All Chapters of The Alpha's Revenge: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
157 Chapters
Strange and unexpected
Damon"So what's the update?""Have you found my mate?"I asked with a cold voice as I approached the group of armed guards that were in the dark forest. "No… we haven't found her, Alpha…"I snarled loudly and dashed at the head of the guards who flinched in fear. I grabbed his neck, and pushed him against the tree behind him. "Where is my mate?"I asked, ignoring the fact that he's choking under my grip. "Please… let me explain…"he stammered. I released my grip on his neck and let out a sigh. He slumped hard on the floor, and spat out blood from his mouth to the floor. "I'm sorry, Alpha,"he lowered his head. "Answer my question,"I inquired impatiently as I turned my gaze to him. "I'm sorry… we couldn't find your mate. But after tracking her scent we found out that…"I glared at him with a confused look as his voice suddenly trailed off. Hr took a pause to look at my face. "You know better than keeping me in suspense,"I warned in a low yet dangerous tone. "We found out that she
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Regret. Pain. Sadness FEELINGS
DamonI sighed deeply as I stared at Aurelia, who laid weakly on the bed with a pale look on her face. "What's wrong with her doctor?"I asked Raymond, who was standing beside Aurelia with a sad look on her face. I shook my head with a sigh. "You don't have to worry but she's going to be fine very soon,""What happened to her?"I asked in a cold tone, and he gulped down into nothing. "I can't really tell what's wrong with her but her condition is really critical. She has been maltreated so her immune system is weak,""So what are we going to do about her?"I asked. "Like I'd said she's going to be fine. But she would have to be hospitalized for days before she could regain her consciousness,"he said, and I gulped down into nothing. For days!? I asked myself but I couldn't get an answer to it. I shook my head with a sigh as he turned to me. What have I done? Why do I have to be foolish? Why do I've to hurt your feelings? My heart clenched in pain as I imagined the pain that I'd m
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I want to thank you all, my lovely readers for being the best. I'm sorry for keeping you all in suspense. I promise you all that my book would be completed very soon with the most wonderful ending that a reader could ever ask for. Please be patient with me like you've been with me. Thank you very much. Thank you for your massive love you've shown to me. Also please try to check out my second book exclusively in GOODNOVEL, Be My Luna. It's so a wonderful book that you wouldn't want to miss. Love you all. Stay tuned.
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Pushing him away; the scars
AureliaI forced my eyes open, whined softly as I felt a pang of pain hit my head as I woke up to find myself in a dimly lit room which was painted in white and blue color. The dull smell of the room made me realize that I'm in a ward, in the hospital. Hospital!? But how?I didn't bother to force myself to think about it because my head aches and burns with excruciating pain. I closed my eyes immediately as rays of the sun pierced into my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. I coughed and pressed my hand on my chest. "Aurelia,"I frowned deeply as I heard a familiar faint voice beside me. Huh? I gulped down into nothing as I stared at Damon, who was sitting beside me on a chair with an excited look on my face. "You're awake?"his voice was laced with happiness and excitement as he turned his gaze to me. I glared at him coldly as he rubbed my hand softly but he didn't notice it. "What am I doing here? How did I get here?"I managed to as
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The reconciliation
AureliaI yawned out tiredly as I walked into the garden. I stretched my arms widely, and slumped hard on the grassy floor beside a long bench. I arched an eyebrow as my gaze caught a glimpse of a bouquet of flowers lying on the floor. Who could have dropped it there? I staggered back to my feet, and reached out to the bouquet on the floor. I smiled gently as I inhaled the wonderful fragrance that emitted from the flower. I brought it closer to my chest as I couldn't get enough of the vanilla mixed lavender scent.The flower smells so nice. I wonder who dropped it carelessly on the floor. I decided to return it back to its spot when my gaze landed on the white small piece of paper in between the flowers. I pushed my two fingers into the flowers, and brought out the white paper which was rolled up. [Please forgive me. I regretted my action. My life is void without you. I need back in my life. Please come back to me. By your lovely mate, Damon]I couldn't hide the excitement that
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The meeting and letter
Damon"Good day, Alpha,"I nodded my head gently as I acknowledged the greetings of the elders. "Good to you all,"I muttered as I stood in front of the center chair. "You can have you sit,"I muttered as I sat down on the chair. "So may I know the reason for this impromptu meeting?"I asked and placed my hand under my clenched jaw. "Yes, Alpha,""We're deeply sorry for calling you on short notice for this meeting,"one of the elders, and I nodded my head gently."Fine. I understand what you're saying. But can I know the purpose of this meeting? I've other pending work to finish,"I sat as I caressed my chin. I also wanted to inform them about something so I saw it as an opportunity. "Well… it's about your mate… Alpha,"one of them said, and I looked up with raised eyebrows. "My mate? What's wrong with her?"I stared at elder Ezekiel keenly, trying to know where he's heading to. He's the first elder. "Nothing is wrong with her but we've noticed concerning you and her,""What is it?"I
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AureliaI woke up to find myself in a dimly lit room with a strange and strong presence. I gulped down into nothing as my gaze landed on my clothes that were littered on the floor. I raised the duvet up, and a soft gasp escaped from my lips as I stared at my body which was naked. I couldn't find the shock that overwhelmed me for a while. How do I manage to get here? I asked myself but I couldn't get an answer to it. I was awestruck as I stared at the naked handsome man beside me with great masculine features. I couldn't see his face because his back was facing me. I felt my blood boil in anger as I watched him sleep peacefully. What happened here? I asked myself, unable to apprehend what's on discovering. I pulled the duvet away from my body lightly and stood up from the bed quietly. I raised my head a little to peek at his face. My eyes widened in awe as my gaze landed on Desmond, who was sleeping peacefully like a baby on the bed. I clenched my fist with an angry look on my fac
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The truth
Damon"Where the hell is Desmond?" I asked myself with a confused look as I walked out of his room which was empty. I couldn't find anyone. I ruffled my hair with a frustrated look on my face. I sat down on the beach at the door post of his room. I crossed my legs as I stroked my chin gently. "Do you know where Desmond headed to?" I asked as I turned to the guard that was standing at the entrance of his doorstep. "I don't know, Alpha," he said, and I shook my head with a sigh. "Where the heck are you? Come to the office right now…" I tried to mind-link to him but it wasn't going through. It seems his wolf is sleeping or he's too busy to connect to my mind-link. "What's wrong with you?"I stood up from the floor, and walked out of the passage that led to Aurelia chamber. I've an important meeting to attend, and it's compulsory he go with me because he's the Beta of the pack. I wonder where he could have gone to. I thought as I stared at the old wristwatch on my wrist. I'm goin
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Damon "I'm sorry, Alpha,"he apologized repeatedly. I can't count the number of times he apologized. It deems his conscience is disturbing him. He has been begging me since I'd left the pack. "O think it's better if you stop apologizing to me. The deed has been done. You'd sex with your sister who's my mate,"I said, trying not to show how angry I'm. It's really unbelievable that Desmond's lost sister turned out to be Aurelia. It's really disheartening that he thought she was his mate, and had sex with her. Why can't he tell me so I can confirm the connection he'd felt? I clenched my knuckles with an angry look on my face. The thought of my mate having sex with my best friend keeps hitting my head in a bad way. I grunted out and punched the bricks of the wall beside me. The wall cracked which made Aurelia turn to me. "You don't overstress yourself, Alpha. I know what you're thinking. But I didn't have sex with Aurelia,"he said, and I turned to him in an instant. "What!? Are
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The end of a new beginning
AureliaTears rolled down from my eyes as I stared at Damon, who walked away with his cold and dominant auras without sparing a glance at me. I slumped hard on the hard floor of the passage with my heart aching in pain. I clenched my fist with a cold look on my face. I banged my fist repeatedly on the floor as tears rolled out of my eyes non stop. My heart clenched in pain as I remembered the hateful and hurtful words of the Alpha. He didn't give me a chance to explain myself. He didn't wait to hear me. He doesn't trust me. I stood up from the chair with my eyes red and swollen. I walked toward the maid quarter that wasn't far from me. With a shaking hand, I held the knob of the door, twisted it, and walked into the room. "What! She came?""I can't believe she slept with the Beta,""What do you expect from a slut and prostitute?""What a worthless being!"I lowered my head in fear and shame as I listened to the criticism of the maids once again. I suddenly looked up and turned
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