All Chapters of Blood Bound: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
136 Chapters
Adam’s life
>> Adam [28 years ago]I sat under a tree in the backyard of my house that had no boundary to define it and it extended on a vast plain since there were no houses beyond mine. In a distance one could see the forest in which the only purpose of going was to hunt rabbits and if by chance we could find any other animal worth eating like a deer than that too.Being the Alpha’s son it is a bit weird that we live in our own tiny house but we actually don’t have a pack house. Unfortunately, because we’re a poor pack. We lack resources, it’s a good thing we can hunt because otherwise food is scarce too. There isn’t a single person in the entire pack that has a college degree, scratch that no one even entered college. Many of them are middle school drop outs, even I barely managed to complete my high school degree.Some of the kids were playing around the flower fields while I was busy making flower crowns with the vines and flowers available.“Adam!” Lilian, a six year old girl came running
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The Queen of the forest
>>AdamAll the pain, the agony, the discomfort and aching had somehow vanished.I felt like I was floating in some soft comfortable slime and my injuries were hurting less and less followed by something cozy and healing.It felt so good I never wanted to leave the place....When I opened my eyes I had to blink several times to let them focus. I noticed an unfamiliar ceiling and then my eyes wandered to the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had pale skin, silvery white hair, green eyes and pointy ears. She looked majestic.“Who…?” I couldn’t speak properly and my voice came out faint.She turned her head towards me, “You’re up?” It was an unfamiliar face but she talked to me as if there was nothing unusual here. Perhaps I was dead. Well, considering my injuries, that wasn't a surprise.But still, it was upsetting.“Am I dead?” I asked knowing full well I couldn’t have survived.“What do you think?” Her voice was so soothing I suddenly felt calm. How could someone’s voice have
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The unusual feeling of someone caring
>>AdamDays? I was asleep for days!I had no idea!This was bad.“I have to go back.” I told Esra while we stood outside her tree palace.“Why?” I couldn’t understand, “You almost died there.” She was trying to stop me from going back. Why? “Yeah but that’s where I live. I know living in a weak pack is nothing to be proud of but my family is there and I’m supposed to be the next leader. I can’t just disappear.” I don’t really care much about my family but important people live there.“You would have been dead anyway if you didn’t reach the forest so just stay.” I get her point but still, the chance to live was already granted to me and that means I haven’t been released from my responsibilities.“I can’t.” I shook my head, “You don’t understand. If I disappear the whole pack is in danger.”“Why?” I couldn’t understand why she would stop me. Was she worried about me? That’s not possible. We just met.“Because I’m the only heir. My presence ensures that at the very least we have hope.
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The comfort I find in her
The next day when I was strolling around the pack many people came running to me and bombarding me with questions.“Adam, thank God you’re fine.” Well, I’m not really but okay.“We thought you were dead.” Yeah me too...“What would happen to us if you’re not here?” I wonder if that’s what kept me alive.“Right? You have to be here!” Right… For you all...“Of course he’ll be here. It’s his responsibility.” Yes… It’s my responsibility. “Right Adam? You’re here for us, right?”They looked at me with desperate eyes, full of fear and full of force. It was like they wanted to chain me down to them.“Why aren’t you answering?”“Are you planning to leave us?”“He was gone for days! Maybe he’s thinking about running away!” They began to assume among themselves“No wait.” I spoke.“You’re turning out to be like your father!”“No!!” I raised my hands, “I-” I gulped, “I’ll always be here.”“Right?” Relief washed over them.“Of course.” I answered them with a heavy heart. The pressure on it inc
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I have to end what I started
>>AdamThe most terrible thing had happened.While I was gone, the rogues we killed this time of the year last time came back for revenge. Not only did they come with stronger forces, they also showed no mercy.They took our livestock, robbed the houses and even tried to kill. Although the adults could handle themselves and fought back the kids couldn’t. Zen, Beth and Lily were dead. Beth’s mother also had no life left in her eyes as she cradled her kid in her embrace. Most likely trying to protect him.Their bodies were left out in the open near the shed ripped open to show cruel dominance.I gulped as I felt my head buzz and tears fill my eyes. I couldn’t believe it. They were gone? The truth was right in front of my eyes but it wasn’t sinking in.Oh God…I felt my soul shiver.How did this happen? A feeling of deep distress coarsed my entire being and I felt so pathetic. I stared at them with trembling hands. How… How can this happen?I felt nauseous. They were kids...“Do you thi
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The mistake of love pt.2
>>AdamI waited for Esra near the Dryad in my wolf form since I went for a run before coming here. She came to see me in her raven form, shifting back as she neared.“Adam.” An expression of worry filled her as she came near, “What happened to you?” Perhaps this is what I fell for. Her genuine concern? Or Perhaps her voice? So soothing it calmed my entire being?“Nothing unusual.” I could tell she didn’t like my answer, but gladly she decided not to hit me since I was already in a poor condition.“I’ll call the nymphs.” She stood up.“Don’t.” I stopped her. My purpose for visiting her this time was different. I shifted back into my human form.“Why not!?” She was getting more and more anxious as she kept her eyes on me and I didn’t want that, it made me happy but I couldn’t have that. It was wrong.“It’s just, I came to say goodbye.”That’s right. This has to end. Esra’s not my mate, I really wish she was but she isn’t.“Why? What do you mean by that?” “Just-” I looked down, “I won’t
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The part where I made a firm decision
>>AdamI stared at the Dryad in disbelief with my butt flat on the ground and leaves stuck in my hair. Did she really just throw me out?Did I say anything wrong?I stood up and gaped at the Oak tree. Is she angry because I said I was sorry? I was sorry though… I can’t believe I made such a huge mistake.While still staring at the Oak tree I thought about it. She returned my feelings didn’t she? Or was it just a drunken mistake?I never got the confirmation.My gaze dropped to the ground. But what does it even matter? She’s not my destined partner. I don’t even know if I’ll ever find my mate though. Who would even want to come to this shabby pack?I sighed and walked out of the forest to the pack. I still had work to do. Things to prepare. Winter was coming and I needed to make up for so much.***Many weeks passed by and I had completely immersed myself in work. As time passed the pack members started treating me like normal. I came to a realization that almost all the people living
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The final decision
>>AdamThe realization of what I had done just wasn’t sitting in. I had completely forgotten about my own bleeding eye and I placed my blood stained hand over my mouth. My heart was beating like crazy while the adrenaline in my blood refused to calm down.I felt something in my mind crack and break.I wonder if that was my sanity?I was feeling so much at the moment I could place it on one thing.Was it fear?Loss?Anguish?Sorrow?Misery?Distress?Anxiety?Agony?What? I had no idea. It felt like I was feeling it all at once.Suddenly I remembered something and shot my head towards the kids. They weren’t there. My eyes searched frantically for them but I couldn’t spot them.“I sent them back.” I looked at my mate, “Before it got out of hand they were gone.” She walked to me and I backed away in fear. What I was afraid of, I had no idea. Maybe it was myself. “It’s okay.” She told me and took another step towards me.“What have I done?” My voice trembled, “W-what have I…” My head spun
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The final mistake
>>AdamIt had rained in my world the day I decided to visit Esra. The grass was wet and drops of water still dripped from the tree leaves.I asked the Dryad to open the portal and I walked in. The same patch of land where the portal opened on the other side was wet too while the rest of the ground was dry. Perhaps that was because two worlds shared that space.I was expecting a calm forest but there was a rather frightening scene there. I could hear the trees wailing, the ground was shaking and the creatures of the forest were terrified. Then suddenly it stopped.I had no idea what that was but it was a bit nerve wracking. Still, I decided to walk ahead and just a small walk ahead were the fairies who sat around a baby.A baby?I ran to him and saw a few days old baby wrapped in a blanket with white hair.White hair? Just like Esra’s.I stared at him in awe.He was my son. Yohan. A name we both decided on.My son…My son.It was a strange feeling but the moment I had him in my arms I
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The ending that I deserve
>>Adam (Present)“Dad.” Yohan spoke, “Aren’t you going to say anything? You said you were going to give us an explanation after lunch but all you’ve done is stare out the window for the past hour.” I looked at Yohan, his eyes showed fury while Ruda’s showed fear. I looked at my wife, Alina, who had joined us just a few minutes ago.I sighed, “I don’t have an explanation.” I sat up straight, “What excuse could there be for muder?” I asked, “I’ll admit to my crimes.” There was no point in telling them my story. It was better for them to not know. It’ll be easier for them to hate me, blame me and for the things I have involved myself in to end with me.They both looked exasperated, “What about Maya?” Yohan looked at the table with some of the food there gone. I smiled, even though they both didn’t have an appetite they ate well, “Why did you try to kill her?” Of course he’s furious about that. Guess I can explain that.“Well, I didn’t try to kill her.” I said, “I wanted to but I changed
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