All Chapters of Forced Marriage: My Mother’s Secret: Chapter 41 - Chapter 47
47 Chapters
Chapter 41
Angela kept the promise of trusting and having his husband’s back in front of people then questions him later. She’s realized her Mother-in-Law is on a mission to see her out of her husband’s house but that will not happen until her assignment is done. She will not be used by the Williams and be thrown out on the streets like some rubbish. She’s a smart girl and she will do everything possible to secure her future. “How do you know Lira?”“Huh?”“Is she one of your girls?”“Honestly yes but not anymore. She’s obsessed with me and….Listen Angela we both know we don’t have a marriage and me as a man I need to feed like..”“Have sex, I know.”“Exactly! Lira and I have this…I meant had this type of relationship were if I need someone crazy sex I go to her but She wants something more which I can’t give her not because of you but she’s just unstable.”“Like Rebeca?”“Not really, Rebeca…”“Became unstable when she wanted more?” Nathan suddenly stops the car. “Why do you like doing that?”
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Chapter 42
There’s a party happening at club 9 and an international DJ is playing the music. The boys from all the gangs affiliated with the Black Lion Mafia are drinking, smoking and dancing with the girls. Nathan arrives to the party with one of his girls. “Hey boys how’s it?” “Hey man! Thought you were coming with your beautiful wife we’ve heard of her beauty.”“Since when do I move with my wife? A man got to feed somewhere too.” They all laugh.“Ben, have you heard from Viper?”“No and his phone has been off since this morning.”“Yeah, something is not right.”“Hey Gorilla! have have you heard from Viper?”“No boss but I will pass through his house to check if he’s alright you know how he gets when his baby mama is in town.”“Eve is in town?”“Yes Ben, you didn’t know?”“No I didn’t.”“Man forget about your cousin that bitch is trouble.”“Man, she’s still my cousin and her head is still on the chopping board.”“We should have sold that whore after the last time.”“Come on man, she’s family
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Chapter 43
“How did Angela’s birthday dinner go?”“My mother ruined it.”“How? Don’t tell me she picked on Angela again.”“Yes she did, my mother did what she knows best but this time around, Angela gave it her too.”“What?” Benjamin bursts into laughter.“Don’t laugh, everyone on the table was quite including the big man.”“Angela is a sweet girl I don’t think she can go head to head with a lioness.”“My mother can be a lioness but my wife is a damn Tigress. Don’t be deceived with that baby face, Angela can bite when provoked.”“Wow! Angela? Wish I was there to witness it.”“And guess who made everything worse? Lira, she showed up claiming to surprise Angela but my mother invited her just to spite my wife.”“Hold on a minute, you mean Lira the Lira from the Copperbelt?”“The same one you know.”“But how does she know your wife.”“Apparently they went to school together.”“Thought Lira is in her 20s like 21?”“What do think? That bitch is dumb, she had to repeat grades.”“Oh that makes sense. Wh
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Chapter 44
Everyone is worried that Viper hasn’t kept in touch and it’s making Nathaniels be on edge. Regardless of his baby mama been in town, Nathan has never been this worried with Viper not being on phone.“You think your boss runs this town we gonna show you who the real dons are.”“Apollo, what ever information you are looking for you will not get it from me. The black lion will soon Figured It that I’m missing that’s if he hasn’t already figured it out that you are already.”“I will not betray my boss so do whatever you think is necessary for you to get the information but just know that you are wasting your money.”“I might be wasting my time with you but I will be Getting my satisfactory response from torture.”“Then keep it going because I don’t mind.” [laughs]“How is your son by the way?”“Don’t go there, don’t even try it. You know the code man.”“The Black lions’s code? [laughs] man we’ve gotOur own code and it doesn’t exclude children. [laughs]“Oh really? well good because if yo
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Chapter 45
Angela is having a good time with Mr Banda when Nathan suddenly shows up, Banda’s body guards tries to keep Him away because he’s causing a scene but they can’t because he’s a Williams and Angela’s Husband. “Ah! Your husband is here and causing a scene outside.”“I’m so sorry sir, I didn’t know he was going to show up.”“It’s alright and I already told you to call me uncle B.” [smiles]“Let me go before he causes you more embarrassment.”“No problem, I will see you tomorrow morning.”“Sure.” Angela goes to the reception to meet her husband who is still making noise. He sees his wife coming out of the office, grabs her hand and starts yelling insults on her in full view of people around which infuriates the guards to jump in on Angela’s defense.“Mr. Williams that’s not how you talk to a woman especially your wife. Mrs Williams are you alright? Do you want me to call a cab for you?”“Hey! Mr. Whatever you call yourself stay out of this okay?”Nathan and Angela gets into the car and d
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Chapter 46
Angela looks at her Mother-in-Law like a child caught with candy. She innocently excuses herself and leave the study.“Jackson, what’s going on here?”“What do you mean?”“Do you realize that’s a child and your son’s wife you are hugging and God knows doing what else.”“ I was comforting her nothing else and how dare you think of me in such a manner!”“No need to raise your voice I just want you know understand that she’s your son’s wife and NOT Mariah.”“What’s that supposed to mean?”“You know exactly what I mean, you love this girl too much and I’m beginning to wonder if the story of Mariah was actually true.”“Ah! Is that so? You know what Anne, You’re insane and your insanity with that same girl caused our problems.”“You didn’t!”“Or yes I did, you brought all your misfortune upon yourself and you should be thankful that I’m not that kind of a man. I take my vows seriously.”“You’re going to blame me after 30 years, really?”“Who else is to blame if wasn’t for your insecurities
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Chapter 47
Natalie Williams looks stunning in her mermaid wedding dress with diamond earrings and a crown of Royalty. She’s looks like a princess she is and she’s so happy and ready for the ceremony. Her parents can never be this proud of her especially her mother who is finally witnessing her daughter marring into Royalty. Angela sheds a tear in her loyal blue dress wishing she could be this beautiful if she ever get married after the divorce with Nathan. She listens to her inner voice telling her, Not all hope is lost for a fairytale wedding she’s always dreamt of, it’s just a matter of time before she walks down the aisle too.“Hey daddy.” Natalie looks at her father whilst coming down the stairs and smiles with tears forming in her eyes.“Oh Pumpkin, don’t cry you will mess upYour beautiful face.” Mr. Williams rubs her daughter chicks. “Baby look at you, I’m so proud of you. Angela help your friend with her dress we are running late.”“Yes, ma’am.”“Isn’t Nathan supposed to be here? Angela
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