Semua Bab Mystery Pregnancy: Bab 111 - Bab 120
203 Bab
Sonia's fall
Sonia was even more convinced that she was abducted by Steven's men when she heard noises, she perceived the hard substance they were Inhaling and she could only nod her head, this sort of strong smell that was intoxicating her could only be coming from a group of bad boys, Steven was currently the only bad boy she knows.She knew that even if she didn't kill Tracy, Steven was going to kill her, she had heard Tracy lost her baby, she already felt guilty about that, she didn't want anymore blood stains on her hands, she just wanted to end her own life, which was why she wasn't scared that some group of bad boys were holding her, she was ready for the worse. Then the car stopped, she opened the eye she didn't know we're closed all the while, still she couldn't see anything, then she remembered that they had covered her face with a sack, she couldn't also remove it because her hands were tied behind her.One of the men pulled her out and the other slapped her back saying by the time we
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Sonia's fear
Sonia watched him leave.He seem to hate the fact that he had hit her, but he made sign to the men, and before she could say a word one of the men slapped her and that slap alone put her to sleep.They started laughing as she went straight to sleep."She is just sleeping, she will definitely wake up soon". One if the men said and started laughing."You need to be gentle, you cannot be slapping women with that your rough hand, are you trying to sqweeze her face?Another replied, and they all started laughing again.She initially thought she had seen the worse, but even if she survived this torture, she would never be the same again, her face is likely to have shifted, she would not be her self ever again.She became unconscious, he then told the men something without saying it out loud before he left the hall.The guards nodded their head happily.They like harsh message, and they would nktind carrying out the harsh order that have been given to themThe place Sonia was kept looked lik
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Her doom
Tracy didn't know how to answer the question, she was scared that if she told him the truth he was going to hate her, but the way he looked at her with so much care, and a sincere one at that reminded her of how he use to want her, how he used to love her before Amanda happened, she wondered if he still felt anything for her or he was just forced to marry her, but then again she remembered that she was no longer pregnant and Dave could leave if he wanted to but he was still there, he was with her giving her all the support she needed, she knew this was not the time to say the truth, but she needed to tell him something close to the truth else, he might be forced to walk away from her, as if answering her hidden thoughts he said."I want the truth from you, and don't you even try to lie to me, if you do not tell me the truth, I will find out, and you will never see me again"Tracy thought that she was even lucky to have seen this much of him, she had thought that by the time she woke u
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Time of truth
The conscience they say is an open wound and only truth can heal it.She has sold her conscience, she could never tell them the truth, unless they find out themselves, it would be too much for her to handle the hate if everyone.Even if she tries to tell them the truth that she hurt Amanda, how will she tell them that she also tried to hurt Sonia?How could she tell them that Sonia was the one that attacked her, because she had sent her to be raped by the same person that raped Amanda, it would be too much, she just needs to keep quiet, and forget conscience for now.If she couldn't tell Dave the truth, she was sure there was no way she could heal, she wanted so much to tell him the truth, but she was so scared at the same time, she thought she should be able to tell him the truth once she left the country, once again she didn't know why it was taking so long.Dave knew he wasn't going to get much from her so he decided to involve Josh once again, he was going to get it done for him,
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The truth
"so what happened next, how did my daughter get hurt?He asked her, she looked down, scared she might just end up saying the wrong thing.Sonia had thought that she wouldn't have to say her part of the business, but she was sure there was no way she could avoid that part now.So she continued her story."The rapist your daughter contracted wanted your daughter just before her wedding, he wanted to sleep with her, but your daughter planned ahead of him with another group to hurt him, they injured him and he lost an eye so he is out for revenge, he was the one that hurt your daughter"Sonia said, she couldn't involve herself else the man was going to finish her infront of her very own eye, she just wanted to paint the story to suit her current situation, but little did she know that no matter how she painted the case she was already doomed.He had a name, he had a description that was all he needed, he could also swear he had seen someone like that during the wedding, but he hadn't paid
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News about her death
The men, seeing that she was dead wrapped her up, covering every part of her body, they were going to throw her to theain road, but they needed to leave no trace, so they unscripted a note.As they moved in the night, they met police men on the road, they were just two, knowing that if they don't stop if they are asked to stop, they might kill them, so they slowed down their driving while planning what to do.One of then flagged the car down, looking inside they saw four mean looking men."Can we see your particulars?One asked.The driver brought it out immediately, thinking it would be just that.The officer used the torch light to go through, he seemed satisfied, then he asked them where they were coming from."We went to the club, but we are going home now".He answered.They were sounding all friendly, which made the driver know what they need.He sqweezed some notes and gave it to them, and he started laughing."See you, you know what to do since, and here you are making us talk
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Can I call Dave?
Amanda heard the news also and she could feel her baby move in anger, she was so worried, she knew who the one eyed man was, she was sure it was Steven, a lot of people had seen the one eyed man argue with Sonia on that fateful day when Dave had tied the knot with Tracy, but now that Sonia was dead, the papers had a lot of things to say about it, the entire force were looking for some notorious one eyed man whose picture had circulated everywhere, showing where he was holding Sonia in an angry way, and she had clearly not been comfortable with it.Along side her image, was shown the image of the police man who was killed.So many good things was said about him, while the wounded one was being interviewed, as he told what happened to the world."they were four of them behind the cat, and a driver, if I see the driver, I would know him, because, as soon as my colleague started asking them to come out of the car, I step aside to attend to the other road users.I just finished checking o
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viral news
Goodluck didn't know how to answer in such a situation, he was consoling her, he knew she was hurt and bittered, she had lost a friend, no matter how badly that friend had treated her, the fact that she was unaware of her bad side, she was still a friend. And even if she gets to know about how badly Sonia had treated her, or plotted against her, she is sure, that she would still consider Sonia a friend. One of the features of Amanda is that she has a pure heart, and she is quick to forgive.He really wish he could protect her from Everyone that wants to hurt her, especially from that family, but he just couldn't, if she would be asking such questions as this, what would he say now, but since she just wanted to call and not to visit he would allow her call.He also felt happy that she had thought it wise to ask for his permission, it showed she was aware of his resistance towards that family, it shows that she was aware that her enemies were in that family and staying away from them wo
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He deepened the kiss, with great pleasure
Steven was really shocked as to how someone had played the fast one one him, he started to wonder if his little act with Sonia had actually caused her death, even the media made crazy comments about him and changed the story of what had happened, he alone knew he didn't kill Sonia, but he was also not sure of who did.It struck him then that Tracy could have sent someone after Sonia. It made sense, Sonia had tried to kill her before, and that landed her at the hospital, she knew if Sonia was still out in the open she could attack her again, so she had decided to attack her first from the hospital, that way no one would suspect her, especially those that didn't know how. Steven laughed at the realization.Tracy was also the only one that was powerful enough to pin the blame on him, she had caused him one eye, and she knew very well that he was after her so she had decided to put him on the run instead, she was going to pay for everything, he was going to expose her, even if that was
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Research man
Mr Chukwu was feeling like a liability just sitting around the house doing nothing in particular, he wanted so much to feel useful, he felt like he and his family were a burden to the doctor. Not like the doctor had done anything to make him feel so he was only overwhelmed by his gesture and wanted to repay him.Mr Chukwu not knowing how to go about it, he told his wife who was also feeling the same way, having her life back was more than enough way to make her feel indebted to the kind doctor and to Goodluck."I think we should just ask him to employ us and we will work for free"She suggested to her husband when she heard what he had to say but her husband didn't think there was space for them to even work.The entire Estate was filled with workers who do different things, the man was a man of class, he had rules that he was following, he ensure his workers were not over stressed, he was just too much.Mr Chukwu thought to himself, he didn't have anything to give to him, he was not
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