All Chapters of The Betrayed Luna's Revenge: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Vow to make her Bow
"But why? Why was he released by the Luna!"Martha yelled frustrated "Why are you yelling? It's not our business, we don't know, it was Luna's command and no one dared to go against it, besides you should be happy that the old man was released and gained his freedom." The guard scoffed.Martha quickly smiled faintly."Yeah, of course, I am happy, I was, you know, I didn't expect it, but the Luna was so kind to have set him free, may the Moon goddess bless our Luna." Martha said giggling.The two guards nodded their heads and left."Oh my God! Oh no! Alpha Dexter will kill me! She ruined our plans again! Ahhhh!" Martha soliloquies furiously.A maid joined her."Since Elder Blake is not here, you should give me the food while I give another prisoner, we can't let the food waste." She said.Martha knew the food was poisoned and she knew she would be exposed if anyone else ate the food, Alpha Dexter had told her that the poison wouldn't show any sign that the person was poisone
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Urgent news
Elora's POV.It's been two days since the poison incident, and I'm getting better as every day passes, I can now eat, sit, or even move my hands, and even stand on my own but I still can't walk.The past two days had been the most hectic most heartbroken days of my life, I mean why was everyone against my life, what if I had died again?I watched the doctor run some tests on me and examine my heartbeat and my purse, Damon was beyond happy at how I was responding to the medication, I don't know what I would have done without him, each moment with him made me feel safe like everything is going to be alright, with his by my side, I felt I can touch the moon, he made me feel adored, and protected and my knight, he made it becomes his responsibilities to cook for me and get me everything I wanted, in Damon, I found love, peace, and serenity.The doctor was done checking whatever he was doing."You are responding quickly your majesty, you are getting so much better, and very soon you will b
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Hiding Spot
*Authors POV*Damon asked the guards what urgent news was he talking about."We were able to carry Elena, Elder Blake's daughter to where Elder Blake's was hidden secretly." The guard replied."That's great, I'm pretty sure that Dexter had tried looking for Elder Blake after finding out he betrayed him." Damon said nodding his head with affirmation."It was indeed a good news." He added."Yes sir, Elder Blake requested that he wants to have a word with you, maybe if you are free, then you meet with him." The guard said."Sure I will, thanks, you can go ahead." Damon responded and the guard took a bow and left.Damon returned to Elena and sat next to her."I'm so proud of you and how you have taken things upon yourself, ensuring Elder Blake's and his daughter's safety." Elora exclaimed tabbing a finger against her chin.Damon's lips crept into a cute smile."I know how cunning Dexter is, he won't give up so easily, we can't celebrate victory yet."Damon replied."I know, but thank you,
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**Authors POV**Elora hugged him tighter and they kissed, Damon checked her out, it felt like a dream, although the doctor had already said she would walk soon, he never knew it was this soon.They finally disengaged from the hug." did it happen? I was just away for an hour and you can already walk? What miracle happened?" Damon asked, the surprise was written bodily on his face while Elora couldn't stop smiling.*Flashback*After Damon had left, Luca and Zena went to her room to look after her, as Damon ordered."You look so bored, why don't we take you to the garden and you will have some fresh air and peace." Luca suggested."And we figured out that the garden is your favorite place because you love watching the birds sing and the breeze blows." Zena said too."You both are gradually getting to know me so well, I think it's a nice idea, let's go." Elora replied."Yayyyyyyyyy." Zena exclaimed excitedly.They helped her up and took her to the garden and they were right, she
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Poison acting up again
Episode 115.Three days passed and Elora's health just kept on getting better, she was now stronger and continued to rule her pack well, they had so much fun and got to bond with Damon and even Zena and Luca, they went to dinners, beaches, and a lot more to just be happy.While on the other hand, Lucian and Zora are beginning to get worried, they bring up all the ideas of going out so that Elora can get tired and the poison will work more effectively but nothing is happening, absolutely nothing!Lucian paced up and down anxiously, while Zora watched him."Why is it taking time to show effect! Elora is flourishing in good health all the time and I hate to see the disgusting smile on her face, and do you know what I hate the most? The fact that we had to tolerate her annoying jokes and even laughed and pretended to love her all the time, I'm getting sick of it!" Lucian ranted demonstrating every of his fits of anger with his hands."I know, I'm tired too, Elora is supposed to be dead by
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A promise
Episode 116.Panicked, Damon carried Elora and quickly kept her on the bed while shaking her and calling her name."Help! Somebody call the doctor!" He yelled.*On the other hand, while Lucian and Zora were talking with Martha, they heard Damon's voice."Wait... you heard that?" Martha asked."Yeah, I do, felt like Damon's voice screaming for help." Zora answered, widening her ears to hear more."Wait, Martha, you need to go, Zora, let's go check." Lucian suggested and Zora agreed.They bade Martha bye, while she emphasized that they bringing an end to Elora very soon.*They arrived at Elora's chamber and already saw that the guards had called a doctor, the doctor was checking on her while Damon was pacing up and won curiously and worriedly.Watching Elora in pain almost made Zora giggle but Lucian pinched her and she made a straight pitiful face."Um, Beta Damon, what...what is wrong with our queen?" She asked worriedly."I don't know Zena, she passed out, I'm waiting for the docto
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Secrets Revealed
Episode 117.As soon as Damon left, Zena burst into laughter."We need to celebrate this day, I can't finally wait for her to die." She exclaimed."Shoo, reduce your voice before Damon hears us." Luca warned and she nodded."So what do we do now?" He added."We will continue feeding her the poison given to us by the witch since Damon had foolishly trusted us with her medication, we will use that opportunity and feed her the Poison till she finally dies." Zena grinned."But do you think it's necessary? I mean the doctor had said that her immune system has become so weak that it cannot fight any sickness, not even the poison, I think it's only time she is waiting for and she will die on her own." Luca suggested."You don't know what you are saying, The Moon goddess is always on her side, we can't take chances, she can heal her, so we should end her. Poor Damon, he truly loves her. Now I felt bad because their love story will soon come to an end." Zena exclaimed and the both of them laug
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Worst enemies unveiled
118ELORA’S POV. I was so shocked and confused….how could they be Lucien and Zora. I felt my eyes was deceiving me, but it was very obvious that they were my worst enemies. “How come?” I murmured, narrowing my eyes at them. “Is this a question you’re expecting us to answer ?” Zena asked, with a sly smile plastered on her face. Never in my life had I imagined that Luca and Zena were actually my worst enemy from my past life that betrayed me and also ended my life. I was beginning to regret keeping them close to me, and even refused to listen to Damon who has always been suspicious of them. “Why was I so dumb?” I facepalmed myself and the loud echoes of their laughter brought me back to reality. “You were really dumb Elora, to think that I thought you were a smart one,” Lucien said, but I just stared blankly at him. I didn’t have anything to say to him, either did I have the strength to react. “See what you brought upon yourself Elora, now we’ve vowed that you’ll die and it mu
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Preparation for war
119“Please be calm and patient, Zora and Lucien would win,” Martha tried to calm Drake’s nerves but it wasn’t working. “Don’t tell me to calm down!!” He banged his fists hardly on the table, his eyes blazing with anger. “Don’t tell me that you trust them?” He asked, narrowing his eyes at her—but instead, she shook her head. “It’s not that way, but I believe that something good would come out of them, if not for once,” Martha said, adding the last part reluctantly. “This was what they were supposed to do since, not now!” He said, glaring at her angrily. “If only you know how impatient I’ve been to hear the news of their death,” He added, and Martha simply sighed. “Of course I know how impatient you’ve been,” She thought quietly, hoping he didn’t hear her thoughts at all. He simply heaved heavily, and just as he add about to say another word—They both appeared. Zora and Lucien appeared panting really hard, “Has it been done?” Martha asked, as her eyes lit up in excitement, but Z
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Caught red handed
120Damon’s Pov. I couldn’t think straight because of how scared I felt at that moment. But all that occupied my mind was how to save Elora as that was the only thing that mattered to me. I had called the doctor, but I didn’t know what was delaying her as she was supposed to be here by now. “Gosh,” I raked my head backwards in utter frustration, and was about punching the wall when a knock on the door stopped me halfway. I quickly rushed and opened the door, and almost immediately—I heaved a sigh of relief when I sighted the doctor. “Thank goodness you’re here, please come in,” I moved aside, and opened the door widely while waiting for her to walk in. She came in and went straight to Elora who laid on the bed without moving an inch. “Please do everything within your power to save her, Elora must not die,” I warned, glaring at the doctor. She simply nodded, and went straight to her bag searching for whatever it was. “Are you listening to me?” I asked through gritted teeth wh
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