All Chapters of The Mafia Lycan's Obsession : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
295 Chapters
Elina’s Traitor V
Tensel inclined his head at Damonq’s observation. “Perhaps,” he agreed. “On the other hand, I have found my love of humans is both a strength and a weakness. Thanks to the prince, we do know some human women can be converted. Those of us who did not find their lifemates, century after century, still can have hope. That soul is reborn again and again until we find her or we go into the next life. There are women out there, human and ancient, protecting the soul of a hunter.”“We left the monastery because three women came together and gave us hope. They told us that our lifemates were waiting in this century for us. I am not certain I really believed them at the time. I may have needed to believe them, but I was skeptical. Then I heard Elina’s voice, and my world changed from darkness to light. I hope that finding Elina continues to give the others hope that they might find their lifemates, too. Like me, they don’t think they belong anymore. We are ancients, and while we locked ourselv
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Storm’s Thoughts
STORMIt’s been two days since I had last seen Kaden, or heard anything from him even though Lucy usually gave me updates about the arrangements that he has been making with them about our school and housing. But he has never involved me. Had never called me or even asked Lucy about me. Lucy thinks I must have really annoyed him.I was beginning to feel sad, then agitated with him, and with myself. Was he really still angry that I had sent him away hard and needing for me? But what had he expected? That I pretended my best friend hadn’t just caught me making out with my benefactor and lead him to the room, where we will do what? Have sex obviously. I wasn’t ready for that. Somehow, I believed that my life would never remain the same if I crossed that threshold. That was one of the reasons why I had kept away from sex with Kaden, if not the major one. He seemed more than a mystery that I wasn’t sure that I wanted to unravel, even though I had campaigned for Justin to go ahead with i
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Storm’s Thoughts II
STORMMy phone rang at the moment I was still contemplating if I should open the door, or let the knocker keep knocking. Sighing deeply, I retrieved my phone from the back pocket of the denim black shorts I was putting on. It was Lucy that was calling. Thank god.“Hi Lucy, how are you doing?” I asked, immediately I picked up the call.“I am okay, Storm. Could you open the door? Kaden’s man mentioned that no one is answering the door. He is there to pick you. He will help with carrying the luggages, so you should lock up and turn off the lights. Justin will receive the keys here. His parents are already with spares after all. See you later babes. Can’t wait to see you here. You will love it here!” She finished rattling off and hung up, without waiting for a comment from me. Was she that busy? I sighed again as I slithered my phone into my front pockets, before hurrying to the door.“Good morning.” I greeted, immediately I opened the door, a smile crawling across my lips as I recognize
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Another Dream
STORMWherever it is we are going to have to be very far. We have been on the road for more than two hours. It made me wonder if taking a flight hadn't been the best option, not that there is a nearby airport around though. “How long before we get to the house?” I asked Lent who was driving. It was just the two of us since the two hours. No stops. No whatevers. Snacks and water were already available on my seat when I had stepped into the car. He was prepared.Lent shrugged, humming to the slow, unfamiliar music playing on the car radio. “Some minutes from now.” He answered quickly a few minutes later as if he had been calculating the distance in his mind, not taking his eyes from the road. I wanted to tell him that that was exactly what he had said an hour ago, but I kept quiet, deciding to try out his answer one last time. The next time I might call the journey up short. My buttocks were crying for relief. I turned to the window, allowing my eyes to shut at least for a while, to p
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Another Dream II
Dream continuation in Author’s POV:The wind picked up in intensity, but maintained its calm profile, moving gently through the crowd, ruffled hair with the touch of a father’s hand, gently, lovingly, brushing a shoulder, an arm. His voice, when it came again, was achingly sad.“Our males are turning into evil beasts, and the evil is spreading across the land faster than our hunters can keep up. Before, in lands far from us, the lycans and the werewolves and the Jaguar race were strong enough to keep these monsters under control, but their numbers have dwindled and they cannot stem the tide. Our world is changing, and we must face the new problems head on." He stopped, once again looking over their faces.Loyalty and honor ran deep in their blood. He knew each of them by name, knew each of their strengths and weaknesses. They should have been the future of his species, but he was sending them to walk a solitary path of unrelenting hardship."All of you must know these things I am about
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New Place
STORM“We are here, Storm. Wake up.” That was Lent. He must think that I am still asleep, since my eyes are still shut, my face still facing the window. But I am not sleep. I don’t think I have been, for the past thirty minutes.My mind had just refused to let go of the dream which I had just had. A dream that looked so real to be called a dream. It was like I was there. It was like I was the Prince, or rather in the Prince. Does that even make sense?What was it all about? What could be the essence and interpretation? The Prince, whosoever he is, had sounded so sad. A sadness that had been very tangible. But what had he meant by sending them off to be killed? Why will he do that? Beasts and Demons? First, who were those people? Where did they come from? How come they can metamorphose from an owl fo a human? Are they even humans? And most importantly, why were they in my dreams?I was confused. Confused as shit. I needed to see the angel. She might have an inkling about what is going
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New Place II
The house was beautiful, and large. It had three master bedrooms and a smaller room which I think must be for guests. Probably that was why Justin had chosen to move in with us. There was enough room for everyone. And I am not sure he didn’t want to incur more burden on Kaden, not that the devil would complain. He seemed to have a lot of money to spend. Talking about Kaden, I haven’t seen him yet, nor have I heard anything from him. I didn’t want to ask either Justin or Lucy about him. I have decided whilst on the journey here to keep calm and mute about Kaden and his matter till whenever he is done hiding or running. I don’t care if I had been the one that had chased him out first, but I wasn’t going to go running after him,no matter how much I missed him. My room was very spacious, actually the biggest room with a balcony which gave a wonderful view of the nearby surroundings and forest.Yes, my side of the house faced a thick forest which was held in with fencing wires. Lucy had
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Another Attack
KADENI didn’t look away from the window view when I heard Lent come into my office. I knew it was him because, well damn, who doesn’t the walk style of his friend who he has known since childhood? “How is she? Did she like the place?” I asked him, my eyes still stuck to the building which I had purchased in Storm’s name. The building was right in front of our clan’s premises. That was the only way that I could protect my clan whilst at the same time, keeping an eye on her. The news that Liam had brought to me two days ago had really unsettled me. This had been the only option left; to keep her near. This way at least, I could kill two birds with one stone. Storm doesn’t have to know about this. She wouldn’t be able to see the clan either, even if it’s linear to her window view. No one does actually. For all they knew, this ws a forest left to fallow and is inhabited by all kinds wild animals. But if only they knew. “She is fine, and yes she liked it. I don’t get why you are worke
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Another Attack II
KADEN“Does Liam know about this yet?” I asked Casper and Lent as I watched with sorrowful eyes as Micheal groaned in pain under Jiraq's ministration on his body. Apart from being a scientist, Jiraq was a good doctor. A very good one.“Not yet. He is still working on discovering the attacker. Should we inform him now?” Casper inquired and I shook my head. “No, it will kill his focus. We need to allow him find the attacker first, or at least get some clues. That is the best way we can get revenge for this.” I said, gritting my teeth as I read aloud in my mind the two words that had been branded on Micheal’s chest. ‘Burnt all.’ The action word is in a past tense, and it made me wonder if another deed related to burning had been done already that I didn’t know about. I had asked Casper and Lent earlier about the state of our companies and other outlets located in different parts of the contry, and internationally but they had reaffirmed that those institutions were all intact. Nothing
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Another Attack III
KADEN“So, what are you going to do?” That was Casper. He has been pacing from one point in the room to the other, for a while. “He asked you to be there in five minutes. But the drive from here to that side of the state is more than three hours. How in the world are you going to be there in five minutes? The dude must be crazy.” He said, his voice rising at the end of his statement. Lent was still silent. He was sitting on one of the chairs now, his head enclosed in his palms. He must be thinking of the best solution to this.“I don’t know Casper. I guess I should call him back, and ask if he could give me more time. Hopefully, he will be lenient enough to strike a better bargain before ending the call. If he agrees, I will have to go to the place.” I answered, picking up my phone from the floor. It had remained there since it had fallen and everyone had been so concerned about the matter at hand, that none had remembered the communication line. I looked at the phone, contemplating
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