All Chapters of Swindling The Devilish Mafia Don: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
148 Chapters
Chapter 101 - The Date at Skylands Hotel
The elevator dinged and came to a stop at its destination. The doors slid open and the trio stepped out of it. Beatrice led the way while Chelsea and Dylan followed behind. Dylan still had his hands wrapped around Chelsea's waist. They walked elegantly, as perfectly as a couple could. Beatrice tried her best to keep her composure but both Dylan and Chelsea could see through it. They finally settled down in an exclusively private bar. The entire area was stylishly decorated and Chelsea could tell it was privately done so exclusively for Dylan. It had his taste in it. Predominantly dark with elements of gold here and there. She relished in the beauty of the place while Dylan made their orders. When the attendant left to get their orders, Dylan turned to her. She was forced to look at him. For some reason, the scenery brought back memories. Memories she had tried to forget. She subconsciously withdrew her eyes and put her face down. Dylan exhaled. "It's okay, Chelsea. You're alone wi
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Chapter 102 - Reconciliation
As she was still contemplating on what to do, Dylan spoke up. "You don't need to say anything, Chelsea. This is the second time I'm misjudging you and the second time in apologising as well. I'm just hoping it would be my last. I just need you to trust me. I already trust you and I don't care about the ill things you've done or felt or thought because of my actions" he paused. "You were right to do so. I now see what Joyce Ma has been trying to show me and I deeply appreciate it. I truly regret that I didn't see it earlier" he concluded calmly and reached for her hands. He took them in his and gently caressed them. "So, please, let's put the past behind us" he added with a peering look into her eyes. He had her locked in his gaze and she could look nowhere else. Oh, Dylan. You don't know what I've done, she thought. But still, the assurance and positivity in his eyes had a calming effect on her. She instantly felt the weight of her guilt dissipating gradually. She didn't need to d
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Chapter 103 - Showing Him A New Side
"Have you had your fill yet?" Dylan asked with a smirk as he stood up. He emptied his glass and gently placed it back on the table. Chelsea smiled raunchily. She also emptied her glass and licked her lips pleasurably. Then she smacked them and smiled. "I think I am" she replied. Dylan put one of his hands in his pocket and extended the other. "Then we should get you a comfortable place to ease yourself" he smirked. "Alright" she replied passionately and took his hand. He gently lifted her up and she followed his guide. When she was finally on her feet, he interlocked his arm with her, fully aware that her steps would prove to be rather sloppy sooner than later. Together, they proceeded towards the elevator and they immediately boarded it. Dylan set their destination and put in the assigned secret access code and by the next second, they were on their way to the floor that had the executive suites and lounges. The elevator came to as stop at it's destination and the doors sli
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Chapter 104 - Passionate Sex Once Again
Chelsea descended on Dylan's lips and began another round of ferocious yet passionate kissing spree. She grabbed his hair and kept him in place as she devoured his lips, completely savoring the taste of his mouth. She held him so firmly that he couldn't withdraw even if he wanted to. He kissed her back with equal ferocity, his hands passionately caressing her body, running over it as they wandered all the way to her frontal lobes. He felt her boobs but the fabric of her brassiere denied him the complete satisfaction. He was not about to stay beat though. His hands found their way to her back and located the hook of the brassiere. He immediately unhooked it and pulled it off her body, dropping it gently on the ground. With both their mouths still devouring each other's, he immediately grabbed her boobs, feeling the true warmth of her flesh this time. She jerked, slightly arching her back from the sensual resonance resulting from the impact of his hands touching her breasts with su
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Chapter 105 - Confession of Feelings
Chelsea finally opened her eyes as she felt Dylan's thrust getting slower. He had been pounding her for over a minute. She had adjusted to the rhythm and her moans and gasps had synchronised as well. She was still biting down on her lower lip and the feeling of being tipsy still lingered. Although it was clearing up a bit due to her perspiration. Dylan finally stopped and pulled out. He smiled down at her and she could see the adoration she had missed resurface in his eyes. Those alluring dreamy eyes of his were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. But she wasn't done. She sat up and grabbed his face, pulling him to her. She passionately kissed him and whispered in his ear. "It's your turn to lie down" she said raunchily. Dylan smirked. She was unusually enthusiastic and energetic today. Then she remembered her words. "Is this the other side you wanted to show me?" he asked with a smile. "Let's see about that" she replied and got down from the bed. She pushed him onto
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Chapter 106 - State of Panic
"What happened to him?" Chelsea asked as they hurried to put their clothes on. They just had a quick shower and hurried to leave the hotel. Chelsea saw the love and concern in Dylan's eyes that she had never seen before. It was there and then she knew that he truly loved his son. That was the one thing in the whole universe that he just couldn't play with. It didn't matter if they were exhausted from the sex. He wanted to go to him and there was no debating that. "I don't really know. They just told me it was an emergency" Dylan replied and threw on his suit jacket. He hadn't completely buttoned his shirt and his tie was nowhere to be found. Once the suit jacket was on, he hurriedly walked towards the suite's exit. "I hope the situation is not life threatening" Chelsea replied. She hurried behind him, straightening her gown. She had worn it the other way round, from over her head. Dylan couldn't miss the concern evident in her voice. It was unmistakable. She was concerned and didn
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Chapter 107 - Universal Donor
Dylan immediately went into a fit of rage. He lashed at the doctor, infuriated, pissed, mad, and every version of anger, throwing questions about a she and her that Chelsea came to understand was his ex-wife and the mother of his son, Clara. Chelsea had never seen him so mad. In truth, she had never seen him so anything. The level of emotions he displayed today were unprecedented. And they all revolved around his son. Aside the love and desire he displayed when they made love, that is. But this? This was something else entirely. "What do you mean she's not answering her phone?" Dylan thundered after the doctor dialed Clara's number severally without a response. "I'm afraid, she's not taking our calls, Mr. Cross" the doctor replied. "That good-for-nothing..." Dylan stopped himself and threw a jab at the air, gritting his teeth as he stomped out of the room. Chelsea walked up to the doctor. "Excuse me, Sir" she gently called him. He turned to her. "Hello, you must be Ms. Landore"
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Chapter 108 - Father and Son
Dylan stared at Chelsea speechlessly. He thought he didn't hear right at first but taking his eyes down to her hands, she was already holding them out, a gesture that she had indeed made the statement, offering her blood for Derek. He walked briskly towards her and grabbed her hand, leading her out of the room. "What did you say in there?" he asked for confirmation. She gently walked away few steps from him and exhaled. Then she turned around. "I said I'm donating my blood for Derek. I'm an O, a universal donor. So my blood is bound to work. His body won't reject it. I'm sure of it" she said, conviction clearer in her voice this time. He was mute. She gently walked towards him and reached for his shoulder. She tapped it and smiled. "It's okay. My blood is clean" she chuckled. He chuckled right back but half-heartedly. "No, it's not that. I'm was already sure that you're clean a long time ago. It's you wanting to donate your blood for Derek. Why?" he asked, looking at her. S
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Chapter 109 - Beginning Operation
Dylan walked out of the curtains and saw the medical professionals standing outside. Chelsea and the doctor had also returned and were standing with them. "Did I keep you waiting?" he asked. "Sorry about that" he added apologetically. The doctor chuckled. "No, Mr. Cross. It was a well deserved father and son moment. I understand the situation" he smiled. Dylan smiled as well. "We'll now commence the operation. Please stand outside in the meantime. Just name whatever you need while waiting and it will be brought to you, Mr. Cross" the doctor said. "Thank you, doctor" he replied and walked towards Chelsea. They both left the room and the doors were shut. "How did it go?" Dylan asked as they found their way to a row of chairs just outside the operating room. Chelsea could sense the hurry in his voice. As expected, his fatherly instincts had fully kicked in. He was eager to get the whole thing over with and be reunited with his son in full consciousness. How adorable. Who know the
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Chapter 110 - A Father's Rage and Decision
"What?" Dylan rushed at the doctor. He grabbed him by the collar. "What did you say?" he hollered. "Dylan!" Joyce called but Chelsea held her back. The doctor struggled with his clothes and tapped Dylan's shoulder. "He's alright. Master Derek is alright" he struggled to say and Dylan finally released him. "Why then did you start with an apology?" Dylan asked, still having mixed feelings. The doctor exhaled deeply. "I wanted to inform you that I'm sorry the anesthetic we gave him is still in effect and he's a bit unconscious. But the operation was successful and he's doing alright. His body accepted the blood and didn't fight it. He should be awake and kicking in a few hours" the doctor reported amidst heavy pants of breath. "Oh, sorry for my reaction, doctor. Don't play with me like that" Dylan apologised and patted the doctor on his shoulders. The doctor nodded. "I should've known better than to start with an apology. Especially to someone like you" he said and a they all
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