I don’t know whether to feel offended or happy,” she says with a giggle, then she holds the door open for me. “Would you two like to come in for a cup of—”“Gianna,” Divan suddenly says, interrupting her, and I turn to look at him. “I apologize, both of you, but I need to go. Alpha Nikolaos asked me to meet him at the pack house immediately.”A shiver runs up my spine when I notice the warmth has left his eyes; this must be serious.“Of course, I understand,” I say and touch his upper arm lightly. “I’ll see you at home.”
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Divan/GhostAs soon as Alpha Nikolaos called me to come see him, I knew something was wrong. Isaac and Romano have been out on a mission, with Liam following shortly after. They’ve never been gone this long for something as small as a hostage situation.I stand at attention in the Alpha’s office while he’s on a call, my heart thudding against my chest. It charges the atmosphere with tension, as he seems to be speaking with his brother, Alpha Bastien, in Greek. Fuck, I hope this isn’t that serious. But that hope is squashed when he ends the call and Levi walks in, looking confused. What the fuck, even he was called?Alpha Nikolaos’ voice cut through the noise in my mind, commanding our attention. He leans with both his hands on the desk in front of him and sighs.“We’ve received critical intel about a rescue mission in the volatile and war-torn region we were investigating. It’s a high-risk operation that demands both of you be present. Sorry Ghost but this calls for you as well,” he
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Gianna The days turned into weeks, and the weeks stretched into a month. They have been gone for over a month now, and the worry in my heart grew with each passing day. I paced back and forth in our living room, watching the front door and waiting for a notice from the Alpha. When I watched Divan walking away from me, a bitter sense of dread seeped into my bones, one I haven’t been able to shake since he left. A knock at the door makes me think the worst things, but then I realize it’s just the other girls with the same looks on their faces. I glance at the clock on the wall, its hands ticking away mercilessly. It had become a constant reminder of the time that had slipped through my fingers, of the moments I longed to share with Divan, but couldn’t. Thoughts raced through my mind, memories of our last conversation before he left. The weight of his duty was evident, and he had promised to come back to me, even if that promise was hard to make. But as the days turned into weeks, a
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Gianna Wait, I don’t understand! I could feel Divan’s emotions through his mark after he claimed me and just before he left, but all this time while he’s been away I felt nothing. It’s part of the reason I’ve felt so empty because there was no emotion coming from him. So what is this look Levi is giving me? I let go of Demi’s arm and run towards the SUV, but Levi holds out his hand and shakes his head. “We need to see the Alpha first; you two should head back to the complex until—” “No, I’m staying here!” I exclaim and try to step around him, but he blocks my path. “Levi, please, I need to see him!” Doesn’t he understand what I’m going through right now?! I haven’t seen Divan in weeks and now something might be terribly wrong and he’s trying to keep it from me! I try to push past, but he blocks me again, then he grabs my upper arm and shakes his head, but I shove him back. Or rather, I try to. “Gianna,” Alpha Nikolaos’ voice stops me dead, and a chill runs up my spine. Levi lets
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Divan/GhostThe stench of blood and sweat filled the air as I face off against the Rogue piece of shit Alpha. The tension crackles like electricity, both of us poised for the impending clash. I can feel the weight of the moment, the stakes high and the fate of my brothers resting on my shoulders.My muscles tensed, ready to spring into action. I knew I couldn’t afford any hesitation especially when the fucker forced Isaac and Romano to nearly kill each other. The Rogue fucker lunges at me with a snarl, his fangs bared in a menacing display. Instinct took over as I dodged his attack, my body moving with precision as my blind wolf struggled to take over.He’s bloodthirsty, especially against Rogues but I can’t allow him to take over because he can’t distinguish between friend and foe. Letting him loose now could spell disaster, but I know I'll need to let him take over soon... I'm not winning here.We exchange blows, the impact of our fists echoing through the night. Each strike carried
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GiannaFor three agonizing days, I watched with bated breath as Alpha Bastien's witch, Celeste, tirelessly worked to break the curse that had ensnared Divan in a relentless cycle of nightmares. Each morning, as the sun rose, casting its gentle glow over the pack lands, but none of its warmth made its way into my heart. The air crackled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, the energy palpable as Celeste prepared to face the dark forces that held Divan captive.Celeste was a striking figure, her presence commanding and her aura radiating with ancient wisdom. Her long, silver hair cascaded down her back, contrasting against her ebony robes. Her eyes held a depth that spoke of experiences beyond mortal comprehension, and her voice carried a melodic quality that brought a sense of calm amidst the storm.Alpha Bastien assured us she could do this, that her coven was one of the strongest and most powerful in the country. I believed his words at first, but now as I watch her still str
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Ghost/DivanAs the landscape shifts, the darkness takes over but I don’t turn back into that frightened little boy again. I find myself thrust back into the depths of my nightmares; I steel my resolve to confront the haunting figure that tormented me—the nightmarish embodiment of my abusive father. The twisted manifestation sneered at me, his voice dripping with disdain.I don’t know how Gianna did it, how she found me and saved me but I am eternally thankful to her for what she has done. She soothed my night terrors, and now she’s broken me out of the nightmare loop. I know what I need to do now.I stand before the nightmarish manifestation of my father, a figure filled with darkness and malice. His voice echoes with a venomous familiarity as he unleashes his tirade of abuse, each word a searing dagger aimed at my heart.“You’re nothing but a weakling, Divan. A disappointment,” he sneers, his voice echoing through the twisted corridors of my mind. “Pitiful; you’ll never be a real man
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GiannaI watch Divan as he speaks with Alpha Nikolaos, noting how much respect both of them have for one another. I know they’re men and probably have never shown their emotions to one another, but just watching them makes me realize the Alpha sees Divan as a son.That would make sense, seeing as he saved Divan all those years ago.Smiling, I slip out of the bedroom to give them some privacy and walk downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee.Going into Divan’s subconscious was draining, not to mention scary as hell. I know we’ll need to speak about what happened, especially after seeing what his father did to him, but I’ll wait for him to come to me about it.When I walk into the kitchen, I see someone has already brewed a pot of coffee, so I pour myself a cup and inhale the familiar aroma. But as I take a sip, I can smell her scent before I even see her.“You don’t need to check up on me, you know,” I say, turning around to face Demi who has her arms crossed over her
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