All Chapters of The Mafia Lycan's Obsession : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
295 Chapters
Revelations VII
Elina nodded, keeping her head tight against him. He was her courage. He gave her that when it had been long gone. "He suddenly became gleeful and he started yelling to the others that now was the moment, to hurry. He gripped my body both inside and out, and one of the monsters, one he called demon, brought him this enormous needle. The tube was about ten inches long and filled with a dark liquid. I knew. I knew exactly what it was. The needle was very long. He shoved it into my skin, and it burned like hell. Then he began moving it around as if searching for something. There was so much pain."She closed her eyes and inhaled, needing the scent of him in her lungs. He filled her with strength. "It seemed to take forever. I was so terrified. I felt sickened by what they did. I am so afraid they might have done the same thing to Amelia. She's just a little girl. Fourteen or fifteen. She doesn't really talk about it and I've tried to get her to open up. I know something terrible happene
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Breakfast At Justin’s House
STORMA knock on the door woke me up from a shallow but sweet sleep that I have been enjoying for a few hours I think. Was it morning already? I wondered, rubbing my cheek not so gently. After I had woken up from the erotic dream about Kaden, I had taken a while to fall asleep again. Perhaps that's why I still felt a bit groggy. I wanted more of the bed and sleep.“Storm, are you awake?” That was Lucy. Oh god. Don’t tell me that she would act like a motherly figure in this house. I don’t think I can have a bout of mothering again after just escaping one. I thought, then cursing at myself for having such a bad thought about my friend before getting up from the bed and strolling to the door.“Hey good morning..” I greeted, immediately I opened the door, a short smile on my face, battling with the need to shut the door on her face and go back to sleep; it’s not like I was going anywhere today. I had quit from my stepmother’s shop, even though I didn’t serve the wicked woman a notice. But
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STORM“So what was it you wanted to tell me about Jess?” I asked Lucy once we were done eating. We were lounging around on the fluffy sofas in the sitting room. The TV was on, but it didn’t grab our attention, not when this sweetness of a gist was around. I think I have stayed longer than normal to hear the information. Justin and Lucy exchanged weird glances that informed me that she must have told him already about the gist. Which leaves me in the dark. I hate being in the dark.“C’mon didn’t you think I have waited enough.” I teased Lucy and she snorted at me, choosing to laugh the next moment. “True true. It seems that you are becoming a patient, mature woman. Wow, kudos!” She said, winking at me, before returning back to her serious mood, her eyebrows furrowing as she probably deliberated on how she would go on delivering the gist.“So, what is it? I know Justin is already in on the information.” I mentioned it and she shrugged. “Yeah, that’s right. So, about your stepmother…Sh
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Guilty Conscience
STORMJustin’s look said everything that I wished it wasn’t saying. He thought that I was lying to them and that I had retracted back to my shell that gave me no reason to confide in them about my problems. Lucy must have interpreted his look as fast as I had because she was now looking at me the same way. I now had two people that didn’t trust my words. Not that I blamed them though, but this can’t be helped. I can’t tell them. “Will you guys quit looking at me like that?” I asked them, letting my feet stop its light stomping motion on the floor. “Is that guilty conscience speaking?” Lucy questioned, piquing her eyebrows at me, no trace of humour on her face. She was damn serious, and almost angry at me…the anger was just simmering at the edge. I knew her. Just one more push, and I can guarantee that she would bolt out of the seat and retire back to her room or go strolling with Justin. “There’s no guilty conscience anywhere.” I muttered, aware of Justin’s ticking jaw. He was gett
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The Search
KADEN“Any idea why the woman wants her back so desperately, because something isn’t adding up here.” Liam asked me, his eyes bent over the poster that had Storm’s picture drawn on it. According to the poster, there was a bounty of ten thousand dollars on her head, for a crime that I was sure that Storm didn’t commit. Storm wasn’t a thief, and she wasn’t superficial to want some gold jewelry. I don't know if they even existed. The woman must have made that up to push the police into action. She must have also bought them over. Well, I had the money. I could overturn the situation but I needed to see Storm first. How was she doing? After our last encounter at the burial ceremony yesterday, I hadn’t been able to sleep well last night. I was sure that the woman had something in stock for Storm, but what? Storm had told me to stay away that her problem wasn’t mine to solve, not yet she had said. But was it the time now? Was she waiting for me somewhere to swoop down and save her? The
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KADENDespite my dismissive statement, Avery didn’t move one bit from the spot she was occupying on my bed. I felt my anger begin to rise at the insubordination but decided to keep a tight leash on that emotion that wouldn’t do much help here. She was Lent’s sister. And even though I was tempted to give Avery some kind of punishment, I considered his feelings. That he had said that he didn’t care if his cousin gets fucked up by me, doesn’t mean he didn’t care at all. He just didn’t do well with disobedient people. Me neither. I am at fault of course for deciding to tango with her when she wasn’t my mate. I should have just left it at one hook up. Now, it might threaten my only chance of having a true mate. “Why aren’t you moving away?” I asked her, folding my arms across my chest, my eyes trained on the window, to give out a more dismissive effect. “You are sending me away because I took a jab at one human girl? Why is that? You don’t give a shit about humans. Why start now? What
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A Request
KADENI could see the ‘I told you so’ look on Liam’s face whilst he waited for my reply, but that wasn’t my concern. I wasn’t ready to humour him too. The only interesting thing now was the fact that Lucy and Justin were here. They are Storm’s friends. “Since when?” I asked Liam, putting on the polo which I had removed before plunging into my bed a few minutes ago. “Since ten minutes ago. They are waiting in the sitting room.” Liam answered, shrugging his shoulders when I glared at him immediately after his statement. “Ten minutes ago? You didn't think to tell me this? They obviously heard what had gone on between I and Avery right?” I questioned, relieved that Storm didn't come with them. It would have been another cause for alarm. A disaster in the making. “I think the only thing they heard was Avery's shout. She had been too loud with that. Well, haul your ass down there. The duo say there is something that they need to talk to you about. Something about Storm needing your help
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A Strange Message
STORMWaiting is a damn hard job. Sitting around, doing nothing but waiting was damn hard. I didn't know that until today. To make it worse, my heartbeat hadn't even slowed down a bit, if anything it kept increasing, my mind was reeling around a lot of thoughts which consisted mostly of scenarios on what could happen to Justin and Lucy going out for my sake. What if the townspeople who would by now have turned to bounty hunters remember that they are my friends? They would capture them and torture them to tell of my location. Wouldn’t that be so? I wondered, my mind going to the many gruesome scenes I have seen in the movies. I wouldn’t want that for my friends or their families. But I needed Kaden’s help. I would have texted him, but Justin had advised that I turn off the phone, so that computer geniuses like him wouldn’t find my location by tracing the phone signals. I had obeyed without hesitation but now I'm wondering if that had been necessary, if it had been a good choice. May
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Healing Elina
At Tensel’s place:“I am going to summon him now.” Damonq stated. He had taken her advice to rest for a while and was sure that this was the time to get rid of the darkness inside her. But Elina shook her head but didn’t look away from those brilliant eyes. Holding her breath. Fighting not to cry. Trusting him, not just with her life, but the life of her unborn daughter, a baby no one was going to want. But me, she murmured to the baby. No, us. We want you. We’ll take care of you and love you. She kept looking into Damonq’s eyes as she nodded slowly.His expression changed subtly. His lips softened. So did his eyes. “My woman is extremely courageous. I appreciate that trait in you. Thank you for giving me your trust. It will not be misplaced.”“Maybe you should ask him to bring Claire. If anyone would help us, it would be her. She can give blood again.” Elina mentioned“There is uncertainty in your mind, Elina. I can hear it in your voice. I would kill a woman if necessary, but I pref
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Healing Elina II
“You’re pregnant? With Darkness’ child?” There was horror in Claire’s voice. “Elina, you should have told me. You shouldn’t have tried to do this alone.”“You were able to make certain the child is female?” Gary asked. His first question. He watched Elina closely, his strange eyes burning over her face.She nodded. “I didn’t think he would want a female as much as a male, and if we got away, he would lose interest. I don’t know.” She pushed back the few tendrils of hair falling around her face, showing them her exhaustion. “I honestly don’t know what I was thinking, I just acted instinctively. Something told me to do it and I did. I could at least control that.”“An extraordinary feat, especially considering Darkness would be using compulsion on you as well as forcing his will physically. Later, when you feel up to it, we will need to know exactly what his delivery system was like. Perhaps you can give us the image in your head. Or at least,” he added when she looked horrified, “give
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