All Chapters of Trapped Between The CEO Brothers: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
58 Chapters
You Killed Your Own Father
The confrontation ended and the trio made their way back to the dining room. They entered the dining room, their arrival met with a round of curious glances. The room was filled with the clatter of cutlery against porcelain, the hum of quiet chitchat. The remnants of breakfast lay scattered on the table - plates of half-eaten toast, bowls of oatmeal, cups of lukewarm tea.Gilbert guided Alexa to her chair. He then took his own seat, his gaze scanning the room, finding Clement. Jean, on the other hand, resumed his place at the table without a word, his expression stern. Clement, Gilbert's trusted servant, watched from the corner of the room, his task completed, nodded subtly to Gilbert. The bowls had been switched - Gilbert's with a random uneaten bowl, and Alexa's with Jean's. Gilbert returned to his oatmeal, his spoon stirring the creamy mixture with an air of nonchalance. His eyes lit up with mirth, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Sat next to Alexa, Jean watched him, hi
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My father's blood is beautiful
The funeral procession moved slowly, an event marked by a heavy atmosphere. Amidst the mourners, Jean and Gilbert stood out. Their faces, although composed, showed no trace of sorrow. As the casket bearing their father's body was carried past them, their eyes were cold and detached.Detective Williams, the man they had hired to investigate their father's sudden demise, approached them once the funeral rites were over."My lords," he began, his voice echoing in the near-empty hall, "I've concluded my investigation." "And?" Jean prompted, his gaze fixed on the detective. "Your father, Mr. Gardier's death... it was due to natural causes. An internal bleeding." the detective stated, his eyes flicking between the brothers. Jean's face flickered with surprise, quickly replaced by a stoic mask. "Natural causes? Are you certain?" he asked, his voice steady. "Absolutely," the detective confirmed. "There was no evidence of foul play." Jean's mind was racing. He had planned and executed
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Sex in Wine Cellar
The night came after Alexa shares the silly tips to Lady Renata. Now, in the privacy of Gilbert's bedroom, Alexa and Gilbert found a refuge from the world. The dimmed lights, the plush sheets, and the scent of their mingled perfumes set the stage for an evening of intimacy.Alexa, clad in a sexy silk robe, looked expectantly at Gilbert. He sat on the edge of the bed, a playful glint in his eyes."Maybe it's time for us to be very very close, my lord." Alexa said, started to undress herself."Alexa," he began, his voice carrying an uncharacteristic seriousness, "there’s something you should know." Intrigued, naked Alexa moved a bit closer to him. "Yes, my lord?" He took her hand, his grip firm yet gentle. "I want you, Alexa. I won't lie about that. But," he paused, looking straight into her eyes, "I won’t cross that line until we're officially man and wife." Alexa blinked, a mix of surprise, disappointment, and a growing admiration sweeping over her. She looked at Gilbert, her soon
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A Grandchild !
Renata looked at Jean, her eyes filled with determination. "I'm not lying, Jean. Here," she said, pulling out a pregnancy test from her pocket. It clearly showed a positive result. Jean looked at the pregnancy test, his heart sinking. This was real. Renata was pregnant, and he was going to be a father. A wave of panic washed over him, but he managed to keep his expression neutral. Before Jean could respond, Renata had already swept out of the room, her head held high. She was determined to share the news with everyone in the family. The news spread like wildfire, and soon, the whole family was gathered in the living room. Victoria, Jean's mother, was overjoyed. "A grandchild!" she exclaimed, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "I'm so proud of you, Renata!" Everyone in the room was sharing in Victoria's joy, congratulating Renata and Jean. Everyone except Jean. He stood in the corner of the room, his mind racing. He didn't want this baby. But as he looked around the room, at hi
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Alexa's Secret Pregnancy
Alexa stood in the bathroom, staring at the calendar on her phone. Her finger traced the days, stopping on the date circled in red—an ominous reminder that her period was late. Late by several weeks. “I’ll just take a test,” she muttered to herself. “It’s probably nothing.” The walk to the pharmacy felt longer than usual. Her mind raced with every step, each scenario more daunting than the last. She slid her sunglasses on, hoping to hide the worry etched on her face.Inside the pharmacy, her gaze swept over the shelves, landing on the array of pregnancy tests kit. Her hand hovered, hesitant, before she grabbed not one but several, from 10 different brands—she needed to be sure. At the counter, she avoided the cashier's eyes, her cheeks burning with a mix of embarrassment and fear. “Is this all for you today?” the cashier asked, ringing up the tests. “Yes, thank you,” Alexa replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Back home, the tests sat on the counter like a jury ready to del
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His Green Eyes and White Hair
Dionysus made his way toward the Gardier mansion, where he had been invited to stay for several weeks to attend a grand wedding. As he walked through the snow, his boots crunched beneath him. His silver hair shimmered in the winter sunlight, creating a striking contrast with the deep green of his eyes. To his surprise, the mansion's staff, who were usually indoors, had gathered outside, leaving Dio puzzled."Lots of bustling out here in the cold—don't tell me you've all been replaced by snowmen," Dio quipped.The head butler, Benson, chuckled, tipping his hat. "Oh no, Lord Dio, nothing so dramatic. Lady Renata has given us an unexpected holiday gift—a break to enjoy with our families after the frenzy of her wedding preparations."Dionysus raised an eyebrow, the surprise evident on his face. "A holiday? Before the wedding? How generous of her. Tell me, is this a tradition I've somehow missed?"The maids whispered among themselves before one of them spoke up. "It's a first for all of us
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Alexa let out a half-hearted chuckle, still clinging to the hope that this was Dio's idea of a twisted joke."Well, heartbreak is an unusual way to turn brotherhs againts each other." Dio said."Heartbroken? Gilbert?" she echoed, incredulity painting her words. "If he ever found out about this, he'd be crushed." Dio leaned back, his gaze fixed on her with unsettling intensity. "Crushed is an understatement. He wouldn't just be licking his wounds. He'd go after Jean. Gilbert's the kind of guy who doesn't just get mad; he gets even." "You're saying he'd kill his own brother over this?" Alexa's voice was a mix of shock and skepticism. Dio nodded, his lips curling into a wry smile. "Kill, elliminate, murder, butcher, you name it. Remember, I am talking about the same scary smart boy who turned his high school buddies into a cold case. Gilbert's not just smart, actually; he's a genius... with a very dark side. He's been playing this deadly game since he was a teen, and the family? They
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You Ally
Dio's voice held a tone of conspiracy as if they were allies plotting to survive in a thriller video game. "You, Alexa, are my ally in this.""Thank... thank you. Me too, I want you to survive, to thrive even. You had said 'welcome to game' to me in my engagement day days ago. I got it now." Alexa looked at him, her eyes reflecting the determination that his words had sparked. "Survive and thrive, huh? Sounds like a plan. But in this house, it feels more like survive or die, Alexa. You're smarter than you know," Dio reassured her. "And now, you have the knowledge to protect yourself. Use it."Alexa nodded, a semblance of calm returning to her. "And what about you, Lord Dio? What's your endgame in all of this?" Dio's smirk was a shadow of his usual confidence. "Let’s just say I’m invested in ensuring the family legacy doesn't claim my live. And keeping you safe." Alexa studied him for a moment, realizing how little she knew about the man before her. "Lord Dio, I've always wondere
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Jean's phone vibrated softly against the nightstand, a beacon in the darkness. He glanced at the screen—Alexa's name lit up. "Meet me at the gazebo, please. Now?" the text read. He smiled, how happy he was, Alexa texted him back after months."Off couse, dearest love." he replied.As he approached the gazebo, he found Alexa's form framed by the delicate lattice of the gazebo, bathed in the soft silver of moonlight. "I got your text," Jean said, breaking the silence as he stepped into the gazebo. "What' is it, baby?" Alexa's gaze met his."Jean, my lord, we need to talk about... something." He took a deep breath, the cool night air filling his lungs. "I know. I did a lot of bad things to you, especilally that one night in the wine cellar, but I can't shake these feelings for you, Alexa. I'm still deeply in love with you. It's a mess, I know, but it's the truth."Alexa's eyes held his, a silent war of emotions raging behind them. "Jean, I am not here to talk about that..."He cut her
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Drunk Jean
In the dim lights of a local dive, Jean slouched at the bar, his messy clothes standing out against the polished Gardier lineage image. Each gulp washed away the pain of Renata's second betrayal, but with every shot, his sobriety faded, replaced by raw, unfiltered anguish. Hours later, a drunk Jean stumbled into the grand entrance of the Gardier estate, swaying and casting a stark shadow against the lavish backdrop. The ever-watchful servants rushed to Jean's side, supporting his unsteady steps with their arms.It is currently 3 AM.Gilbert and Alexa were just hanging out in the living room with the rest of the fam. They all waiting for Jean to return. He disappeared and that was making everyone worry. Now, they all turned their attention to the servants who were carrying the drunk Jean. Gilbert squinted his eyes as he watched his brother's sorry state. "Dear Alexa," he whispered to Alexa. "do you mind if I tag along with the servants?"In his bedroom, the servants placed Jean on his
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