All Chapters of Legally His: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Chapter 11 - Thursday Night Ride
"I should have just tricked you into giving me the tickets and went out with someone not as famous as you." I say a little irritated as I pass by the average number of people seated waiting for the show to start."Oh come on, it isn't that bad." Blake says behind me as he keeps on flashing his smile at the ladies in the room."Are you kidding me? Ever since we stepped foot into this place, almost all the female learners have come up to you to ask for a picture and an autograph oh and let me not forget, the teachers too." I sit down and cross my arms, “is it because of the fame or your looks? I am starting to believe it is your looks."Okay, I'm sorry. I will turn away the next people to come. And yes, it is because of my looks and so ever awesome personality.” Blake smiles and pokes my nose. The irritation disappears and I can't help but smile back at him genuinely, which is far from innocent, “you look better when you are smiling, quit going all grumpy bear on me.”Thinking about it,
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Chapter 12 - Who Are We To Judge One Another?
It's Friday again then Saturday and Sunday then what?It’s Friday again then Saturday and Sunday then what?I love that song, but it Friday and to say that things are going my way would be a lie. After a lot of preparing and sleepless nights (I think…), the company we did all of that for decided to reschedule the meeting on the very last minute with some senseless explanation. I rocked a great outfit and curled my hair all for nothing. This week fooled me by starting off great, it is not my week. I think I am done with it now, cause I cannot reset the days that have passed and make it better.I lean forward and take another chocolate piece while seated with Bianca. The two of us decided to bury ourself in sweet food as we complain but be grateful that we get extra time to look at the holes in the presentation and fix them. Yet I seem to be the only one burying myself in the sweet food before us… mhm…"I can't believe they cancelled," I say while also reading the note from the chocolate
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Chapter 13 - Business Trip
"Where were you last night?" Steven asks the moment I step foot into the house after leaving the engage."Can we please talk about this tomorrow? I'm really tired now." I yawn as I take out my black stiletto heels off."No. I want us to talk about it now. Where were you yesterday night?"Looking closely at him, I realize that Steven already knows where I was. I don't know if this is a test or what but I'm not interested, I'm sleepy. "I was out with Blake to a school's musical fundraising event that was not here. There, now can I go to bed?""Why did you go with Blake? Am I missing something here?" I guess this is a no to my question.Rubbing my temples I sit down on the stairs leading upstairs to the other bedrooms. "How am I supposed to know Steven? I mean I'm not the one putting less effort into this relationship, I can't even say marriage because I'm not sure what is going on here. I am also not the one putting work before you. Blake and I are in good terms and he is just been here
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Chapter 14 - News Sure Fly Fast
I am exhausted. I thought the flight would take just a few hours but I was off the radar. It took forever probably close to 12hours and we even ran out of things to do which means boredom stroke while in the air. With the pilot taking his sweet time, we finally landed and a driver holding up a sign was waiting for us just outside the airport near a limousine. The drive also took a very very long time to arrive at the hotel but we finally did and I have to say that I'm blown away. I've always wanted to come to Miami and go to the Key beach and just being here shows me how much I've missed out. I do not get why I have not travelled to places I want to travel to yet, I have the financial means to do so and if it becomes heavy on my wallet, I can always ask my parents for compensation. After all I do still receiving monthly allowance from them.We had rooms booked to us and thankfully, I am sharing with Bianca - she wanted it that way. And once we got settled in, just like me, she too was
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Chapter 15 - Should or shouldn’t?
Here he stands looking as handsome as ever, strange right? I mean I've never looked at Blake in this way, never! But here I am also somehow falling for his looks. He is wearing a full black business suit this time that is hugging his muscles in all the right places."Oh ah mr Blake, I didn't know that uh we will be meeting you - I mean you did pay for our business trip but I...""Wait, what?" I turn my head violently at Bianca who by the way is no longer seated but now near Blake. "Please tell me The Parkers Brothers' company is not the mysterious company.""Well since you asked me not to tell you then I won't." Bianca smiles at me and looks back at the smirking Blake. "I am sorry for my associate, she can get a bit overdramatic." Bianca smiles hugely at Blake.He nods and looks at me. Don't say a word. I tell him telepathically but once again, Blake does what he knows best, not listen to me. "I'm quite offended that you aren't too happy to see me Aria." His smirks grows even wider as
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Chapter 16 - Sticky Situation
"So let me get this straight, Steven is the love of your life and the one you were supposed to call husband but because of his stupidity and love for money you ended up presenting Blake as your husband on the altar before the pastor and most importantly, God. Then you and Blake started spending time together and that is when you started feeling some type of way for him but you told yourself that it is all in your head and that you will wait for the marriage license signing thing then you will present Steven as your husband to everyone and God by doing another wedding. But then things seem not to be going your way because Steven is still busy with his work and Blake is making himself more and more available and though you couldn't stand each other at first, now you're kissing buddies. In conclusion, you're married to Blake and you're the girl we have been seeing on social media?" I nod my head at Bianca as she summarizes what I just told her, "ha! I knew it! I knew that that was you." S
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Chapter 17 - Pon De Replay
"...we also picked up that your company's old decorations were formal yet not old fashioned. Which is today's theme on the companies we've chosen. Our favorite is on the last page of the file before you. However, if you are not in any way impressed with this theme then we can show you another one we worked on. Thank you." Bianca finishes with he beautiful charming smile. She really did work on her convincing skills."Wonderful Miss Bianca. I am actually impressed and loving what I am seeing." Blake flips through the file together with his assistant. They continue to discuss something while Bianca slips in beside me."Do you think he means it or he is just saying that because you locked lips and he is hoping that you will lock lips again?” "Shhh." I pinch her thighs, "I think he means it. Start trusting in yourself and stop thinking that he is saying all of these things because we have some thing going on." I give her a hard glare and she nods her head repeatedly.“So, you are admittin
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Chapter 18 - Legally His
"You could've at least put me nicely." I huff in annoyance."You could've at least listened to me. Do you know how dangerous it could've gotten for you?" He asks still looking angry as his hands grip the steering wheel tightly."That club is not dangerous and you left my friends in there!""I sent my friend to pick them up. They are safe, at least one of us has to be thoughtful." He says bitterly."Oh forgive me for trying to live my life! You know what, this conversation is done. I won't fight with you over some petty thing." I fold my arms and look outside the window."This is one of my problems with you. You always back down whenever an argument emerges and then wonder why things happen the way they do."Turning to look at him in disbelief, "well sorry your majesty for trying to be the bigger person and stop a conflict.""That is not how life works. There is a reason why there are conflict resolution skills. Avoidance is not always the right thing." He grips the steering wheel even
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Chapter 19 - I’m now married to Blake
"No. No. No. It is not the truth. I can't be married to you." I move back and balance myself with the kitchen counter. “You- you cannot do this to me Blake. Steven will never do this to me.”"But it is the truth. You Aria Johnson are Mrs Parker to me and not Steven. You are married to me. Look, I can walk you through the day of the signing." Last Week Tuesday "No, I will not buy the building with such an amount of money. We had a deal and you need to stick to it!" Blake shouts with irritation at the man on the other side of the phone.Tom, his assistant knocks on his door softly and enters when his boss says nothing."Blake?" Tom calls out.Blake cuts off the call and focuses on the man before him, "yes?""Ah I have documents that need to be signed as soon as possible. Before the end of the day.”"Can't Steven sign them?""He asked me to bring them to you and not so politely. Here I am.”"Did you go through them?""Yes, before I gave Steven yesterday. It is the documents relating to
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Chapter 20 - Cat is out of the bag
Mother - a person who protects, nurture; give life to by birthing. A person that will always always be here for me.I talked to my mother until I fell asleep covered with my thousand tissues. I woke up the next day only for me to cry a thousand times and fall back into sleep. I woke up again when I heard a loud knocking on my door and behold when I opened it, I was hit with the faces of my worried mother and that of Bianca. Mother flew all the way from the tour bus that was in Colombia to here just to comfort her daughter."I can't believe he did that to you." She pops a chocolate into her mouth."Yeah, to think that I pushed his nasty behavior on the side and convinced you to buy a lingerie for him." Bianca says quite sad and also pops a chocolate in her mouth."You're aren't the only one that pushed his nasty behavior on the side. I saw all the signs and yet still went on with the wedding, still went on with the license thing but then look at me now." I lean my head on my mother’s s
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