All Chapters of The Great Black King: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
150 Chapters
Chapter • 51
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C ⋅• ♱She came in, the blond hair, the blue eyes and that aura.It was as if Elaine simply shone - a golden glow and charged with heavenly energy. I held my breath as I stared at her and for some reason - her eyes were not fixed on Callisto, but on me."Put the handcuffs on," Callisto said, and his voice was cold and sharp as he ordered it done."This did not happen in the novel" I thought as the guards approached with large iron handcuffs, there were so many symbols carved on them that I wondered if it was more an instrument of torture than something to "seal" the divine powers."Callisto..." Azrael’s eyes widened "is this necessary?"Even I wanted to question him about it. It was about Elaine that we were talking about, the girl who was barely 1.64 tall and her arms and body were too thin for her height; Elaine was like a child who forgot to grow up, who does not feed properly for months."She is still the saint of that God" I remembered as I fixed my posture; Elaine’s
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Chapter • 52
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Elaine ⋅• ♱"Hello... sweetie" she said and even if my body did not react, even if I was just a spectator trapped in a piece of meat with arms and legs that did not respond to me, I shuddered.Had her voice always been like that? She had always had that intonation full of... what was that? Malice? No... it was different, it was different from how much Asmodeus mumbled that nickname; it was not disgusting or scary, it was almost... tempting.I thanked for a moment - I thanked that my body did not respond to me, that my senses were different from what it really looked like - otherwise -, I was sure that my cheeks would be red as if they would bleed at any time.But... she was there, her eyes were staring at me, her feet were in front of me and all I wanted was to say her name. I felt it in my tongue, I felt each one of those letters, I felt as if I was able to do it and then free myself, free myself from those bonds, from that place, from that eternal prison."As.
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Chapter • 53
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Asmodeus ⋅• ♱They were there, I could see, even if neither Asra nor Callisto noticed me, I watched them."It’s different" that nosy demon muttered "I couldn’t understand.""Of course not" I thought "you’re too dumb for that".Asra stared at Elaine, who was on the floor, practically drooling in pain. The infant body of that thing the God of angels called "holy" was writhing as he thrust more and more divine power into that nearly dying body.What was wrong with that bastard? He was always cruel, always ruthless - no matter what plan we were talking about, what existence it was about, he was always a fucking asshole full of himself."She’ll die if she stays that way" the little demon in my earring muttered "her human brain will burn."Smile."Is it going to be a barbecue... or is it pâté? I’ve never tried a human brain pâté, it should taste good with spices and a garlic toast. Everything looks good with garlic" I said as I played with my index finger on my lips.
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Chapter • 54
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Elaine ⋅• ♱Darkness.I was used to the darkness - but I could still feel that cold in my spine.Then my eyes opened and it was not the usual darkness that struck me, but the sight of an emerald room."No... no... no..." I felt my whole body weigh.Calisto was looking at me with disgust and contempt... so why? Why the hell put me in that place?"Let me come back..." I wanted to beg Azrael who should be at my door right now, but it wasn’t like I could.I didn’t want to be there, I didn’t want to see Calisto, and I didn’t want it to happen again. It was changing, it had finally changed something after all this time... so why?"Ah... you woke up" a feminine and gentle voice smiled at me, but although I recognized all the maids of the castle, I did not remember this.They didn’t dress like that, they didn’t behave like that.Something was different then.His eyes were covered by a seal, his hair was dark in a purplish tone and his lips were black - just like his clo
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Chapter • 55
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C ⋅• ♱She was on the floor, her eyes looked like a mixture of fear and confusion, it was almost as if she didn’t understand or believe that I was there."Come on... is it hard for you to stand?" I questioned her while trying to ignore the fact that she looked more like a trained puppy who was afraid of being thrown away by the owner.Elaine stared at me again and those cobalt blue eyes closed long as she nodded affirmatively."Di-difficult, I think..."Was she speaking well when she entered Callisto’s office, was that one of the effects of the handcuffs? The scene of Michael being chained and dragged to Callisto’s feet came to mind.In the original work, Michael - the great archangel, the one who drove Lucifer out of paradise and tore off his wings -, was sent by his father to take care of his saint. Michael hated the idea of Elaine being in Callisto’s arms and after falling madly in love with the saint, he became obsessed to the point of intervening in his father’s plans
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Chapter • 56
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Asmodeus ⋅• ♱"Since when do you care about children?"Asra stared at me with a raised eyebrow, it was almost as if she was unable to understand me."And since when does that bother you so much?""She’s on Azrael’s side!" I said trying to argue, but she snitched."I don’t want to talk about it, enough..." she murmured with one hand over her face and I took her face."She looks angry" the little demon in my earring muttered."Asra!" I called her "you can’t pretend that nothing happened and that you’re not committing madness!"Nothing good would come from that angelic thing around her.Nada.How many times had I witnessed the death of that crimson-haired being?For a moment the memory of someone with equally wavy hair and the same color came to mind. To see that thing in front of me die again and again at the hands of Callisto because of that thing, that thing they call a saint, she tortures."What happened to you?""Asmodeus!" the grenade eyes stared at me "enoug
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Chapter • 57
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱Asmodeus looked different - that’s what I thought, for a moment he didn’t look like that smiling, ironic demon, it was almost as if something in him had drastically changed.I sighed and when he was no longer there, I entered the dining room.It was beautiful - if I could say so, but not exactly a surprise. That was the palace of the king’s concubine and also of the duchess - it was obvious that it would be ornate and well decorated.Asra could be many things in his life, but had always had unquestionable good taste."Ma'am...""What was it?" I asked without much patience to the maid who entered the room."Am... came a... letter from the king."I didn’t want to read it, I didn’t want to know what Calisto wanted to tell me after the last conversation we had and when I opened my mouth to say it, I saw Elaine appear at the door leading to the corridor."Leave it in my office" I said banging the tip of the nail on the dark wood of the table "I see it as soon as I finis
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Chapter • 58
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Calisto ⋅• ♱Asra had simply gone to her palace taking the child they called a saint with her."Still worried?" Azrael asked me about the plaster pile."No."I lied."Of course..." he snorted and crossed his arms over his chest as Loren ran ahead of us, in his little hands were freshly picked flowers."Look Daddy! I brought flowers!"The happiness in the childish and sweet face of my son made me question how someone was able to harm that little being."Thank you, dear," I said crouching in front of him and receiving the flowers he had picked for me."Do you think Asra would like that? I remembered her when I saw the red flowers back there, but..." he stopped and his eyes stared at the ground "she’s far away... and I can’t give the flowers to her anymore."As he had left very early as soon as we quarreled about the saint - Asra did not bother to take care of anything else and thanks to this did not say goodbye to Loren.It was hard to explain to him that she had
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Chapter • 59
♱ •⋅ 1750 A.C. ⋅• ♱ •⋅ Elaine ⋅• ♱It was in the garden again, in that garden - the one with yellow flowers and white roses near a dome. There were tall buildings full of people circling around and the colored-haired lady was still sitting next to her."Tiring" she murmured as she threw her body back.It was hard to tell if that girl was tired or just bothered by the conversations and the noise.Yeah, she hated the noise, she hated people being around her..."Still... she is here" I found myself thinking as those eyes that seemed to contain the immensity of the universe settled on me."How do you do it?" she asked me with her practically inexpressive face."What is it?""How do you keep smiling and being... perfect all the time?"Perfect? Since when was I perfect?Those words did not make any sense - and yet she stared at me waiting for an answer, for a miraculous recipe for "perfection"."What? I’m not perfect... than...""Come on... no need to pretend all the time, you know..." she
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Chapter • 60
♱ •⋅ 1750 B.C. ⋅• ♱Even from my room I could hear the screams, agonizing cries that seemed to intensify night after night."She didn’t leave the room and didn’t eat much either," the maids said."Better this way" Asmodeu completed with a huge smile "at least it’s not hindering us, right?"But still, the screams came at night, at dawn - they came and somehow I seemed to be the only one listening."Ignore" my common sense told me "it’s not your problem" I repeated myself whenever I had the opportunity and yet, those agonizing screams invaded my mind, they kept me awake during the night - all the time until the sobs came from the other side of that door.Elaine had no nightmares in the novel, she had no such dreams and her sleep had never been so disturbed. Elaine did not feed badly.Was it all my fault? Was she like that for the things I did?Was it all my fault that I changed? It was inevitable that I would ask myself - especially when everything seemed to revolve around the changes I
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