All Chapters of Daddy's Little Girl: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
169 Chapters
Chapter 61: My Keira
CLINT’S POVAs I held an almost finished cigarette in between my fingers, I stared at the pictures of my ex spread out on my study desk. They were all pictures of her in different places, going about her daily activities.I had hired someone to investigate the whereabouts of my ex-wife. It was essential because I was trying to dig up and find some dirt on her. I hated how she had a chokehold on me, one I could not break free from. I needed leverage on her, and although it was not a decent way, it was the only way I could do it.I picked up a picture from my desk and stared at it. In the picture, my ex-wife was seen coming down from a car in front of a large law firm. I sighed as I gazed at her brown, curly hair and her chestnut eyes. I could not stop thinking about her. My ex-wife. Even though it had been years since we officially ended things, she was still always on my mind, like a parasite feeding on me and draining me out. I had completely forgotten about her years ago. I was ha
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Chapter 62: Black Hole Day
KEIRA’s POVGoing back to school after missing so many days meant a whole load of work waiting for me. I was not mentally prepared for it, yet I got ready that morning to leave for class. I wrapped up my hair in a bun as I stood in front of my mirror, giving my outfit a once over. It was modest and casual and I was satisfied with it. Even if I was not, I was late for school and could not afford to begin rummaging through my closet for another outfit. So I grabbed my car keys and walked out of the house. Papa's car was not in the driveway when I headed out. Where did he go that early? He was supposed to reduce work because of his health as per the doctor's advice. The man never listened. The journey from Papa's house to school was a bit longer in distance but I got there on time. I tried to get some schoolwork done to catch up with my schedule. It had been a week since I had missed school and I was behind on a lot of stuff. Assignments and projects were piled up waiting for me. I h
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Chapter 63: Her Safe Haven
KEIRA’S POVThe day after the humiliating conversation with Professor Lewis was my therapy session with Clint. Professor Lewis' words rang in my head as I drove to the clinic. It was all I could think about and my mood had taken a turn since yesterday. Slut shaming me because I missed classes was taking it too far. What crawled up his ass and died? I bet he would not have spoken to me that way had I not opened my legs for him. It was my fault for jumping on every male I found attractive. But on the brighter side of it, Clint was going to cheer me up. He always knew the right things to say. I had no idea on how he did it. He just never failed to make me feel better.I liked how close we had gotten recently after he came clean about his ex wife. If he had done so earlier I would not have gotten the wrong idea and mistaken her for his girlfriend. There were no more secrets between us now. I preferred it this way. I pulled up in front of the clinic and stepped inside, flashing a quick
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Chapter 64: Sorting Marie Out
CLINT'S POV It was extremely hot that late afternoon as the city bustled with traffic and inaudible chatter outside the cafeteria. I could tell most people were already rounding off their day and prepping to enjoy the cosiness of their various homes as the weekend set in. And this particular cafeteria teemed with hungry souls who could not get over the exquisite meals and great customer service they provided, except me. I sat in a corner, my nerve on edge as I drew uneasy patterns on the manila envelope resting on the table. I perked up every time the door slid open, checking the customers to see if any one of them was the woman who pestered my life, only to slump back in my chair when it was not her. I sipped on my water and looked out the window, my mind wandering to how I had gotten here. Marie had called this afternoon to meet up again urgently, and I knew it was definitely to blackmail me again. Reason she chose a teeming restaurant in the heart of the city, to get people to
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Chapter 65: Best Date Ever
KEIRA'S POVI poked a fork into the plate of spaghetti and meatballs that sat in front of me. I was not exactly hungry, but it was time for dinner, and I had to eat something at least. I took out the frozen spaghetti from the refrigerator and placed it in the microwave.Now that the meal was sitting in front of me, I had no drive to shove it into my mouth. I let out a sigh and twirled the spaghetti around as my eyes wandered my kitchen until they stopped at the owl-shaped wall clock. From the ticking hands, I could see that it was a little past 7 pm. I was terribly bored and I had nothing to do and no one to talk to. Usually, during a Saturday night like this, I would be all dressed and on my way to a lively club to party, which usually ended up with me bringing a man home and having sex with him till dawn.But since I met Clint, the desire to be a party animal had died. And now I was left with nothing to do on a Saturday night. I groaned and placed down my fork as I felt a mix of em
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Chapter 66: Wild
Keira’s POVThe drive back home was serene. The silence that blanketed the car was a comfortable one, and I was not shy to bask in the wonderful feeling. The events of that evening came rushing back, filling me with warmth. I glanced at Clint's palm on my lap and then rested my eyes on his face. He seemed so at peace, strumming his fingers lightly on the steering wheel as he bobbed his head to the soft pop streaming through the speakers. I had never been happier. Clint turned away from the road to smile at me. I beamed back, grinning all the more when a naughty thought fleeted across my mind. I smirked at Clint who was switching his attention from me to the road and back to me. He gave me a questioning stare. "Are you good, Keira?" This was not safe, what I was about to do. But the thought of trying something that dangerously thrilled me. It caused my blood to sing. I slid the passenger seat back as far as it went and then reclined the seat as low as possible. Then I spread my le
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Chapter 67: Beyond Sex
Keira’s POVClint asked to take me to his house after our eventful date. I didn't mind spending more time with him, so I agreed with it instantly. Our conversation for the rest of the evening consisted of almost everything as we drove home. We ate, talked, and ordered dessert. It was fun, and by the end of the night, I might have developed a huge crush on Clint. He was the perfect gentleman, always making sure I was happy with everything we indulged in. He complimented me, held my hand, and none of it felt forced. We reached his house in minutes, and the both of us stepped inside. I felt his fingers stroke my skin through the thin material of the dress and I found myself pressing further into him. Then, he gave me a kiss on my cheek, and I almost melted into a puddle right there. It had been a while since I felt this way. "Today was amazing," I confessed, even if I had probably already said that a hundred times. Clint sent me a smile. "And what better way to end it than here in y
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Chapter 69: Getting An Investigator
CLINT’s POVI struggled to digest the words Keira had spilt to my face. I gazed at her for seconds and minutes as I desperately tried to grasp this new information that had been poured out to me. It felt like I had been slapped right in the face, and there was no way for me to recover."What the hell did you just say? You want to get a private investigator?"Keira picked up her glass filled with wine and took a sip out of it while maintaining fierce eye contact with me."It is just as I said. Why are you getting so worked up about it?" She asked in a very nonchalant manner.I gazed at her in disbelief. How could she say it with so much apathy? Did she understand what it meant to get a private investigator? It meant that whatever it was, it was definitely serious.I circled my fingers at the top of the wine glass and let out a sigh through my nostrils. A lot of things were not adding up. It felt like I was left in the dark, unable to understand or know what was going on in her life.Th
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Chapter 70: Bonding
KEIRA’s POVClint and I stayed in each other's arms for a while until he finally pulled away from me. He looked at me and uttered a sigh."I know finding a private investigator will be hard for you, so let me do that for you instead."I went owl-eyed at him."But you do not have to do that. I can find one myself, Clint," I tried to convince him.Clint shook his head. He seemed adamant about his decision."Let me do this one thing for you, Keira, please,"I bit my inner lips and exhaled."Of course, thank you," I replied, feeling a weight on my shoulder lift.My chest felt relatively light, and that gave me a sense of joy. I looked at Clint and noticed he had this glint in his eyes, and it caused me to raise an eyebrow. Why did he have that look in his eyes?"This conversation kind of put a damper on the mood. We are here to celebrate, and why don't we commemorate that by seeing a movie right now?"My eyes beamed at the sound of his suggestion. It was a really good idea, and I was inc
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Chapter 70: Jealous
KEIRA’s POVI stared at my digital clock, which was propped on my bedside table, with a cup of hot, steaming coffee in my hands. I took a sip from the cup, feeling the bitter yet sweet taste of the coffee lingering on my tongue.The time on the clock read 6:12 am. I was never up this early, considering that Clint had dropped me back so late. I did not want Papa to know about us just yet, so I asked that he drop me off at the apartment I shared with Natasha instead. Normally, it would have been impossible for me to be up so early in the morning, but today was important. Brendon was leaving the town today for his exchange program. When I heard the news, I was greatly disheartened. Brandon was one of my best friends, my lover one time, and we hung out every time we could.The fact that I would not be able to see him for a while was heartbreaking. Seeing as this would be the last time I would see him in a long while, I offered to drive him to the airport. Natasha had agreed to come with
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