All Chapters of Castaways - Stranded With The Enemy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 115
115 Chapters
An interruption
"Get on the bed? Wh … why?”“Don’t ask me questions. Just do as I say.”“What are you going to use all those tools for?” I ask her, backing away as she inches closer. I’m not prepared for the loud bang of a gunshot from the gun in her hand. I don’t hear the sound of the bullet whizzing past me, but I feel it, and my heart jumps into my throat. It takes everything in me not to turn and run out of that building, but I manage to stand my ground.“Next time, you won’t be so lucky. Now, get on the table. If you think you’re stalling long enough for help to arrive, you have another thing coming. You’re never going to be found, and there’s no reception here, so just do as I say and this is going to be a fast, painless experience.” Charlotte orders.Looking at her, one would be forgiven to think that she’s a socialite or a very respectable banker, with her well-pressed clothes and perfect hair, not the mentally deranged criminal that she really is. Still, there’s no way I’m getting into that
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The genesis
“What the fuck?! You’re not supposed to be here. How did you get here so fast?” Charlotte asks him, her composure cracking for once. She immediately dives for the gun which she had discarded earlier, and points it at Charles. There’s no need for her to be worried about me, because I’m in no condition to do anything other than lay on the mattress on which she placed me. Charles is not armed, and neither had I thought that he would be, because where on earth would he get a gun in a foreign country? But then, I had expected him to at least come with help, and not just charge in alone, although come to think of it, I should be thankful that he showed up when he did, else, Charlotte might have amputated my leg by now. “I drove like a maniac and no doubt, broke all the laws there are about driving too fast in this country, but I had to get here, considering the fact that you’re hell-bent on obliterating my family.” “How did you find this place?” “By sheer luck, and technology too, plus I
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"You’re joking, right? I mean, how is that even possible.” Charles asks in bewilderment. From his expression, and the tone of his voice, it is clear that he thinks that his sister is batshit crazy, which she obviously is. As for me, I remain silent, not even daring to breathe too loudly, so that Charlotte would not be reminded of my existence.What she is saying is pretty wild to me too. I mean, I haven’t seen or spoken or heard from my brother in well over a decade, and neither do I have any desire to speak to or hear from him, so I don’t know why someone would want to harm me just because of him.“I wish I was joking, because if I were, then my daughter and her father would still be alive, and maybe, just maybe I would have someone to love me too because it’s clear that you don’t give two hoots about me.”“Well, you make it hard to care about you, considering the fact that you go about killing innocent people for no reason other than the fun of it. Wait! What’s this bit about a daug
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Victory at last
“I don’t want either of us to get hurt, Charlotte. If I try to grab the gun, one of us will surely get hurt, or wind up dead. You still have enough time to run if you don’t want the police to catch you.” Charles tells his sister after about two minutes or so of them going back and forth.The pain in my knee is beginning to be unbearable, but I struggle with all that is in me to swing my legs as silently as possible from the bed. My legs feel rubbery, as though they belong to someone else, but I know that it is now or never. If I fail, Ava might not grow up with her father, mother, or both of them.Although every muscle in my body is in protest, I struggle to move silently, and I’m almost all the way to where Charlotte is when all hell breaks loose. She’s backing me, while Charles is facing me, so he obviously sees me trying to move to where they are, but he pretends not to and continues to engage Charlotte.However, she must have noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, or maybe
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JESSICASix months later, it still feels like a dream that it's finally over. But life is finally getting back to normal, or at least it’s finally getting back to what I think normal should be, and it’s blissful. I can go out any time I want, go wherever I want, and do whatever I feel like doing without having to watch my back.I have my loving family, both my immediate and extended ones. By extended, I mean Sebastian and his family, along with Mrs. James, of course. They’re the only family that I’d ever want or need. My brother, who had been estranged from me for a very long time, despite all my efforts to reach out to him over the years, finally reached out to me three days after the whole Charlotte saga.He’s a stranger to me now though, and I don’t consider him family, although once, I worshipped the ground on which he walked. He had literally raised me up until my teenage years when he disappeared without a single word. Now that I know the reason why he disappeared, I'm glad he d
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