All Chapters of Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
302 Chapters
CHAPTER 161 I Can Do All of that Myself
They arrived at the entrance foyer to find Lexi and Allen seemingly in a bit of a stand off. Allen was refusing to look at her, whilst Lexi had a mild look of amusement on her face as she lazily cast her gaze over him."I don't know why you're so scared of me Beta boy." She commented as Ann and Adam pushed the doors open."I'm not scared! Why is it such a big deal if I'd rather ignore you? There's no law saying that I have to engage you in conversation." Allen grumbled as he held a box in one hand and steadied two large suitcases at his side with his other hand."Don't kid yourself. I can practically taste the fear and trepidation oozing out of you. I don't bite you know?" Lexi smirked, "Well… not unless you want me to."Allen scowled and sighed heavily, as Adam cleared his throat and they both looked towards them expectantly."Ironic that you both turned up at the same time really." Adam drawled with a sardonic smile. "Perhaps it's fate…" Ann teased as Allen spluttered indignantly."
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CHAPTER 162 Your Mother was Indeed a Witch
Lexi had the grace to look a little embarrassed that her comment had been overheard and she mumbled an apology whilst she avoided eye contact with Bartholomew as he made himself comfortable in an old leather armchair that sat in front of his desk."No need to apologize, my dear, I'm fully aware of how people see us outside of these walls. Even more so those with Daemon blood, hmm? Our kind, especially those holding the title of Royal Elder, haven't always made the best decisions in relation to your people, now, have they?" He smiled warmly as Lexi's head shot up and she narrowed her eyes at him."How do you know that?" She questioned suspiciously, "I mean about my Daemon heritage. Have you been spying on me?!" Bartholomew chuckled."My dear, even with my wolf's heightened sense of smell being able to pinpoint your unique scent, I was present during the trial and the investigations that preceded it." He explained with a kind smile, "I'm fully aware of your heritage and I want you t
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CHAPTER 163 The Daemon War
"Times were very different back then and I had been dumped on the doorstep of the Moon Goddess's Sanctuary that used to stand at the midpoint of our Kingdom." He continued with the slightest hint of regret as he sighed again, a little more softly this time. "I try not to dwell on it too much as I know it was done in an effort to give me a better life than a clanless Vampire and a rogue shifter could give me back then. Now, of course, things are very much different. You can settle anywhere in the kingdom as long as you register with the authorities, perhaps even join a community if they are willing, although being independent is certainly something to be admired..." Bartholomew rambled a little before stopping and grimacing apologetically. "Ah, I'm sorry, I appear to have wandered off on a tangent. It happens sometimes." "It's okay. But, Bartholomew, wasn't the Sanctuary destroyed during the war though?" Ann frowned.So much of their history and monuments had been destroyed in that
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CHAPTER 164 You Owe Me Big Time
The three of them made their way down the never-ending, twisting corridors with the Royal Guards following closely behind. "Don't you get sick of tweedle-dum ad tweedle-dee following you all the time?" Lexi murmured as she glanced over her shoulder at the two stoic guards with expressionless faces. "I guess I haven't had long enough to get sick of it yet," Ann answered with a shrug. She was sure it would probably be irritating at some point, but for now, at least she had someone to ask if she got lost in the maze of corridors that the Enclave was turning out to be.After descending the third set of stairs that seemed to twist in upon itself, she was almost positive that if she tried to find her way back she would most likely get lost. She wasn't sure how she was supposed to tell Adam how to get here."Bartholomew, I wanted Adam to meet us wherever you're taking us." She said a little hesitantly as she pulled her phone out and began flicking through to the message center."Yes, yes.
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CHAPTER 165 Rome wasn't Built in a Day
Ann couldn't seem to tear her eyes away from it, staring at the being on the cold, metal slab in front of her and almost forgetting to breathe.Greyson and Bartholomew stood at her side with a grim expression that was almost identical, and the Elders assembled at the edges of the room watched curiously as Lexi circled the creature slowly with a deep scowl creasing her forehead."This shouldn't be here." She muttered as she bent forward and peered closely at the creature's twisted face, its features contorted in a menacing snarl that had persisted even in death.Ann understood the confusion as to why the beast didn't emit any odor, as the skin seemed to be paper thin and had broken apart in places, revealing the mass of flesh underneath. Lexi lifted her head and suddenly fixed Greyson with a hard stare. "You're saying there was no stench, or scent whatsoever when the creatures were attacking?" she asked, the thinly shrouded disbelief in her words hanging in the air accusingly.Greyson
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CHAPTER 166 This is My Home Too
They had spent a good few hours within the cell that held the corpse and once the Elder's questions had been exhausted for the day, Ann, Adam, Lexi, and Allen left to allow the Elders to dissect the corpse itself. None of them had any desire to remain behind and see what the insides of that foul creature looked like in person, and were quite content to allow the scholars to do what they did best and compile their findings into an exhaustive report. Once they emerged back into the hallways of the ground floor, Lexi finally uncovered her mouth and nose, her face still wrinkled in disgust."Ugh! It's like the odor is stuck inside my nose now." She groaned in irritation as she rolled her eyes to the ceiling."I'm sorry we couldn't do anything about that Lexi. Odd that you could smell it and we couldn't though. Ann answered thoughtfully."Tell me about it. Necromancy stinks, quite literally and figuratively. I just don't understand why you couldn't smell it too." Lexi replied in disg
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CHAPTER 167 Don't You Want Me to Go with You?
Greyson looked down at the woman grabbing his arm with mild confusion as he tried to figure out what exactly it was that he had inadvertently walked into.He really didn't want to get caught up in any lover's quarrels but he had been intrigued by Lexi from the moment he had first laid eyes on her.She wasn't a wolf, that much was certain, but he couldn't place her scent. It was exhilarating, alluring, and called to him, yet he couldn't identify exactly what it was about her that intrigued him so much.He begrudgingly tore his eyes from her and glanced across at the pissed-off-looking man that she had identified as Allen, who was shooting daggers toward the both of them. He instantly felt his wolf respond and could barely contain the growl that threatened to erupt from his chest. The unspoken challenge in Allen's glare was obvious, but Greyson refused to respond with violence in front of his Queen and her consort.Instead, he turned his attention back to Lexi, the warmth of her bo
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CHAPTER 168 Life Has to Go on
Ann made her way back to her bedroom in silence, her mind whirring with all the thoughts that stemmed from today's revelations.Necromancy wasn't something that Ann was at all familiar with outside of movies and horror stories. To think that Narcissa and Ada were complicit in its use infuriated her beyond words.As soon as she entered the room and the door closed behind her she threw herself on the bed, sighing heavily.What a way to start her reign as Alpha Queen. Being forced to fend off a possible invasion spearheaded by the wicked stepmother and stepsister. Ann snorted to herself softly. It was almost as if her life was embroiled in the midst of a fantasy novel.She grumbled loudly to herself as she pushed herself up and reached for her phone. If anything strange had been happening then it was sure to be in the news, right?Ann scoured as many sites as she could for any possible clue but as far as she could tell there was nothing that would point to any attacks that were out of the
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CHAPTER 169 Do Everything to Make You Happy
[Mature Content]Ann allowed Adam to gently remove her top and slip her trousers off as she lay sideways on the bed. Her heart felt as though it were about to burst with the almost reverent way that he handled her. His wolf flickered in his eyes as he drank the sight of her near-naked body in, and a soothing rumble emitted from his chest. Ann stared up at this beautiful, yet powerful man as he caressed every inch of her body, his fingertips gentle, yet insistent as he awakened the fire in her belly with ease.She gasped lightly as he bent his head forwards and sealed his mouth around her nipple, flicking gently with his tongue as he slowly traced his fingers around her other breast and gradually slipped it lower, running his fingers around the hem of her panty line, sending delightful shivers of anticipation through her.She struggled not to moan loudly, knowing full well the guards stood just outside their bedroom door, as he moved his mouth to her other breast, the sudden warmth th
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CHAPTER 170 Return to The Coven
  The trio had traveled for days with Ely as their guide to see them safely through the treacherous terrain that they had found themselves in.   Ada had made the mistake of falling behind due to her exhaustion, but she had been met with nothing but scorn from both her mother and her new-found uncle. There was no sympathy or allowances made for the fact that she was pregnant and unfamiliar with this sort of physical activity. The fact that she hadn't eaten properly for days also seemed to bear no weight with either of them.  They had uncaringly left her in an exhausted heap on the floor and carried on without her when her legs gave way and if it hadn't been for Ada's terror at the prospect of becoming a meal for one of the many terrifying wild beasts that roamed the landscape and hid in the shadows at night, she would never have found the willpower to keep moving.  Her mother had made it very clear once she caught up with them, that if it happened again, she would leave her behind in
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