All Chapters of The Girl Who Loved Two Princes: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
84 Chapters
Dance with me again - pt 2
2018, December 5th Flowing from the speakers in the room was Simple Plan's Save You. As he took slow steps towards her, waiting for her eyes to find him again, Bart mouthed the lyrics of the song. CC smiled her first genuine smile for that night and it felt so good and so perfectly cheesy that when he held a hand out to her, she took it without hesitation. He continued to sing along into her ear as he pulled her close and she relaxed into his arms. "This is super cheesy," CC said, swaying effortlessly to the music. Not trying to remember to be perfect by dancing the too perfect waltz. "You deserve a little cheesy," he said back to her, catching her off guard as he twirled and dipped her. She laughed out loud. Bart was taken aback. He'd never made a woman laugh like that. When the song ended, the crowd went wild as Katrina and the Waves' Walking on Sunshine came on. Hands went up, hips moved from side to side, and people let loose. Bart twirled and dipped her several times after t
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And then I met you - pt 1
2019, March 5th Her lungs were burning, but this only made her run faster. She wanted to stop as her eyes blurred with sweat, but this only made her legs move quicker. So when his hand came out of nowhere and yanked on the back of her sweatshirt, she was in two minds, partly pissed off, partly relieved. "I thought I told you, you go where I say you go until further notice." James bent over slightly as he caught his breath. "That's not exactly what you said. You said I go where you go. You said we'd be together until all of this was over and now you're just taking off on me!" She was yelling even through her breathlessness. "Then tell me what else am I supposed to do?! There are armed men chasing you! And there will continue to be until you go home!" "Then take me home! Take me back to Rosa!" "Zoey, if you just go back to the Arden mansion-" "I don't want to go back! I don't want to see him. I don't want to be treated like a woman in the dark ages." She was on her knees now,
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And then I met you - pt 2
2019, March 5th "But I can't marry you, not now, not in one month. All of this has made me realize that ever since I got here, I became just the woman on your arm. I need time. I need to figure things out." Tears started pouring down her cheeks faster than the water crashing down from the waterfall in the background as she dug into her purse and, with a shaky hand, brought out his engagement ring. She picked up his hand, opened up his fist, and dropped the ring into his hand. As she turned to walk away yet again, just like before he stopped her. Aaron grabbed her wrist. "What about after you've had your time?" he asked desperately. "Will you marry me then?" She laughed through her tears. "Play your cards right and you might get to ask again." He pulled her against his chest, cupping his hands around her face and kissing her passionately. This was unlike any kiss he'd ever given her before. It was deep and fierce and strong and sure. It was everything she'd always hoped he would
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The duke's challenge - pt 1
2018, December 5th James threw the doors to King Henry’s chambers open. “What is the meaning of this?!” King Henry raged. Two guards came rushing in after James, bowing low. “Apologies Your Majesty!” “What’s up, father?” James said, picking up a chocolate from a bowl on the desk. “Still have the sweet tooth, I see.” “Get him out of here!” The guards hesitated, exchanging glances. “Now, now, father. Play nice. I brought you a present and everything,” he said, pulling an envelope out of his jacket pocket and laying it down on the king's desk before dropping on the couch by the window. “This is still super comfy.” The king had murder in his eyes. The guards took this to mean that they were dismissed and scurried off. King Henry snatched up the envelope and took a look at the contents. As his eyes scanned the page, King Henry tumbled back into the chair in shock. “Marvellous, so you do remember. I trust we have an understanding then,” James said, popping the piece of choco
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The duke's challenge - pt 2
2018, December 17th Bart pulled his phone out of his pocket and called Aaron. “I have a favour to ask.” “Did you call the wrong person or something?” “It’s for CC.” “What do you need?” “Heard of JJ Jewels?” Aaron ended the call a minute later and turned the car around, shooting Zoey an apologetic look. “I just escaped from a fortress, not to mention outran Jesse and several bodyguards to be here, but no picnic, huh?” “Sorry. We have to head back into the city. CC needs a favour. It may not be a fancy picnic with fancy cheese and wine and a gorgeous view and hot chocolate by the fireplace in a cabin in the woods.” “There’s a but in here somewhere, right?” “But! There will be unhealthy goodness!” “Well then, to the unhealthy goodness.” Aaron adjusted his black, wide rimmed glasses for the umpteenth time. Zoey rolled her eyes. “This is where you expect to find dirt on JJ Jewels?” They were parked on the side of the street and right in front of them, a food market
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Escaping Rosa - pt 1
2019, March 6th (Rosa) James' phone rang for the umpteenth time in the last 16 hours. This time it was Bart calling, but he had just as many missed calls from CC. He was sure that they must've figured it out by now. That by some bizarre turn of events, Zoey had ended up next to him again, sleeping like she didn't have a care in the world. And what was this whole their moms go way back thing? Small world, he guessed. He remembered the look on Zoey's face when she saw her mom. It looked like her world was alright again. He knew she was in for a rude awakening, but he couldn't stop it. Especially now, since it wasn't just her anymore. Her mother, Natalie, was now along for the ride, too. The Jeep with James and the three women in it finally stopped in front of a two-story house. The rest of their party had been asked to hang back. "Well, we're here. Who wants pancakes?" Natalie asked. "Your pancakes are terrible," said Zoey, stirring from her slumber. She looked up at James and down
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Escaping Rosa - pt 2
2019, March 6th "Hey Ma," said James, answering his phone. "Where are you? We'll come and meet you." "We're just at this diner down the road. Great pancakes." "Oh yeah? Get some for us, will you? I'm sure Zoey's starving." "All right, honey. See you soon." "Bye Ma." James looked at Zoey one more time before starting the car. He was only two blocks away from her house when Zoey said, "Stop the car." It was the first thing she had said in over 40 minutes, so he responded immediately. Zoey opened the car door and hopped right out. "What's wrong?" He parked the car as he watched her enter a boutique. By the time he got into the store, she had already disappeared into it. Almost instantly, he knew what it was. A wedding dress boutique. "May I help you, sir?" the salesclerk asked. "The woman that just came in here-" "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before the wedding day?" The breath caught in James' throat. Her eyes were puffy from the crying
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Deal with devil Maine - pt 1
2018, December 17th (Two days before the fashion show) "How about I just get you away from the strippers? CC would kill me if she knew I brought you here," Aaron said, slapping a hand onto Bart's back and steering him in the direction of the tables. "Also, let's never come to a strip club together again." "Agreed," said Bart, as he watched a waitress in a thong and lace bra pass him by and screwed up his face in disgust. "Dude, are you even a guy?" "Why would CC care if I came to this tacky place?" "Aren't you guys like a thing or whatever?" "Nope." "Someone should maybe tell your faces that when you're together then." "12 o'clock. She's not the Maine we want, but she is a Maine." Straight ahead, four or five tables in front of them, sat Emily Maine. She stood immediately, in a cashmere knee-length coat and pencil heel boots, no doubt the most clad woman in the place. Lazily playing with the olive in her martini, she looked to be waiting for someone. "You wait here," said A
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Deal with devil Maine - pt 2
2018, December 19th (Five hours before the start of the show) "I suppose it's a good thing that you're not coming to your only daughter's first show, since you all but doomed it. Why couldn't you just let her have this?!" Aaron yelled, bursting into the drawing room at the royal palace. "Watch your mouth!" King Henry reprimanded. "Remember who you're speaking to," Queen Mary seconded. Aaron flared his nostrils. "Did you or did not use your business relationship with Duke Maine to get JJ Jewels to pull out of the fashion show?" "Your brother puts us all at risk. Don't think that because you're making kissy faces with the Arden girl that they wouldn't make moves against us. One whiff of his connection to us and we'll be right back to five years ago, holding onto the royal seal by the skin of our teeth," said King Henry. "Bart already knows about James," Aaron informed his parents. The king and queen exchanged concerned glances. Aaron rolled his eyes. "You can relax. If he wante
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Once stolen, twice forbidden - pt 1
2019, March 7th (Copia) By the time the doctor had finished dressing James' wound and the three women had concluded their fussing about said wound, it was already dinner time. Since no one particularly had much of an appetite and their bodies were wary from the activities of the day, dinner was had quickly and in near silence. Not wanting to be apart from her daughter, whom she was perfectly aware had escaped death by a hair's breadth, Natalie had insisted on sharing a room with Zoey, if only for the night. James found that sleep came for him almost instantly. He was appreciative of the sedative that the doctor had given him to calm his nerves and allow him to sleep easily. As it was, even without being hunted and getting shot, James often had trouble sleeping. Just as he was drifting off, he could've sworn he heard the creak of a door opening, but before he could think about it anymore, he was asleep. Zoey was lying in bed wide awake, staring up at the unfamiliar ceiling. Next to
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