All Chapters of The Fated Mates: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
117 Chapters
Fifty Nine (III)
It's so dark in the tunnels that it's almost impossible to see more than five feet in front of yourself.I'm the one doing all of the work, Sonya reminds her irritably. Her phone rings suddenly, and she pulls it out of her pocket after she pushes the boy against a wall to keep a hold on him."Yeah?" She asks, and she hears coughing on the other end."Ave, I'm sending Zephyr in," Louisa chirps, and Avery nods.She realises her sister can't see her through a phone and resists the urge to groan."That's perfect, thanks, Lou," she sighs, and Louisa hangs up.She was civil in that sentence, Sonya gasps dramatically. Avery ignores her wolf and pulls the boy away from the wall, continuing the descent.It eventually levels out, and the front boy starts shaking.Avery notices there's a large emission of power somewhere nearby - nothing that she can't handle, but she can see Hayden is trying not to flinch, and the boys are both vibrating with fear."What is that?" Avery asks her prisoner, and
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A tapping noise greets Avery as she opens her eyes."Shh," she mumbles, rolling over.As she rolls over, she rests her weight on her face.A hiss leaves her lips, and she bolts upright, clapping a hand over the bandage covering her cheek."Wasn't that stupid," Hayden mutters, looking up from his cellphone."Why am I here?" She grumbles, and he sighs, pulling his legs off the arm of the chair he's slumped in."You fainted. I had to carry you all the way here, and you're a lot heavier than you look," he grunts, and Avery scowls at him."You could have left me there," she snaps, looking down at the hospital gown she's in."Who changed me?" She asks sharply, and he rolls his eyes at her."One of the nurses, they wouldn't let you wear filthy jeans to lay down on their clean beds," he sighs, settling back into the seat."Oh," she mutters, "why did I faint?"Hayden sighs again, shaking his head at her."I'm not a doctor, so I have no idea. I pressed the call button when you started making no
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Sixty (II)
Once he's satisfied, he lets her out too.He's treating us like a child, Avery growls.He's watching out for us, accept the help. You're useless right now, and I'm using my energy for our face. Let him worry about sniffing everyone else out, Sonya warns her.I'm not letting him do it all day, Avery warns grudgingly.You'll let him do whatever he says until we're back in proper condition, Sonya grunts.Avery inhales angrily, blocking her wolf out and following Hayden silently.He's slightly surprised at her lack of arguing, but he doesn't question it - it's nice to have some silence for once, he's been surrounded by people who like to talk all day.His wolf is on edge, probably because they're in the hospital. He hates hospitals, because they never bring good news for him - his mate died in one, and his son has been in one for almost two years.This reminds him of a question he meant to ask this morning."Do you know when Tobias will be here?" He asks quietly, looking down the hall and
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Sixty one (I)
Avery had thrown herself into her work.Baby Emmett had been moved home after a month in intensive care, Lilith and Zephyr's relationship barely hanging on.The rogues had continued patrolling around Avery's pack, everyone still on the lookout for Kali.Scott and Avery were in contact every day, and he was heartbroken.He had no idea she was involved, that much was apparent even before the Council interrogated him with truth serums.Avery felt huge pity for him.He had been dealt a terrible hand for him, and Avery had rekindled their friendship in an attempt to show her support.Hayden and Avery had also grown close, bonding over their relatives being in similar medical states.Louisa had gone home almost immediately after Lilith had been found.Apparently, she was shaken by the discovery, and she wanted to spend time with her mate before their pup came.Avery permitted her leaving, and ended her prison sentence as long as she went to counselling.Xavier was making her go every day, s
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Sixty one (II)
He does after a minute once he feels a shadow blocking the sun."Oh, Alpha," he mutters, looking back down at his plans with a grimace on his face."Yes, hello," she grumbles, scowling slightly.The construction manager and Avery aren't fans of each other.He doesn't like that she places such emphasis on protective structures, he thinks that it's outdated and useless.She dislikes his disregard of her suggestions, and she's convinced he has an issue with her being a female - York was also serious about protection and security, and this man never had a problem with him.Every time they had a meeting, Avery prepared to be in a terrible mood for the rest of the day."How are we getting on?" She asks politely, keeping her tone even and calm.She's so tempted to rip his head off for the disrespect and disregard he treated her with the previous week, but she won't. She has more ethical ways to run her business than killing a rude man - if she didn't, she'd have a lot of bodies on her hands.
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Sixty two
Avery was so distracted walking into the prison that she bumped into four separate security guards and soldiers.She hit each of them with a cold glare, and they all immediately apologised, which satisfied her.They should have moved when they saw her coming, but she wasn't going to hold it against them this time.She had changed into heels in the car, and the clip-clop of the heels on the tile floor was satisfying.Flicking some of her hair over her shoulder, she straightens her back and pushes her shoulders back, schooling her face into a stony expression as she leaves the elevator.Her steady walk down the corridor to the interrogation room encourages her.This will be okay, Sonya encourages.What if he doesn't say anything?, Avery asks, slightly panicked.Then we're just in the same place we are now, relax; we have nothing to lose by going in here, Sonya shrugs, being a voice of reason for once.Avery knows she's right, and she forces herself to relax.She's terrified that she cou
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Sixty three (I)
Avery is holding York's hand when he wakes up.It took three hours for the alcohol to take effect, and the children awoke first.Hayden and Toby were curled up in the corner, the father not releasing his son as soon as his eyes started fluttering.It was a lovely sight.Byron's daughter had woken up five minutes before York.She had been unable to move when she first opened her eyes, and everyone was terrified she was paralysed in an unknown side-effect.It took her a minute or two to be able to feel her limbs again, and Byron was slowly sitting her up as York opened his eyes.His hand started twitching first, his muscles spasming.Avery could see York's eyes shoot open, and she put her hands on his shoulders and held him down to the bed as he started thrashing.She puts as much weight as she can on him, not wanting to suffocate him or scare him, but not wanting him to fly off the bed."York, you're okay, you're in the hospital," she quickly says as clearly as she can.Her words don't
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Sixty three (II)
Hayden gently rubs her back, staring at the doctors.They seem slightly reluctant to talk in front of him, but he doesn't move, and Avery doesn't ask him to.The presence of her friend is comforting, and she knows that nobody will dick her around with somebody as dominating as him around.The fear he created rivalled the fear she could cause, and she respected that."We're going to bring him out of the induced sedative slowly. We might give him a paralytic so that he can't move when he wakes up," he announces after some murmured conversation with the other doctors."Wonderful, you can tell my parents that," Avery mutters, running a hand through her hair as she lays eyes on Richard and Marie.The two look ruffled and exhausted, clambering through the sliding door and clinging onto one another's hands.They rush up to Avery, and she shakes her head.Marie doesn't acknowledge the intimidating figure behind Avery, ignoring him and directing all of her attention to her daughter.Richard no
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Sixty three (III)
Scott was the exception.They had bonded over what had happened, and they had remembered why they got together in the first place.It was a bond of mutual respect, and everybody had been surprised by the treaty they had signed a few weeks ago. Some of the elders had raised some eyebrows, wondering if this was a sign of a chosen-mating on the horizon.Avery already had one meeting with the Council with regards to her Alpha position, and she didn't want to have them bring up anything else.It was going to be bad enough already; they had propositioned it as a hearing to everyone but her.Scott had eventually informed her that it wasn't a meeting and that they were expecting her to testify in her defence. She had sworn she wouldn't tell anyone she knew, because it was apparent they didn't want her to know.Avery was enraged by this, but she hadn't said anything.She had informed Mitchell, Byron, and Hayden. They were the only three in her pack who knew that she was being investigated.App
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Sixty Four
The next morning is busy.Avery has induction ceremonies to organise, transfers to sort out, and the problem of the Council to try and untangle.And Scott Petty was supposed to come and stay for a few days.She had forgotten about that fact with all of the excitement around York and the others.She was woken up at 7 am by an excited Toby who was curious about where he was.Hayden appeared not long after his son, looking disgruntled and confused.He walks into Avery's room to see his son passed out on the bed beside Avery, her arm around his shoulders and his hands around her arm holding onto her.He smiles at the sight, and then he clears his throat, looking at the time.Both of them open their eyes and stare at him in worry."It's time to get ready to go," Hayden rolls his eyes, holding his arms out for Toby to clamber into.The boy is a little slower in movement than he should be, but Avery knows that some physiotherapy will help with that over time."Are you excited to see the doct
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