All Chapters of PREGNANT FOR THE UNKNOWN ALPHA: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
106 Chapters
Chapter 41
AdonisYou've got to be joking, right? " What the hell is he thinking by telling the police who he is? "Barely?" I know Gabe is crazy, but I didn't think he'd be this open about it. From where I was standing, I could see that the cops were looking at me with wide, confused eyes. It's not unusual for werewolves to wander around aimlessly, but for humans, it's scary."Were you grown-ups playing games with kids?" The policemen asked.Officers, Sofiya yelled. Don't make assumptions. She yelled in a whisper. When she yelled in their faces to try to explain what she meant, I couldn't help but smile a little. Girl, are you saying that you didn't do what we thought you did? The policemen asked. If you're not playing mature games, you have to let us into your house so we can make sure that whatever is in there won't bother your neighbors. What did he say?Officer, don't ask too many questions. You're right about what you think we were doing, so you need to leave so we can pick up where we left
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Chapter 42
AdonisWhy does he call me his mate, Adonis? Sofiya asked, interrupting what I was thinking.He's just talking nonsense, my love. She cocked her head. Also you! She replied, "Me, too. What?"You just said "my love," and he keeps calling me "pumpkin." Gabriel's head doesn't work very well, Sofiya. He keeps on talking nonsense only. I told her this to try to persuade her and get her mind off of his nonsense.But, Adonis, something is bothering me. You recently told me that people who love each other can often hear what the other is thinking. I nodded. When your wild animals came, I heard both your voice and Gabriel's. Does that mean I'm also Gabriel's girlfriend? She asked, looking puzzled on her pretty face.When we get to the pack house, I'll tell you everything. If I don't get her out of here, Gabe and some of his men might come back and forcefully take her to his so-called kingdom.Why do you call your huge house a "pack house"? She did. As I told you, my love, I'll answer all of yo
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Chapter 43
SofiyaOpen your eyes girl. The voice spoke to me in a whisper. As soon as I opened them, I felt pain all over my body. I was thrown into the back seat when the car went downhill and hit something. This is the second worst scene of someone dying I've ever seen. My hands were full of new cuts that the branches had given me. It hurts a lot just to pick them up. Adonis is missing. How did he get hurt? I stuck my head out of the trees and looked through them for any sign of him. He can't be found anywhere. Did the branches pull him out of the car and get him stuck in them?I pushed myself out of the car and crawled outside to get away from the smoking car. When I got out of the car, it caught fire right away. I was in a daze as I watched the car go up in flames.Adonis came running up to me and kneeled down with a worried look on his face. Even though he was naked, I gave him a hug anyway. He moved away, asked me if I was okay, and touched me all over to see if I was hurt. Don't touch me
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Chapter 44
SofiyaI walked into the house and stood in the hallway because I was afraid to go any further because everyone was looking at me. Why do they all look at me that way? Did I unintentionally do something bad to them? I fell backwards and was about to turn around and go outside again when a strong hand grabbed me. When I looked up, Adonis was holding me tightly in his strong arms.Why are all of you here? Why do you look at her that way? He asked them in a loud but kind way. All we cared about was her Alpha. Everyone answered. I was shocked when I looked up at them."Worried!" Only my mom and Miss Maria had ever been worried about me. Adonis gave them a sign to leave, and they did. When they left, Adonis put his right hand on my shoulders and took me up in the elevator. He held me gently, and I liked how his hand felt on my body.We got off the elevator and started walking toward our rooms. Don't touch me anymore. Will go to my room. That's no longer your room. He said. Why? Did you mak
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Chapter 45
SofiyaI stared at Laura with wide eyes because I couldn't believe what she had just said! I roared with laughter....."Why are you laughing?" She laughed a little as she asked.Don't you see that what you said is funny? Adonis never told me that everyone in this house can communicate with each other by thinking about it. Even if that were true, he would have told me or replied to me. But he did none of those things. He would've..... When I saw Laura's serious face, I stopped chuntering.Alpha didn't tell you everything there is to know about us, Sofiya. She asked, "What do you mean?" Is everything you said true? She nodded. Does that mean everyone in this house heard what I said? She said yes. "Like EVERYTHING?" She nodded. I made a face because I was embarrassed and ashamed.If Adonis stayed quiet on purpose, Laura, at least you could have told me if you knew. Now I don't know how to face him. Oh, he would have killed me if I had told anyone about the surrogacy. I said in my head. I
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Chapter 46
AdonisShe looked at me like I was a ghost."How did you find out that, Adonis? I never told you or anyone. She said it with a look of surprise and fear on her face.Adonis, answer me now.How do I tell her that I met an old black man who I think might be her grandfather and that he might be the one who kills whoever hurts her? Which I don't know!You yourself told me. I told her a lie.Adonis, it can't be me. I never tell just anyone something that scary. A month ago, you told everyone while you were sleeping. I said it. She stopped talking for a while. "Really! She said something, and then she was quiet for a long time.Don't you have any fear of me? She spoke quietly.I'm a werewolf Sofiya, I've heard secrets that were worse than yours. What about the people you lead? Do they also know it? She did. They all don't know anything. And you shouldn't feel bad about the death of Vivian. You have nothing to do with her death. You are not the reason she died. She felt better. Do you really
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Chapter 47
AdonisSofiya finished her story, and I couldn't help but pick her up and hold her. I held her in my arms and made her feel better because I was sad and hurt for her. That's not it, Adonis. Many people have died because of me in the past, and I was told that will keep happening if I'm not careful. She said.It doesn't matter to me what it is. Everyone had earned it. Whoever hates you should deal with it. So you shouldn't feel bad about the fact that they don't like you. Okay. Don't worry about what other people think of you now that you're in my life. Just pay attention to us, to me. Focus on us and the love we have for you," Adonis said. "But, Sofia, there are no buts.I stopped hugging her and looked into her eyes. Do you have tears? Who saddened my love? Tell me who the jerk is, and I'll tear him to pieces.Adonis, stop, don't talk like that. I haven't gotten over what your dog did to those wolves yet. She was grumpy. Hopefully with a smile.Love, look at me. Can I ask you somethin
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Chapter 48
AdonisI threw Sofiya's tiny hands away from me all of a sudden. If what I saw is a real vision and it's meant to happen, then I'm not going anywhere with her. "But what if it's not real?" And it's all just in my head? When I jacked myself away from Sofiya, I saw hurt in her eyes but I didn't have time to console her because I was still in shock. She passed me and entered the car into the back seat.I took charge of myself and walked to the car. Sofiya...If that's what you're going to say, I won't stay behind. Don't worry, I won't make things hard for you. I'll be a good girl. She said. I ruffled my hair and looked at her for a long time. I laughed, and then I got in the car. Okay, my love, if you don't feel good staying here, I'll take you with me. She smiled a little at me. "Do you have a passport? I do have it. She answered with a sad expression. Let me have it. Still sad, she gave me her passport. "What's up with that, my love?" Did I do anything to make you feel bad? No, yo
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Chapter 49
AdonisAs the kiss got stronger and lasted longer, I put my hand inside her shirt and ran my fingers up her soft skin. I took her bra off and massaged her breasts on the sides. When she moaned in my mouth, I went on and gently stroked her nipple. She broke the kiss and tilted back her head with a loud moan. I immediately covered her mouth and started circling her areola using my thumb. Be quiet baby, we're in the plane full of passengers. I continued stroking her nipple and did the same to the other one…I removed my hand from her lips and lifted her shirt halfway. Her breathing was becoming heavier and louder for someone out the door to hear. I shushed her and she nodded vehemently. I planted a kiss on her breast and then looked up at her face.Adonis, "please don't tease me like this. " She cried through hard breathing. You're all aroused. I said to her, "What's wrong with ...."I didn't let her finish her sentence and brought my lips onto her nipple and lightly nibbled on it.
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Chapter 50
SofiyaI looked around quickly because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. People on the plane and the flight attendants were both freaking out. And others had passed out. No one was helping. There were like five passengers who were recording the whole scenario with their shaky hands. I was shaking on the inside, but I didn't show it. I know a little bit about what a werewolf is, but I'm not an expert on situations where people change. The growls of the wolf are so loud and scary. I feel bad for the parents who are trying to stop their crying kids from crying.How can I be of service? I looked up at Adonis, who was lost in thought. I'm sure he's thinking about what to do right now so he doesn't hurt anyone, especially the kids who are crying. He kept his eyes and mind on the wolf. Is he able to talk to it? Because the wolf stopped howling and walked toward where we were standing. As soon as it started to move, the people on it screamed like crazy.When the people in first class and
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