All Chapters of Be My Groom: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
Chapter 89
While some artists of the company came forward out of their way to personally congratulate Jane on her win, she still felt Dave should have at least done more than just ignore her. She smiled exchanging pleasantries, she was not mad, oh of course she was not. Since he chose this way to act toward her, how could she not act just as she wanted? ‘’You did something Jane, I am so proud to be from the same agency as you”’ one of the newbies tells her with a sincere smile. It was not every time they got to mingle with the big stars, especially one as open and friendly as Jane. She was not just down to earth but very understanding and a straightforward model. “Why isn't Leslie here yet? Have you seen her?’’ a model asked from the other end making everyone turn as they took glances over the room, their eagle eyes all searching for one person. As part of the company, it was her place to be there to support not only the model in question but the company as a whole. She had to be there for
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Chapter 90
As everyone, cleared the way and continued chatting in small groups, Kelly turned her focus to Dave who still did not get why she had not announced she was to be the new manager of Jane as they had planned. ‘’Jane would leave, devious entertainment if I should announce taking over as her manager. Dave, I have not worked with Jane for a long time but I have a little perception of the type of person she is and I can tell you this is not all she has up her sleeves. Why don't you go see her and let's hear what she has to say”’ Kelly held on so tight to her wine glass. She never would have thought Jane would find out ahead of time and threaten her so much. Dave was quick to head towards Jane who had a smile all along. Pamela had joined her by the time he got to her, since Damon had offered to drop her off, there wasn't a need for Pamela to come to pick her up, hence they had agreed on coming separately. Once Dave got close, Pamela was quick to stand in front of Jane protectively. ‘’ wh
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Chapter 91
While Jane went straight to her seat, Pamela noticed Dave walking right straight to them. Pamela was worried but Jane told her to stand down. ‘’What do you want again? I thought we were over?’’ Jane asked as soon as Dave was close enough to hear her. ‘’How can we be over when every time you sit you are always thinking of a thousand ways to crush Leslie and me?’’ Jane did not want to but he was forcing her. It was not her who was thinking of ways to crush the other but the way around. If they had not stood in her way there was no way they would have gotten to the stage they are right now. ‘’Dave, to you I am the devil, you were the one to suppress me and cancel my jobs, you were the same person to push me to the wall, back in Belgium and now you say I think of ways to crush you two? I've said it before and I will always say it. I do not step on those who do not step on me first.’’ Jane had no more words for him as she walked out to enjoy the scenery of the night. The noise and th
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Chapter 92
Despite everything Leslie did and was willing to do, not once did Nathan think of judging her. She was his employer and he understood what she was going through. While her biggest rival was having a blast in her career, Leslie's was falling at a rather questionable rate. As they drove home, Leslie looked through the window trying hard to forget, but how could she forget the hands of Mr Will on her body? She felt so disgusted and angry. ‘’I am doing all this because you've pushed me to the edge but I will get back, just you wait’’ Leslie clenched her fist so hard her knuckles turned white. While she was rather dreaming of taking her revenge on Jane and putting herself in the way of even more scandals, Leslie was unaware everything she was just doing had only made it easier for Jane to target her. Once they got home, she was quick to head for the bedroom stripping off every piece of cloth as she stepped naked into the bathroom. Leslie cried in silence as the water failed to watch
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Chapter 93
Once Leslie and Dave were at the office, Kelly was quick to present them with the invitations. “‘Why is that of Jane in the trash?’’ Leslie had noticed the invitation of Jane was not only in the trash but also torn. ‘’An upcoming artist who is too proud of who he dragged and will make it even easier for her to fall. Dave now that Leslie is doing better, I think we have a better chance’’ Kelly could not hold back herself. She was so obsessed with controlling others and saw this as a chance to step on Jane like she should have done long ago when they were in Belgium. ‘’What do you want me to do? She is the most earning artist the company has now and it is going to be difficult to convince the board to lay her low”’ Dave squeezed his hands together not sure of what Kelly was hinting at. “‘She may be the top earner, but if they get to know she has plans of leaving I think they would reconsider and go for an artist who would be here for an even longer time and also invest more into th
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Chapter 94
Jane and Pamela had a great time just watching Damon and Edward go about with their work since no one was allowed to say a word or spread rumors, Jane was even more relieved as she lay on the couch and watched her man work. When it was time to head home, Edward drove Pamela who was visibly tired from all the work she had to take care of during their shooting. While Jane and Damon drove home, he glanced through the biggest event in the entertainment industry which was upcoming. ‘’So you and Leslie would be attending, have you chosen an outfit or do you need help with it?’’ Damon asked Jane who turned to him with a perplexed expression. ‘’What are you talking about? Where would I go be going with Leslie?’’ Jane asked not sure if she understood what her husband was hinting at. There was no way she would be willing to share a stage with Leslie again as she had done with Lookious. She was aware of how great she was and Leslie did not stand the chance to be even a backup of hers. If D
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Chapter 95
While Jane walked out, the words of Dave made him stop in her tracks but not turn. ‘’Why don't you take a break and revert from the path of vengeance then things will be even better. You will drown yourself’’ Jane could only carry her lips up. Since they knew she was going to drown, there was no need to ask for help. ‘’As I drown I want you to do nothing but watch, do not save me for you don't have the capabilities to do so’’ She turned her head slightly to the trash and her torn invitation had still not been taken out. Was it revenge she wanted or fairness? All she wanted was for them to give her what was hers but they have always chosen to double-cross her. How can he call her actions revenge, when he had never treated her with any fairness? Jane did not stop in her tracks as she went ahead. She felt it was rather amusing how they were all pretending to be looking out for her now when they were certainly the ones going to drown. Dave of all people was going to drown in the water
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Chapter 96
While Jane had given up on asking Pamela where they were headed and just sat in the car patiently. Unlike if it would have been another which would have made her worry, Jane was more relaxed as she closed her eyes to get some rest. She still had some shootings of Mrs. Carter to take care of before the Galaxy night event and knew devious entertainment would be on her case to make sure she was not attending. Once the car came to a halt, Jane opened her eyes not sure why Pamela had brought her to her biggest shopping mall in the country in broad daylight. She was scared her fans would recognize her. ‘’Don't worry, I had this prepared for you”’ Pamela tells her handling a bag. Jane had more than one question in the end but chose not to ask. She quietly slipped to the back of the car and put on the jean shorts and crop top with a facemask and a hoodie. The look was something very new to her as it had been years since she dressed as such. She was more of a fan of modest dressing but see
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Chapter 97
Jane had to wake up alone. Damon was long gone but not without leaving a note for her. On the note he made sure to inform her of who would be walking her down the red carpet while also letting her know the relationship of Pamela and Edward may be none on that day. While Edward and Pamela were both only employees to Damon and Jane in the eyes of the public, they were more than that in private. Edward and Pamela knew of the risk they were taking and as such were more than happy to let Damon know ahead of time so as not to cause an even bigger problem for Jane. Jane stayed all day at home going through her page, it had been a while since she last logged in and her fans were more than happy to have her. While they all asked the same question, if she was attending the Galaxy event, Jane was wise enough to give short answers and only mention she would be busy that night shooting for Lookious magazine. Her fans felt disappointed but supportive. While Jane was live catching up with her
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Chapter 99
Everyone was gone as Dave was busy with getting things ready for Leslie and Kelly was rather focused on finding a newcomer who looked more like Jane and with similar features. They were going to use Jane to promote the new commercial. But while everyone was looking out for each other, Leslie was rather in a world of her own. Her paranoia had gotten to the highest level. She wanted fame at every cost and her words were enough to make Nathan stand at a freezing point for minutes not sure of how to react. ‘’Book me an appointment after the night Galaxy event, I can't have anyone getting to know of this baby”’ ‘’what?’’ That was all Nathan could bring out of his mouth. His brain suddenly left him. Secretly he was envious of Jane, she had managed to reach great heights without the help of Dave. To top it up she has not only succeeded in standing tall and moving ahead but also done so with all the troubles Leslie and Dave have put her through. Nathan did not see the same path for Leslie
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