All Chapters of Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
302 Chapters
CHAPTER 131 The Prison
They filed into the dim light together with Ann leading them and Adam at her side, whilst Lexi followed with Allen, walking as close to him as she possibly could much to his irritation. She took every opportunity to brush his arm with her own and flashed him a coy smile and fluttered her eyelashes at him suggestively every time he side-eyed her in disgust.Although he remained silent, the grim line of his mouth showed just how irritated he truly was and as they took their seats, he found himself caught in the middle between Adam and Lexi with no way to move out of Lexi's reach.He sighed and turned to scowl at her, but his irritation was met with a wide grin. He swallowed the remark that he desperately wanted to make and turned to face forward, his shoulders tense at Lexi's proximity as she scooted her chair across a little closer so that her arms were touching his.Ann leaned forward in her chair and shot Lexi a warning glance but she was either oblivious to the meaning or just didn't
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CHAPTER 132 Did You Ever Love Me At All?
"Guilty? You've already decided our fate then, my love?" Narcissa yelled as she raged against the bars and glass of her cage.Leopold glanced across at her and his gaze hardened."I don't think I have ever been your love, not truly. I think, given all of the evidence collected and testimony from various parties involved, that I was merely a means to an end." He said coldly as he stood from his seat and made his way down from the dais towards the area where Narcissa and Ada's cages sat. Narcissa watched him approach through narrowed eyes and smirked as he stood almost nose to nose with her, separated only by the glass and iron bars between them."What would you know about my goals or achievements, Leopold, hmm? No sooner had you decided that you wanted me, did you whisk me away to your palace with the promise of a happily ever after." She laughed coldly. "Did you ever stop to think what I wanted?"Leopold narrowed his eyes slightly as he inhaled deeply. "The guilt trips don't work on
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CHAPTER 133 Who is Ada's True Father?
Narcissa's eyes widened in terror for the briefest of seconds before her body froze and seemed to go rigid for a few moments as the color drained from her face and her eyes seemed to glaze over. Once she had regained her composure, her mouth split into that all too familiar disdainful sneer as she spat on the glass in front of her.  "You insufferable bastard. All this time you had abilities that you never told me about, and you dare to use them on me?! How is this different from the use of magick?!"   Leopold didn't reply, instead staring at her intently with an expression of deep thought on his face.   "Were you responsible for weakening and eventually severing the bond with my former wife?" Leopold asked levelly, with no trace of emotion in his voice anymore.   If anything he now seemed completely resigned to the process of discovering the truth, however ugly it might be.  It was obvious that Narcissa was trying her best to fight the forces that compelled her to answer, but the
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CHAPTER 134 A Female Alpha
Narcissa seemed to have reached the point where she no longer bothered to fight the inevitable and she leaned backward in her position on the floor in a relaxed manner as she tilted her chin arrogantly and chuckled.  "So much to divulge, yet where do I even begin?" She chuckled quietly to herself.   "The Coven. What are your plans and who do you serve?" Leopold said icily, a dark cloud seemed to have settled over his face as he glared at the woman he had once called his wife.  She grinned back at him and sighed dramatically.  "The Excidium Coven answers to Daemon Lord Eromaug, his power is like nothing you've ever seen before. We want nothing more than to rise once again, and have our ranks swell as we are returned to our rightful place as rulers of this Kingdom!" She answered, her passionate devotion for her master clear in the vehemence with which she spoke.  Lexi snorted and sat back in her chair heavily, almost in disbelief.  "That little prick managed to get a foothold here?
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CHAPTER 135 His True Fated Mate
The silence that permeated the room after the elders left to make their decision was only interrupted by the dejected sniffling of Ada's huddled figure from where she cowered in her prison.Lexi's knee jiggled incessantly up and down, a clear indicator of the irritation and anger that she still felt regarding Narcissa's comment about her mother, as well as the occasional violent flashing of her eyes, that beautiful yet deadly luminescent red that signified her appetite for violence.Allen glanced at her warily before turning to Adam who remained focused on Ann's face as she stared at the spot where the two women were held before her with an unreadable expression."Father, I want you to ask Ada something," Ann called out suddenly and he turned to face her with a blank expression.He opened his mouth to reply but Ann hastily made her request."I want you to ask her if she is truly carrying Brad's baby... he at least deserves to know that," Ann said, with a slight tremor in her voice.It
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Chapter 136 The Dungeons
Adam knew he didn't have a particularly great chance at reaching Narcissa as her prison was flanked on either side by golems, but he simply couldn't contain the fury of his wolf, Baldur, any longer.Narcissa's face morphed into a look of incredulity as she witnessed Adam transform before quickly turning to one of terror as Adam's huge black beast flew through the air toward her. She scrabbled backward on the floor in terror, pressing herself against the far wall as if expecting him to shatter through the glass.But that simply was not possible.In the blink of an eye, an enormous stone arm shot out in front of him, its stubby fingers outstretched as Adam collided with what would have been the palm of its malformed hand.Baldur howled his outrage and clawed at the hand, desperately trying to free himself as the stubby fingers wrapped around his body and the golem moved its hand towards its face, peering closely at the noisy, enraged ball of fur that it had caught in its hand.As Leopold
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Chapter 137 The Position of Alpha Queen
A heavy silence descended over the now, much calmer, courtroom. Ann couldn't help but feel a little cheated that they wouldn't immediately be executed, but there was nothing that she could do to reverse the decision.It was, however, a decidedly better outcome than she had initially feared, although, she wasn't sure that Adam would agree with her. His face was still dark with a murderous rage and the aura emanating from him was terrifying.She understood fully now why he had such a terrifying reputation. "With these vile matters resolved and a judgment in place, I move to vote that the current reigning Alpha King Leopold Veritas, his former wife, Narcissa Veritas and his… non-biological daughter, Ada Veritas, hereby be stripped of their royal titles." The Ancient voice spoke from the darkness above.Countless voices signaled their agreement as Ann cast a glance toward where her father sat. The tiniest wave of pity washed over her as she took in his dejected appearance and resolute set
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Chapter 138 The Alpha Queen's Consort
"I will take this opportunity to thank you all for your attendance in the hearing today, and wish you well for your journey home. You may leave." A bored male voice stated as the air filled with the rustling of the movement from the Elders above.Lexi turned to Ann in confusion."Wait? That's it? They drop a bomb like that and just fuck off?" "Lexi! They can still hear you!" Allen hissed furiously."Good! Maybe the old fuckers can rethink how they do things if enough people speak up. Why are you so fucking… submissive, Allen? I thought you Alpha's and Beta's were supposed to be all angst and possessive and shit.." "Lexi… that's enough," Ann said quietly as she reached for her friend's hand and began pulling her out of the courtroom. No sooner had they had gotten into the car and Allen pulled the door closed behind them, did Lexi start her interrogation."Now that we're out of earshot of the coffin-dodgers and Allen has zero excuses to try and shut me up, I have questions." She said
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Chapter 139 What Happened?
"There's one containment facility in each Kingdom. It's existence is a closely guarded secret and known of to only the royal bloodlines within each kingdom and the current ruling Royal Elder Council but if what Narcissa says is true and the Excidium Coven has infiltrated all areas of our infrastructure then, I'm not sure how much longer it will remain a secret." Ann sighed heavily again before turning to face them."I know you have a lot of questions, but even I don't know the full details. I'll have greater access to the information once I've been crowned, but I can tell you what I do know. The containment facility in our Kingdom is in an extremely remote location, fiercely guarded by specialist teams. The only way in or out is by air, and there is only one method of transportation currently cleared to make that journey. The prisoners housed there are some of the most dangerous shifters and other races that are known to us, and for whatever reason, it was decided that their execution
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Chapter 140 Not Mad at You
Adam looked at her with a complex expression before leaning his neck back on the edge of the cushion and staring at the ceiling in resignation."I didn't want you to worry…""Well, it's a little late for that now." Ann snapped, crossing her arms in front of her."Ann, be realistic, we've barely had time to breathe with everything that was going on..""I don't care, Adam… what happened? Why won't you tell me?"Adam lowered his chin again and reached for her arms, pulling them apart and taking hold of her hands with his."I guess it's more important now that we know the full details of NArcissa's coven's plot. Honestly, I thought the woman must have just slipped the guards and escaped…""What do you mean escaped, Adam? What about the Elders?"Adam sighed heavily and stared at her intently."The Elders were contained easily enough, and we were even able to question a few of them. They said that Esmerelda had wormed her way into Tomas's life a few years ago and that he had gradually change
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