All Chapters of The Mafia Lycan's Obsession : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
298 Chapters
The aroma of freshly cooked dinner filled the air as I joined Lucy and Justin at the dining table. I tried to push aside my troubling thoughts and immerse myself in the lively conversation and laughter going between the duo. They were talking about some vacation.I wondered why. We had just arrived for college. A vacation now wasn’t necessary. But I still listened as I dipped my fork into the spaghetti filled plate.For a while, it worked-pushing down my concerns. The company of my friends provided a temporary respite from the weight of my own worries.Lucy, always the social butterfly, animatedly recounted a funny incident from a few hours ago while I and her had walked by one area of the school grounds, causing Justin to burst into laughter.The sound was like music to my ears, a temporary respite from the darkness that had consumed my thoughts.I listened intently, grateful for the distraction that their conversations provided.Justin, the overachiever, spoke passionately about his
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I didn’t go straight to my bedroom, after wishing Lucy and Justin a goodnight.No, I decided to go out and face the night head-on, hoping that the solitude and silence would bring me some semblance of peace. As I made my way to the front door, my mind was again filled with a whirlwind of thoughts—the dream, the cryptic messages in the magic book, and of course, my complicated emotions toward Kaden. I couldn't help but wonder if my avoidance of my feelings had somehow triggered or rather worsened the chaos that seemed to be closing in on me.Lost in my contemplation, I ventured outside, the night air chilling my skin. It was invigorating walking amidst the evening air alone. I relished the freedom of walking without the constant fear of being watched or pursued by Jess’ hunters. The estate grounds stretched out before me, a peaceful haven untouched by the chaos that seemed to follow my every step.As I wandered deeper into the estate, my mind began to clear. For the first time sinc
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Back To His Clan
Kaden awoke with a heavy heart, his mind burdened by the recent events that had unfolded.The kidnapping of Liam's wife weighed heavily on him, and the worry for his friend's well-being gnawed at his insides. He knew he couldn't stand idly by while his friend suffered in silence.With determination, Kaden rose from his bed and quickly got ready for the day. As he made his way downstairs, the atmosphere in his home felt somber, filled with an air of sadness and uncertainty.He found Lent, sitting in the living room, his eyes distant and lost in thought.Approaching Lent, Kaden placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Hey, how are you holding up?" He asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.Lent looked up, his eyes filled with a mixture of pain and exhaustion. "I don't know, Kaden," He replied, his voice barely a whisper. "It feels like our whole world has been turned upside down. I can't believe she's gone."Kaden sat down beside Lent, offering a comforting presence. "I under
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Back at Tensel’s Place.The sea rocked gently back and forth, a cradle holding vast amounts of salt water. Beneath the black, glassy surface, great long arms of kelp reached first one way as the water tugged them, and then the other. The arms reached up from the ocean floor so that only the top of the canopy showed, and then only briefly.As she swam, Elina caught glimpses of hidden sea life when the kelp opened the lanes. Near the surface schools of fish moved in and out of the stalks, sometimes with a barracuda or yellowtail tuna pursuing them. It was the explosion of color that made the scene so beautiful, although oftentimes, over the years, she was never certain whether or not she was adding to the vivid colors.Curious sea lions rocketed through the long blades, and sometimes she stopped to watch them play. Most times she swam along the rocky reef below, where pastel sea fans swayed back and forth with the surge and so many sea creatures made appearances. There were lobsters
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Dreamer II
Elina winced at Damonq’s tone. It was a lash, and part of her felt she deserved it. Maybe she should have told Tensel, but then she wasn't certain. She hadn't made the connection between the pipeline and the lake. She had the underground city, but not the lake. She hadn't realized the extent of Darkness’s empire beneath the ground.I was a child when I accidentally discovered the kelp forest. It was a wonderland to a child without a home. A place I could escape. I dreamt of it as often as possible. When I first discovered the pipeline, I ignored it. Then I followed it. I had uncovered the catacombs, the dead suspended beneath the sea, in long rows of clear chambers beneath the pipes. It was something out of a horror film. I was around ten or eleven. I wasn't certain it was real.Sivamet. Just that one word of endearment. All the anger was gone from his voice, leaving it a purring caress.She loved the sound of his voice and the way it brushed over her skin, on the inside of her mind,
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Dreamer III
Damonq tipped Elina’s chin up. Why didn't you tell me?I was going to. I needed to figure out what it all meant. I can't get that piece as much as I try. Day after day I would go out and find every passageway I could to try to find just how large his holdings were. I tried to stop dreaming at night.He went very still. Tried? You still dreamt at night?Sometimes, I couldn't help it.Did you have other encounters with Darkness?I would see him in the dream, close it down and the next time avoid that area. So yes, there were a few encounters, but I always woke up immediately if I saw him.Did he know about Sean and Claire?Elina didn't like where the conversation was going. I don't know what he knew about me, only that when we would meet in the dream there was always an exchange of something, I didn't even know what. I just knew I could feel him before he was there, stronger and stronger after each encounter. But he never got close to me. He certainly didn't take my blood.You were afrai
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Dreamer IV
Elina knew Tensel wouldn't abandon San Diego, but once he knew what he was really up against, with the information she could provide, maybe they could find Darkness and plan an attack.She wouldn't be able to fight with the hunters, but she would at least feel as if she'd contributed something. She'd brought Damonq with her rather than tell him, so that there would be no question whether or not she was crazy and just having nightmares.She had taken him to the deep but thin ribbon of water beneath the ground that fed the lake Tensel’s compound bordered.She turned to swim back toward the main artery underground. As she turned, Damonq suddenly caught her by the arm and thrust her behind him. To her horror, a shark, mouth open wide, snapped at him, catching his upper arm, spinning around and streaking through the water with him. At once blood turned the murky water red, so Elina, rushing after them, swam through a red tunnel.She didn't dare end the dream with one of Darkness’s creatu
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Elina found herself smiling at him. I can't swim. Not really. I'm afraid to be in the water because I know what's down there. It was a confession. She was slightly ashamed that she couldn't be like other human beings, swimming on a hot day--or night.I think you have enough courage for ten people, Elina. Any more and I would spend an eternity being terrified my woman would do something crazy.He made her feel whole and happy even in the midst of knowing Darkness and his army could move unseen throughout San Diego. How were they going to destroy him if they couldn't find him? If he had so many exits?That is the job of the hunters, Elina. You did your job. You have supplied us with valuable information. We can find and destroy all the places he has built here. There are many of us now, more than he knows. Thanks to you, we have places we can start. From those places, we will find trails to others.She took a deep breath. It is close to sunset. Just once, I would like to have a night wi
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Surprise Invasion
The breeze stirred the leaves on the ground, throwing them playfully into the air. Dirt, cement and debris were piled high in the alley just behind the deserted building. The entire block of empty stores looked like a ghost town. The slight breeze used the alley as a private playground, lightly touching the debris, rifling through it. The wind slipped across the dirty glass of the windows, as if peering in, looking to see what state the shops were left in when people abandoned their businesses.Damonq circled one way, using the breeze to carry him where he wanted to go. Sandu and Ferro moved around the outside of the buildings from the main street, each searching for signs of demon activity. Andor took the roof. The hunters were traveling in packs, spreading out through the city, following the underground map Elina had laid out for them. She'd given it to Damonq, leaving it in his mind after she'd pulled him into her dream.Tensel and Max stayed in the compound surrounded by the h
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Surprise Invasion II
That rules out my twelve-inch wingspan, Benedik grumbled. I am going in by the back wall three shops down.Damonq’s heart clenched hard in his chest. He knew that entrance--or more precisely--exit. Darkness had used it after he had impregnated Elina. Be especially cautious. That leads directly into Darkness’s private lair.He moved into the pile of debris, floating in the steady breeze down through the crevice and into the hallway of the underground city. Rock and dirt covered the floor in great impassable mounds. One rock blocked the door to the chamber where May, Liv and, farther back, Val had been held. Live experiments with children had been conducted there. Children were fed to the flesh-eating puppets Darkness had created. Most of those children had been alive at the time. In hunt mode, he was grateful he'd put some distance from his emotions. As it was, the place turned his stomach and sorrow slipped in. He began to drift away, more than happy that there was no sign of Darkn
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