All Chapters of Alpha Nocturne's Contracted Mate: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
302 Chapters
CHAPTER 281 She's Still Alive?
  Ann was woken up by a gentle tapping on the door and as she opened her eyes, the same wave of exhaustion that had swept over her earlier, still seemed to sit above her tauntingly.  "Your highness? Are you awake?" Coral's voice drifted through the doors.  "No. I feel like we got hit by a fucking truck." Maeve grumbled as she yawned and closed her eyes again.  "Yes, come in Coral." Ann said, ignoring Maeve's grouchy attitude, and sitting up and smiling gently at Coral's nervous looking expression as she entered the room with a tray of food.  "Sorry," she shrugged apologetically, "As much as you clearly hate being mothered, I watched my sister go through a pregnancy with multiples. If it wasn't for the food that we sneaked her during the pregnancy, she would have spent her entire pregnancy in the hospital."  Ann chuckled softly as she gestured for Coral to sit and watched helplessly as she pulled the overbed table out and placed the tray on it, before pulling a chair to sit alongsi
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CHAPTER 282 Two Choices
  Greyson led the way through the shell of a building that he and his men had secured and had been using as a base to direct reconnaissance and shelter the people they had rescued.  Lexi followed behind him with Allen and Lord Brarthroroz at her side as they made their way past the curious looks of a mixture of men and civilians who had clearly been involved in some sort of fighting recently.  "We had to utilize some of the civilians that had combat experience." Greyson explained as they descended a rusty spiral staircase into the basement area, "The men that we lost left gaps in the defense that we had to replace."  Lord Brarthroroz hummed as Lexi and Allen shared a look between them, both of them having noticed just how beaten down the remaining members of Greyson's original squadron were.  Greyson ushered them past civilians huddled together in various rooms, their faces etched in misery as the sound of children crying hung hauntingly in the air.  "There was no way to get all o
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CHAPTER 283 Remnants of the Daemon Wars
  Bartholomew was mid discussion with Adam and the Enclave's Commander of the guard when his office phone rang.  He stared at it in bemusement and exhaled a short laugh.  "I rarely get calls directed here…" He mused as he reached for the receiver.  The Enclave's commander grunted in annoyance and threw himself down on the chair, resuming the animated discussion with Adam regarding the reinforcements due to leave in less than an hour's time.  "Oh! Lord Brarthroroz!" Bartholomew exclaimed as Adam's head turned violently towards him and he focused his attention on the conversation.  "Yes, Yes I can do that. Let me call you back, I just need a few minutes to check the records. I'm sure I have it in here somewhere." Bartholomew's face took on a thoughtful expression as he said goodbye, hung up and made his way over to the bookcase.  Adam and the Commander exchanged a look, and as no explanation was forthcoming, Adam cleared his throat loudly and looked towards Bartholomew expectantly.
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CHAPTER 284 Reinforcements
  As soon as Lord Brarthroroz had ended his call with Bartholomew, he asked Greyson if there was anywhere close by that he could get to without being seen.  "What for?" Greyson asked with a tilt of his head.  "I intend to have some of my own forces brought to help shore up your defenses here," Lord Brarthroroz explained, "I assumed that your men would prefer not to see their true forms and that would require having somewhere a little more…discreet."  "I see," Greyson said as he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "well, unless I can clear an area of me then it's going to be difficult. How much space do you need?"  "Just enough for a portal." He shrugged as Greyson's eyes widened slightly.  "Right. Well…" He paused again as he extended that word and  rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "How about in here? We can clear out and wait outside if there's enough room in here."  "You may want to clear this floor then until everyone is through. There may be some unpleasant odors and some… more into
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CHAPTER 285 Live to Serve
  As soon as Steve materialized in the room and locked eyes with Lexi, her lips curled up at the sides into a mischievous grin.  "Well hello there you little ray of sunshine," she winked, "How's life?"  "Eternal." Steve answered with a face like stone, no flicker of emotion in his eyes as he turned to regard Lord Brarthroroz with the same deadpan expression, "You called?"  Lord Brarthroroz ignored Lexi's sniggers and got straight to business.  "I need to transport some of our forces here, cambion's and their handlers mainly," Lord Brathroroz explained, "A few mimic's too. There may be more required at a later date, but we'll meet that when we come to it."  "I live to serve." Steve bowed slightly as the corners of his mouth twitched.  "I can't decide whether or not there was the hint of sarcasm in there Steve," Lord Brarthroroz rumbled as he inspected his face carefully for any tell tale signs.  "Sarcasm? Against the Daemon Lord himself? Who would possibly dare…" Steve answered q
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CHAPTER 286 Learn about the Rest of Us
  She couldn't help but feel angry at herself for reacting that way. Of course, she had been warned about the Cambion's effect on non-daemons, but she had thought that with her part daemon heritage, that perhaps the pull wouldn't affect her as deeply.  How wrong she had been.  She could still feel the traces of the ache of desire between her legs and as soon as she reached the top of the stairs and emerged into the room beyond, shutting the door to the staircase behind her wearily, both Greyson and Allen stopped mid conversation, their heads snapping to look at her intensely.  She swallowed nervously and tried to brush the feeling away as they tilted their chins upwards, sniffing delicately at the air before their eyes darkened suddenly and the two of them stormed over to her.  Greyson grabbed hold of her arm, his eyes flashing angrily as he scented the air around her as unobtrusively as he could.  "Why are you aroused, Lexi?" He ground out as his grip on her arm tightened and she
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CHAPTER 287 These Six Will Help You
  Allen and Lexi made their way back into the main room and quickly realized that Greyson was nowhere to be found. Lexi was a little embarrassed regarding the sympathetic glances and understanding smiles that many of the females here threw her way, but it also helped her feel a little better about the whole thing.  Greyson had seemed so understanding and generally a nice guy when she had first met him, and she had quickly come to the conclusion that the part of him that was Lycan, the near feral, primal beast that lurked inside of him, was both terrifying and exhilaratingly exciting in it's dangerousness.  As they chatted amongst themselves and Lexi listened to a discussion about the recent foray into the closest villages for supplies and rescue, the door to the stairwell opened and Lord Brarthroroz emerged with a deep scowl on his face.  "Where's Greyson?" He asked abruptly as he looked around expectantly for an answer.  "He just stepped out for a few minutes Papa," Lexi answered
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CHAPTER 288 Special Brand of Vengeance
  In Lexi's opinion, waiting was always the hardest part of anything and she was well aware that patience was not her strong point.  While everyone else sat waiting, chatting amongst themselves or poring over various maps and blueprints, she paced backward and forward restlessly.  It seemed like forever since the teams had left them for their various assignments, but a quick glance at her watch told her that it had only been around an hour and a half.  Greyson and Lord Brarthroroz were going over the briefings for the men who would be involved in the initial assault and although Greyson kept sending her furtive glances whenever he got the chance, she was still pissed with him.  She checked her watch again and sighed in frustration, half wishing that she was at least able to do something to take her mind off things instead of feeling like she was a spare piece in a colossally fucked up game of chess.  Her head snapped across to where her father had suddenly stood up, moving away sl
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CHAPTER 289 Yes Commander
  They approached the outer ring of the crumbled defenses of the overgrown ruin, moving as stealthily as they possibly could.  Lord Brarthroroz had been good enough to extend a barrier around the group that would keep the noise of their movement muffled and the team hidden from sight, but it was only really effective if there was no one close by to see the movements of the undergrowth around them.  So far, they hadn't come across any scouting parties as they moved and it had mostly been plain sailing.  Lord Brarthroroz led the group with Lexi, Allen and Greyson behind him, and the rest of the ranked wolves and fighters spread across in groups of five as they walked.  As they drew closer and began to set up a field base and perimeter under the cover of the surrounding forest, Lord Brarthroroz moved a little further forward to rendezvous with the Mimic's that had been waiting patiently for their arrival.  The other ruin they had been waiting to hear back on had turned out to be unoc
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CHAPTER 290 Ada?!
  With the groups positioned in place behind a crumbling wall and covered by Lord Brarthroroz's cloaking, they waited for the entrance of the ruin to clear of the few coven members that had appeared outside and stood chatting mindlessly.  Once they disappeared inside again, Lord Brarthroroz glanced back at the people waiting behind him with a smirk, lifted his hand and motioned for them to advance.  Lexi's heart was beating wildly in her chest with excitement without a trace of fear as they crept over the remaining distance between them and the entrance, making their way quietly down the remains of the crumbling staircase and onto the dirt trodden walkway that cut below the ground floor of the ruins and into the gaping maw of the entrance to the cave system.  They managed to reach the first branches of the main passageway and the assigned groups split off from the main party and advanced down the tunnels. The muted sounds of the first violent confrontations echoed within the tunnels
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