All Chapters of The Mafia Lycan's Obsession : Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
295 Chapters
Storm stood up from her seat, too unsettled to remain sitting down. Her father had tried to divorce Jess? The hate that had sprouted within, down, went down some more inches. Her father. His actions had been pioneered by Jess. Jess was the perpetrator. Jess killed her mother; her father had just been a tool. Jess had also killed her father. Jess would pay. Storm vowed that she would make the woman pay. She wasn’t sure how, but she would do that. The first step was ensuring that the slut’s bounty becomes null and void. Storm determined that she would never be found by her step mother. She would make sure that the master finds out that they were incompetent. Who knows? He might kill the witch off. The next step will come up from there. What would that be?She closed the thought. When she reaches that bridge, she will cross it. The main thing now was finding how to remain uncaught by the bounty hunters. She strolled to the window opposite her, and stood by the pane, watching the cl
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Sharing Burdens
Kaden took in the impatient look on Storm’s face, and wondered if she really had an appointment in two hours time, or if she was just bluffing, a weak attempt to look busy. If she was serious, who was she meeting? Jutul had mentioned the guy that had been speaking with Storm on her first day in school was a supernatural, an actual son of am alpha. Could it be the person that she was impatient to meet? Kaden got restless, looking at his phone. He wished he could get across to Jutul, he wished that the dude was a werewolf. “Well, it's about the school that you are enrolled in.” He started, noting that she was stamping her feet on the floor, biding time until she called him out again. “What about the school?” Storm asked, stopping the motion of her legs, letting her eyes stray from the tray to the blueness of Kaden’s eyes. “It is filled with people like you. Like us.” Kaden added the last part so that she wouldn’t feel like a freak. “We didn’t know at first. It was after intense in
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Sharing Burdens II
“Why did you stop?” Kaden asked, when he couldn't take the stare anymore. Storm shrugged. “Nothing much. You seem uninterested in whatever I am saying, like your mind is elsewhere.” She stood up from her seat, and dusted her skirt. “I had thought that it would be the best idea to come here, and talk, and perhaps get help or solutions to some of the strange problems I’m having, but obviously I am wasting my time. I am sorry for wasting your time, Mr Kaden.” Kaden balked at that term used to address him, while taking note of her eyes which were getting wet. “But I will be off now. It won’t happen again.” Storm recited, then turned on her heels, about to leave, when suddenly she felt something , or rather someone grab her from behind. ‘How had Kaden gotten up here so fast?’ was her thought as she turned around and stared at him. “Calm down, woman. I have never heard any more tale more interesting than what you're telling me. That I am trying to digest them, and possibly making an
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Finding Out Her True Self
Anything to say? Kaden had a lot to say, like who he really was, but he knew that Storm wasn’t ready to know that. “Well, I think these strange happenings are not a coincidence, and I think you should live in the clan.” He finally said.Storm gaped, and shook her head. She couldn’t live in the clan, she would be seeing Kaden everyday. That was close to suicide; not being able to touch him. He should have suggested this before she friendzoned him. “No, what will Lucy and Justin think?” She asked rather.“You can convince them of something. You should know it’s for their safety, so that they wouldn't be prey to something out there.” Kaden mentioned, picking a cookie from the plate, aiming to mask his troubled face and demeanor. His mate was in huge trouble. He wondered if now was the right time to tell her that she was kataigaida. “Yes, it is the right time. Tell her about who she is.” Casper advised through the mind link.“Okay, I will try. Is that all you have to say to me?” Stor
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A New Home
“So, here is your place.” Kaden stated, ponting at the two bedroom fine-ish bungalow that looked like the white house, because of its structure and its beauty. Storm already knew that she was in love with it. She couldn’t wait to see the inside. The transition might not be that hard. She concluded, her heart beating in excitement as Kaden turned the knob and opened the door. The people were friendly; they each had a smile on their lips, as she greeted them, whilst they bowed to Kaden. Kaden must be to them some kind of god. The respect he garnered was too much. Had he perhaps saved them from some cruelty. She looked at his back, her eyes drawn to his finely shaped butt, and shrugged her shoulders. She wouldn’t be surprised. Hadn’t he taken care of her? She would be loyal to him at this point. “Here is the sitting room.” Kaden muttered, looking at Storm skeptically, waiting to see any form of discomfort in her face, so that he would whisk her out of here. But this was the most bea
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A New Home II
Kaden tightened his fists, as he looked upon the scene that was threatening to cause him to explode in anger. Storm was cozying up to a Lent who looked like a deer caught in rear lights, obviously not understanding what was going on, and partly scared of what Kaden might do with him. Well, he should be scared. Kaden thought, taking a distance away from an Avery who was also watching the scene. Avery was not stupid. She knew this was the girl that had Kaden in knots, and the girl was displaying this to make Kaden jealous, and seeing the way Kaden just moved a few paces away from her, it was working for her. Behind Lent, she saw Casper and Jiraq walk in; they found the scene funny. And they weren’t surprised that the girl was in the finest bungalow in the clan, the newest actually. They knew something that she didn’t. And she didn’t like it one bit. She had given up her family for Kaden, and for his cause. She wouldn’t let herself be disrespected, or left outside the loop. Her mot
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Personal Bodyguard
“So, when would I be moving in?” Storm asks, striving for the most part as they have traversed the entirety of the clan, to get rid of the feeling with smallness which Kaden’s rebuke had donned on her. She was more than that. She was not small. Her face was straight, with chin up, as she gazed into the blueness of Kaden’s eyes, her resolve not weakening, her stance not shaking, even when he took a few steps in her direction. They were back to his office, and the last thing on Storm’s mind was to remain there. She needed to go back home, even if for some hours, to regroup her thoughts, and organize her priorities. This would be a good time to start a diary even. She needed to document the crazy thoughts busting in her head, and the crazy happenings that had accentuated her days since she met Kaden. Yes, that was when all this fate-ish stuff had been put into roll. It was like he had been the pollination agent. “In a few hours time. You can go home and just pack up. Lent will come a
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Blood Request
“What now, Kaden?” Storm asked, making sure that her uncomfortableness at the moment was infused in heavy proportion in her words. And when she saw Kaden shift on his feet, she was a little satisfied. Good for him to feel guilty. Watching him now, he looked like one that wanted to ask for a favour. Storm couldn’t help but wonder what possibly she could doo for Kaden. She literally had nothing. “I need your help.” She heard him say, and widened her eyes at the unbelief of the statement. What help could she possibly offer a man who could be richer than banks? Yet she nodded, indicating that he could go ahead to ask, she was listening. Kaden paced behind his desk, having shoved the lower part of his seat into the undertones of the desk. Storm watched him pace, and her curiosity topped up another level. She was beginning to feel nervous herself, the favour seems a big deal too him. “Kaden, just talk. If it is something that I can do, then I would. You have been an immense help to m
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“Thanks for the ride.” Storm appreciated starkly as Jutul came to stop by the house that would be left alone to Lucy and Justin, now that she would be joining Kaden’s family. Jutul nodded. This was the first day of his job, and he already felt that he may not be liked. So much for thinking that he would be the one that would cast away her advances. It seems he would not be having a chance even if he wanted the beautiful one. “Do you want me to stay..” “Not at all.” Storm answered, opening the door, and stepping down from the car. Not looking back at the car for once, she stalked to the door and knocked, her foot tapping on the floor as she waited for either Lucy or Justin to open the door. Yet she was aware that the car hadn’t moved. Hadn’t the guy gotten the memo that he could go, and not wait? She would spend a lot of time with her friends, and might even stretch it to tomorrow or next. Would he wait till then? She shook her head. So this is what having a body guard looked li
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Cuffed Liam
“Where are you going?” Kaden turned around to see Jiraq hurrying after him. Shouldn’t he be with Lent instructing those that had been selected for the raid tonight? The meeting had been long but successful. Even Lintel had reported good news- Ambrosia and his uncle would be gnashing their teeth now. “I am going to see Liam, then June and her brother.” He answered, still walking. “Well, since you are…” Jiraq said, now right beside him. “You will have to know that Liam is awake, and he is asking questions about his wife and unborn baby. I had to sedate him forcefully to keep him down. I am sure he will blow me when all this is over.” Kaden stopped walking then. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” “You had been preparing for the meeting, so I hadn’t thought it wise to get you distracted.” Jiraq shrugged his shoulders as he spoke. “But with the raid going on tonight, and the collar removal going on in two days time, I believe that things are looking up for us.” Kaden sighed, the
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