All Chapters of My brother's suicidal girlfriend is my mate : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
144 Chapters
Chapter 31: Cat got your tongue
Aniston's POV "Stop!" Stormi yelled a few seconds later. Ari slowed down mostly because Storm was standing in the middle of the road. The car made a screeching sound and Ari stopped before he could hit his brother. He got out of the car mad as hell. "What the hell, fool?!" He screamed at Stormi "I could have seriously hurt her!" Wait! Was Ari Thunderbolt concerned about my safety? Well, that question was answered when he came around to check the bumper of his Impala. The fool wasn't worried about his brother's safety or mine, the 'her' he was worried about was his stupid car. "Shouldn't you be more worried about hurting your brother, Jerk?" I asked him. My voice was stronger than I wanted it to be. Ari turned to look at me. "Of course, I love my brother, Aniston but if I run him over, he heals almost instantly but do you know who doesn't, my freaking sweet baby!" "Baby?" I asked and peeked into the car and lo and behold, someone was sitting in the front seat with him. T
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Chapter 32: Friend zone
Ari's POVWatching her run away from me triggered something in me. It also made me ask myself a question. Why did I torment her about the kiss with Dev?I wasn't a cruel or mean person but somehow she brings out the worst in me whenever she's around me.I mean what about Ani brings out my most horrible and primal instinct?Was my hostility a cloak hiding a deeper problem? Or was I just a bad person?I strolled back to the Impala and I tried to push Ani out of my mind as I drove Dev to the clinic.I turned my attention to the girl beside me. She seemed lost in her own head. I wondered whether I should talk about the kiss we shared, I mean it was the only logical explanation for her showing up on my doorstep an hour after the incident that happened in the gym with a bleeding hand that had a piece of silver dagger still embedded in it.We didn't have a conversation about why she showed up at the mansion instead of going to the clinic. I simply took my keys and I offered to drive her to a
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Chapter 33: Be like him
Dev' POV "Who's the hottie?" She pointed outside and I started coughing, when I managed to stop, Alyssa had already lost interest.Alyssa threw a cotton wool packet at me and I caught it. She went back to the boy on the bed and his tear stained face mother"Given the location of the injury, I believe the knife barely missed his liver but his lips are turning blue and he needs blood transfusion" Alyssa told them and stood up.The mother looked at her son and her eyes flashed with conflicting emotions."What did I tell you about playing with your father's silver blade, Cory?" "Sorry, mother. Jake dared me to stab myself" the boy said in his defense.The mother looked at Alyssa. Her mouth tightly pressed together."Any chance you can cure stupidity too because I birthed two buffoons. And their father is like my third child"Alyssa smiled and touched the little boy's hair."We will get him all fixed up in a jiffy. Hold on, Mama" Alyssa told the boy's mother. My cousin's bedside manner
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Chapter 34: It sure feels like pain
Dev's POV I understood the fears of a least a good father, Uncle Jared was nothing like his brother. I wish my father was a concerned parent not a power hunger asshole who's willing to do anything including sell his firstborn.I shook my head and allowed my thoughts to focus on more positive things like Alyssa.I also knew Alyssa was capable of protecting herself with her pepper spray and limited self defense technique plus she was a Beta blood too.The person Alyssa saw was a young girl of about sixteen years of age. Fair skinned with a sour expression and uncertain demeanor.She was standing by the door holding a red scarf and she wore a faded dress. She was a beautiful child if she took more interest in her appearance."Hello! I am Dr Alyssa, come in and have a seat" The girl moved like she was uncertain whether she wanted to be in a clinic or not but nevertheless she obeyed Alyssa and sat on the edge of the seat in the waiting room."Can you tell me your name?" Alyss
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Chapter 35: Is it too late to say sorry?
Dev's POV I stared at Jane's disappearing figure for a moment or two before I went back to cataloging the drug cabinets.I thought about going after her but what good would that do, I couldn't even help myself let alone another person. Five minutes later, we heard the doorbell chime again and Alyssa smiled that Jane wanted to talk more. She dropped the notepad and pen on the table inside the inner room and made her way to the reception and I followed her. I was taken aback when we saw that it wasn't Jane that was standing in front of one of the malaria posters on the wall. It was the girl from earlier, Storm's guest. "Hello, I am Dr. Alyssa and how may I be of help today?" "I am Aniston. You are a doctor, right?" "Yes. Are you sick?" Aniston's eyes wandered to where I was standing before she returned them to Alyssa. "May we talk in private?" She asked my cousin. What a snob?! "Fine, I was going after Jane anyway. I will be right back" I took off all the while wondering wh
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Chapter 36: Get out!
Ari's POV I frowned.I made her look at me."I hate myself that I hurt you, Ani. I am sorry" it was a sincere apology."I am not crying because of you jackass, just leave me alone!" Her voice was snobby and mean, probably a defense mechanism….I know all about masking feely touchy emotion with anger."Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.She laughed out loud like I made a joke. It made me wince."Why? So, you could abandon me again. No thanks but I am good. I am great! I am powerful! I am unbreakable. I don't need your pity, Ari thunderbolt and I certainly don't need you. I need nobody"She cried harder even as she talked. I gathered her into my arms. At first, she fought me but I didn't give up and then she relaxed. Before long, I was patting her hair and wiping any remnant of tears on her face."Hush now…it will be alright" I told her over and over again."No. It won't but thanks for trying""I should go" I murmured.I don't think she liked that very much. She jerked up immed
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Chapter 37: Gross
Ari's POV I watched as she raced towards the wardrobe."What are you doing?" I asked her."If you don't want me then I am very sure there is a guy out there ready and willing to have me. I am 21 freaking years old, if I want to have casual sex, I should be able to have it without having to listen to you whine on how I can't handle it!"She pulled down her clothes until she was wearing just panties and a bra. I turned around to give her privacy but the action alone hurt her more than my actual rejection."Message received…I will take my hideous self away from you, Ari""No, I didn't mean…"Aniston picked up her black dress and she walked out of the bedroom naked. She was about to walk out of the apartment when I grabbed her."Stop…please…put on some clothes. Aniston, please""Or what, one of the fun things about being an adult is I can do whatever the hell I want. And you have roughly five seconds to take your hands away from me before I flip you. I…3…" Aniston didn't have the patienc
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Chapter 38: I am not hiding
Ari's POVWhen I was five years old, I saw a baby scorpion in the sandbox in the playground slowly crawling towards me. I had been fascinated on how something so small could have such big determination. This prompted me to go play with it.It wasn't a good decision, especially when I tried to kiss it and it stung my tongue.I was in so much pain that I may or may not have peed my pants.Anyway, you can't prove it neither did Luna because I may or may not have blamed it on six months old Storm who well…peed on me all the time.My point is that was literally the worst pain I felt growing up, it was physical pain and I dreaded scorpions since then…but it taught me a lesson. It made me stay away from scorpions.Watching Aniston dance with some random man was almost equivalent to what happened to me when I was five years old…the pain part not the wetting my pants part, just so we are clear.I watched her from the bar as she rubbed her body against his.I would really prefer a scorpion abou
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Chapter 39: On a scale
Aniston's POV I was tipsy already. I felt light and free. Like I was wearing armor and nothing could pierce it and get to me and my problems were a world away.It was like I was a different person…a fun person. When was the last time I had fun?I can't remember, it was why I held on to this moment as tightly as ever because right now I wasn't on the verge of losing everything. I didn't just throw myself on my rude fated mate just to be turned down faster than I can say oops! I wasn't just given a clean bill of health and declared to by my doctor that the miscarriage I had a couple of days earlier was indeed complete.How dumb is she to use that word?Complete? Well, I am not fucking complete!I am shallow and hollow and it hurts just looking at the boy who might be the only person to dig me out of my fog!But it's alright! I mean he was going to dump my ass when he finds out I am not a pure little virgin with no working knowledge of the world.Complete, my foot!I am not complete…I
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Chapter 40: She's crazy
Ari's POV I sat on the edge of my seat as I waited patiently for the bartender to talk to me. Whatever it was seemed to be a secret or maybe of utmost importance because he looked around to check whether anyone was listening in before he spoke to me."The guy she left with is Reid, he is the future Alpha of red moon pack and all around a douchebag; he is not exactly a good guy. I know because I work for him and his brother, Jason. If you still like your friend, you should go after her"I was still trying to wrap my head around what the bartender just told me…to make sense of it, when I heard a cry for help.It was sharp…I could taste the panic of the person who sent the distress call.Whatever that was frightening them was doing a damn good job.(Ari, help!)Aniston!I jerk up in an instance. My body was flooded with the flight or fight hormone, and I can tell you it wasn't going to be flight, I don't run ever…well, i did run but still i didn't.I mean I ran towards danger, not away
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