All Chapters of My brother's suicidal girlfriend is my mate : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 Chapters
Chapter 61: Love at first sight...right?
Storm's POVI stared at my ceiling and I threw the round ball on it at intervals. I could hear Luna and Alpha arguing. I tried to shut it out but against my wish I started to remember. I start to remember when everything went to hell and my family became a caricature of itself.I remembered the day I started hating Luna Annalise.I remember like it was yesterday. It was the day I followed them into the woods against my brother's advice.I wish I had listened.Why didn't I listen?Anyway, there is something about pain that keeps people on their toes. It's like a punch to the gut, a very painful punch to the gut. I saw my father stagger just a little bit before he stopped. Even the greatest Alpha to walk the earth wasn't immune to that punch.What the fuck?!I hid behind the tree as the shock of hearing what my mother said to my father went through me causing me to change back into my Human form again.I tried to control my pounding heart so as not to give away my hiding place. But this
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Chapter 62: you gotta stop!
Storm's POV "You are lying. Why are you lying? There is no way…I would…I…I.." My father's voice trailed off."Yeah, I am sure I was ecstatic to find out I was a mate to the bloodthirsty Alpha who murdered my uncle in cold blood! I was over the freaking moon to be your mate! To leave everything and everyone I love and venture into your pack to be your freaking Luna! You didn't do the right thing then and now, you want to because he is your son?! Hell no! Storm will learn how to live with his fate just like I did" Luna told him and I exhaled shakily."So, you made me force our son to reject his mate as payback? Because your father and pack forced you to live without the love of your life and so, you gave our son the same fate?" Ryan asked her.Wait what?! I was knocked down on my knees by that revelation.Is my own mother the cause of my pain?"Bella was an omega, she wasn't worthy. I did what was best for my son" she insisted."No. You didn't. You recreated history. If your parents di
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Chapter 63: A broken picture
Ari's POV "You didn't break a freaking wrist watch, Annalise! You didn't crash an expensive car or wreck a helicopter! You…." His voice trailed off and he turned around to walk away. "Hell no! We are having this conversation" She followed him right behind. "Ry, talk to me!" "My name is Ryan Darken Black!" I exhaled and waited for some of the anger to follow. Father mentioning his full name was never a good idea, it meant he was about to erupt like a volcano. But strangely he didn't, when he spoke his voice was low. "I loved you, Lise…I loved you, how could you do that to me?" "It just happened, okay?. I didn't set out to hurt you…of course, I didn't set out to hurt you…I love you too much to do that but I just started talking and suddenly I am nineteen again and the wounds were just so freaking fresh and lashed out . I am sorry…and I am sorry, you were clueless to my plight then. You couldn't see that I was drowning" Luna exhaled "Did you know I tried to kill myself?" I fro
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Chapter 64: Freaking Tornado-Jack
Ari's POVI spent the night staring out the window with the weight of the world on my shoulders. I couldn't sleep a wink.I could see mom sitting by the pavement, smoking again and I couldn't even console her.I did this to her…me! No one else is to be blamed but me.Given that my lack of sleep was my guilt weighing heavily on my conscience, I spent hours researching ways to overrule my father's decisions.Can you guess how many books have been written on how to disobey an Alpha or how to overrule one? it was exactly Zero.Alpha's word was law.Around 6am, I took a shower and I headed for the pack gym to train with the early bird.The gym was deserted. I guess it was to be expected, most wolves were still newly mated and couldn't bear to part with their she wolves and the others were probably getting their beauty sleep.I dropped my backpack and found a punching bag to take out my frustrations on for some time before someone walked inside."Hey, Ari. I didn't know you trained this ear
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Chapter 65: Finding a job for Aniston
Aniston's POV The next morning, I was so eager to say hello to my adopted family.I barely made it to the doorway when I ran into Alpha Ryan. He was in a black suit and he was getting off the elevator when I came face to face with him."It's a beautiful morning, Uncle!"My voice was so loud, it startled him."Good morning to you too, Ms Powell and I believe we've had a conversation before about you calling me 'uncle'" I frowned and paused. I tapped my cheek for a few seconds."Would you prefer I call you Dad?" I asked him with a straight face."I wouldn't"By the look on Ryan's face, it wasn't where he thought this conversation was heading."Then I guess you are stuck as Uncle Ryan to me because if I can't call you Uncle then I am going to have to call you Dad" I said with a raised eyebrow. "Because I really want to tell people that you are my father. Do you think people will believe me and…""I guess uncle is fine" he was quick to add before I decided to start calling him Dad.Sham
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Chapter 66: Ari the douchebag
Aniston's POVAfter we made it outside, I stopped and looked around.Stormi was patient for about half a second before he tilted his head to the left and started pulling me again."No, wait…I need to see Ari" I blurted out."Why?" He asked me."Well…" I scratched my head. I hope with all of my heart that this doesn't become awkward. I took a deep breath to steady myself before I spoke."Stormi, I need to tell you something…"I tried to tell him that I kissed Ari but he wasn't paying attention. He was busy checking his wrist watch."Ani, who are we waiting for? We should get to the farm. Mr Heckler has an anal for punctuality"Stormi's idea that I would fit right in in the Pack's farm with most people our age with no technical know how, was ridiculous but I didn't say anything to him."Ari thunderbolt" I murmured without saying much else.Stormi blinked and moved closer to me to whisper "Ari Thunderbolt Black? Our future Alpha and my brother who I punched for you…that Ari? If you haven
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Chapter 67: how do you like me now?
Aniston's POVI stood like a statue just frozen like a popsicle when Stormi came outside and guided me into his car.He drove off, all the while muttering curse words and slamming his hand on the car wheel. He was going too fast too, I should say something but no matter how many times I tried to, I couldn't.I was just frozen….but then I wasn't."Stormi…"My voice trailed off as I suddenly needed to catch my breath. I clutched my heart and I closed my eyes briefly as I tried to get my pounding heart under control."What is it?" Storm asked me but I couldn't even talk. I simply tried to regulate my respiration by breathing in and out from my mouth but it didn't work."Aniston, what is it?" He asked again and stopped the car. He took off his seat belt and came around to the passenger's seat and opened the door.Stormi pulled me out of the car easily but instead of standing I slid to the ground to sit down. My legs were suddenly too weak to carry the rest of my body and if I didn't sit
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Chapter 68: Let's talk about Nick
Aniston's POV I shoved him twice but instead he looked at me and murmured."I am sorry. It must be awfully lonely bearing all that guilt but you are not alone anymore. Come here"I am sorry what?Was he trying to hug me?What the fuck is going on?"No! You are supposed to be disgusted with me not hug me"Stormi shrugged. "I am not disgusted""You are supposed to hate me!" "I don't think I am capable of that, darling" he said softly.I rubbed my face, relief filling me up in an instant."Don't call me that, you are not helping"I murmured and he chuckled."Okay, weirdo" "Now, will you tell me about Nick?" He asked me.I took a lungful of air because for the first time in a long while, I wanted to tell the truth because with Stormi, there was no judgment or abandonment…with Stormi, I can tell the truth and Good lord, how I want to.(Two years earlier)My encounter with Nicholas Ray Morgan left me entirely different in every way that matters. When I stared at him, I got lost in his pe
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Chapter 69: A stolen kiss
Aniston's (two years ago) I didn't wait for Anisa to object when I took off. She was my sister after all, if a boy is interested in her then I needed to make peace with that and be happy for her. I didn't see Nick or Anisa for a while as I stayed away to find my inner sisterly love that was capable of snuffing out any atom of feelings for Nick Morgan but I couldn't help imagining Nick's lips on mine. I imagined him running his hand down my hair and whispering to me, how he cares for me. I imagined that I had his child or maybe children. I imagined him telling the whole world that I was his one true love. Even as I planned for supper, I smiled to myself. I left my room in search of my sister. I checked her room but it was empty and I went on my merry way. I was in a hurry to find Anisa and forced her to get down for dinner with our guest when I bumped into Elena, my best friend who is currently engaged to my brother. Elena was dressed in a black elegant gown with black heels. She
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Chapter 70: Tell me why
Aniston's POV "What? Was that your first kiss or something?" He asked, clearly amused. "Actually, it was and my sister was right. You are a fucking asshole" I stormed off. I found a bathroom and calmed myself down before I went to the dinning hall. I wondered whether people could tell just by looking at me that I had been kissed. correction, senselessly and earth shattering kissed by the devil himself. I wiped my lip with my palm but regretted it immediately. I wanted any part of Nick I can get or do I ? God! The thinking and the questions were driving me crazy. 'Get your head straight, Aniston!"' I whispered to myself. I adjusted my roughed up hair and straightened my dress and made my way to the dinning hall. I almost made it to the hall when I saw him again. He was holding a single rose flower. "Oh look, it's the asshole again" I murmured. He smiled like I just paid him a compliment. "Okay, I deserve that" he moved closer to me. "I obviously would have been more sensit
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