All Chapters of Resist Me Mr. Alpha: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
131 Chapters
Chapter 80
Kamari's Point of View An hour passed in total silence. Gaelan resigned himself to a shower after speaking extensively with Malakai about what this news entailed for us. Both of them thought I was unwise for sending for Zayan so soon, which in their minds would only tip him off and give him an advantage. Nolan remained mute whilst looking out the window. Stared at nothing in particular. Every once in a while he would move. Realize I was also sitting there and smiled timidly my way. Right before his face would fall back into a blank stare. He was hurting more than he tried to let on. A horrible decision to make but I understood. He needed space to process. Most likely, he was questioning his entire friendship at this point. If he even knew the man as well as he had thought. And me... Well. I couldn't wrap my mind around why Zayan would pull something like this. Why he would promise me the world only to let me fall flat on my face. None of it made sense. But feelings often didn't.
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Chapter 81
Kamari's Point of ViewAn hour and a half had passed. Only half an hour since my father confronted me about accepting my mother's proposal. Half an hour after he promised to help me in any which way he could to make my transition over into Alpha smoother.I appreciated the sentiment.But another thought struck me. If I became Alpha, I would never get the opportunity to study. To become something more than just an heiress. Which was exactly what I had wanted in my life. Achieve greatness on my own.Now it was just another deluded dream.Although some part of me was shriveled up and cold, I couldn't help but feel the twang of pain that followed when I thought of Zayan. The hurt that clouded my vision when I lingered on him too long. "Hey, you took a while, are you fine?" Nolan asked from behind me.Rubbing my eyes, I turned to look at him. Noticed the moonlight casting a perfect halo over his blonde hair. The twinkle in his eyes when he looked at me. Behind me, my cupboard doors stood
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Chapter 82
Kamari's Point of ViewThe next two hours were the longest of my life. I could barely contain myself. Paced up and down the living room until I was sure the soles of my shoes were worn through.Every time I would pick at my cuticles, Malakai's voice would pop into my head. Spread out across my body until I let my hands fall to my sides.Gaelan had decided on drinking whiskey at this time in the morning. With the sun rising slowly, I could see the amber liquid slosh in his glass as he walked back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. Nolan on the other hand was much calmer than the two of us.He kept to himself on the couch. Opened up the curtains enough to see the cars coming and going. Most of them were heading to work or school. Some stopped on the sidewalks to pick up more people. It was an endless loop. One that shattered my nerves every time I heard a car engine come down the street.When I had spoken to Zayan over the phone, it was different. I was another person.
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Chapter 83
Kamari's Point of ViewWe were all huddled behind an old laptop I had gotten for my sixteenth birthday. Nolan was at the helm of it, even when Zayan protested, saying he was the one on trial and should clear his name. Neither Hunter nor Randal let him.It was only my dad that refused to move. Kept watch from the safety of his chair. His eyes never missed a thing. The smallest of movements could be made on Zayan's part and he would instantly call it out.In actuality, it was Gaelan that told Nolan not to let Zayan near the laptop. He couldn't be trusted not to pull something just to get loose. Break away. Leave this place forever without being punished for his crimes.I had no idea what strings Zayan was pulling. Knew something was off the moment he got that look of realization on his face.There was a large part of my soul that believed him when he claimed he was innocent. Unlike my dad, I had hopes that this would sort itself out. That the full truth would be revealed."Stop fidgetin
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Chapter 84
Kamari's Point of ViewFifteen times in the last two days, that's how much she spoke to him. When a call came through, she would speak as if it was nothing. Talk about how well Zayan was treating her. How the house was perfect and she wanted to change a few things.Minutes into the conversation, she would stalk upstairs, go into the bathroom and turn on the tap. What was said after that was a mystery. But it proved that she knew the cameras could hear her. She was smart enough to know to cover her tracks.It seemed a whole lot more suspicious than I could fathom but it still wasn't concrete evidence that Zayan was innocent.A long stretch, that was what it was. Arik and Eris setting him up for something? It nearly sounded absurd. What would they gain by throwing him under the bus? Why would they even instigate the attacks of Jagged Rock?Maybe for the same reasons we thought Zayan could be the culprit. Once the dust was settled and Rachel was overthrown Arik could easily step in and p
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Chapter 85
Malakai's Point of ViewRachel was already in her office when I entered. She had on a different color suit than yesterday although the cut was much the same. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail. Eyes darted across the papers in front of her.When I entered, she barely acknowledged me. Carried on reading whatever was in front of her. Her aloofness could be attributed to being the informal Alpha for so long. Work came first and the world came second. in essence, an Alpha was enslaved to the people they served. Forever trapped within the loop of being judge, jury, and executioner.All while still catering to the whims of the people around you."Close the door." She instructed without so much as looking up.Turning, I shut it. Locked it as well. No one was privy to the information that spiraled out in this office. Not even her little boy toy of the hour, Robert. This way, no one could just walk in."Have you spoken with Kamari as of late?" I asked. Sank down into an overstuffe
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Chapter 86
Kamari's Point of ViewNolan and Gaelan had taken over for Hunter and Randal. The two guards were shown to separate rooms to sleep in. To catch up on some serious rest before the final play of this act had to start. Each also took a shower before going to bed.My dad's clothes fitted Hunter better than Randal but both made do with what they had. At least their Alpha showed them some sympathy, unlike their Luna.Malakai had promised to speak to my mother but several hours had passed with no call coming in from him. Not sign that he had succeeded in stalling the bloodthirsty Luna. If I knew my mother, which I didn't really, I thought she would have sent more men by now. Took this whole situation right out of my hands and placed it in her own.She never struck me as the trusting type.Nor did she strike me as the concerned type but here we were, with two of her minions sleeping happily in our guest bedrooms. You could call it whatever you wanted, but I still felt like it was an invasion
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Chapter 87
Zayan's Point of View Seeing them huddled so close together snapped something inside of me. Somehow it reminded me that this wasn't the first trip I had had with Eris. Or the fucking last, by the looks of things. It also reminded me that I let Kamari fall into the fire whilst cuddling that bitch of a snake. As much as I hated to admit it, my father was right. Eris was a viper and she never cared about who she bit in the process. That was the truth and I feared I might never be able to fully swallow it. Then the urge to hit Nolan came hard and fast. Nearly took me off of my feet. But my anger shouldn't be pointed at him. Or at Kamari. It should be focused on the bitch that betrayed me for the second time around. It should also be focused on myself for believing she could somehow change overnight. Because self-hatred came in many fucking forms. And I might just have reached the boss level on this one. Watching the sunset didn't calm me as it would normally have. Watching the last
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Chapter 88
Zayan's Point of View I could hear her humming as I walked up the stairs. A light tune followed by the sloshing of water. Eris had on some music in the background as well. Classical, something I had never thought she would listen to. When I was still me and she was still her, we listened mainly to pop. Sometimes we would branch off into rock or techno but never for too long. Country music was also a fan favorite of hers but the moment something classical came on, I was always forced to change it. No matter how much I enjoyed the lilting music. Or how much it reminded me of my mother. Now here she was, laying in a tub full of water and bubbles, listening to classical music. The water came up to about her breasts, the rest was covered in a large mountain of bubbles. Foam that lapped at her neck and collarbones. Her face was covered in a strange mask of green. In her hand was a long-stemmed wine glass filled with white wine. For a moment I lingered in the door without alerting her t
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Chapter 89
Zayan's Point of View This was what betrayal truly felt like. Being used and spat back out as if you meant nothing. Was that how Kamari felt when I had chosen Eris over her? This sting in your chest that refused to leave. That refused to do anything but hurt. Especially now that her mask had fallen away. Left a hollow look on her face. A skeleton staring back at me. Then the part came where I just felt stupid for not believing the signs. For looking for the good in her whilst I knew better. Sitting here in front of her now, I knew I had to make the situation right. No longer play the victim in this story. If Eris wanted to be the villain, then I would gladly treat her as such. The monster in my story. "Are you going to remain silent for the rest of this questioning?" I asked, keeping my eyes firmly on her. Eris was sloshing her ice and vodka in her hand. Examined it from every angle. Everything but to look at me. Then a spark hit her eyes and the hollowness evaporated. She wa
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