All Chapters of The Alpha's Desire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Water hemlock.The answer is so simple. I look at the leaves and I question what to do next.I never wanted to die before all this. But this is too much.My whole pack, my friends and family, they were all slaughtered. I was forced into this terrible situation with Tobias and his awful pack. I was terrified, fighting for my life, thinking that my new friend could die. Then, I met Zach and I thought I found my place. But I didn’t. I guess I didn’t because he’s banished me from the only place I had to go.I’m without a pack, without a mate, without anything.All of the things I once had are back at my old home, and I can’t go back there without risking my life. I doubt any other pack is going to take me in.How am I supposed to survive on my own?I’m not one to just give up, but I don’t have any other choice.I look out at the lake. At least the last view I have will be beautiful and all this hurt can end. All this drama can be done with.Everything will just stop.That’s all
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“I want to start by making it up to you right away,” Zach says. “So, if you’re willing to go with me, there’s somewhere I want to take you.”Though I’m scared to get my heart broken again, I’m not scared of Zac. I know he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt me.“Okay, I say. “I’ll go with you. Just try to be careful with my heart. I don’t want you to break it again.”“I won’t,” he vows. “I’m going to prove that to you.”He takes my hand and leads me away from the water, away from the poison. I hope I’m moving in a much more pleasant direction with him.“What are you going to do about Caden and Lavender?” I ask.“I don’t know yet,” Zach says. “What do you think I should do about them? I’ll do whatever you want. You’re the one they hurt most of all.”I think on that for a moment. “I don’t know,” I say. “But I think you should wait to cool off a little before making any big decisions.“I don’t want to come between you and your best friend, and I even worry about Lavender
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“Lavender, we need to talk,” Caden says.By the way he says it, I can tell it’s going to be more difficult to get him to help me with any of this moving forward. He chose Zach and Zach didn’t choose me.When he went after her, I knew.He’s convinced she’s his mate. He’s going to replace me.Or at least, he thinks he is.I won’t allow that to happen.“I need time,” I tell Caden.I can’t look him in the eyes because I do have feelings for him. I know he has feelings for me. But he doesn’t have the same status Zach does, so it could never work. I’m too ambitious for him.“We can talk after, okay?” I say. “I just need to take a walk or something.”“Are you going after him?” Caden asks, his heart clearly broken at the thought.“No,” I tell him. “He’s running after her. Trying to stop him now would only result in him being furious at me. I’m not going to even try chasing after him.”It’s the truth. There’s no point in running after Zach right now.Caden nods.“Okay,” he says. “I
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“Is that her?” Kara asks while peering into the woods.“It looks like it is,” I answer, as I see Sasha and Zach walking towards us.“I’m sure Sasha is going to be hungry and thirsty,” I say. “Let’s make sure to get them something to eat and drink.”Kara looks over at Sasha. She wants to go see her friend right away, but I want to avoid the crowd that’s going to be around them. And I need Kara to do something for me.“Okay,” she says. “As long as it’s quick though. I do want to go see her.”“Of course,” I say. “It’ll be super quick.”It doesn’t take long to whip together a quick snack for the two people I despise most right now, and to make Sasha a drink with the potion.I guess I won’t despise Zach soon, but I’d like to eventually find a way to make him pay for all the pain he’s caused me. After he’s securely mine again though. I need to get him away from Sasha first.As the initial craziness settles down, Kara and I walk over. The moment Sasha sees Kara, she bounces towards
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“Are you okay?” Caden asks, as he catches up to me.This is why I couldn’t be angry at him forever. He’s my best friend. Despite everything, I need him.“No,” I answer, as if it isn’t already clear. “I don’t know what happened. Sasha said she was my mate. We love each other. Or at least, I thought we did.”“I’m surprised too,” Caden agrees. “It seemed like the two of you were meant to be.”“We are,” I insist. “We have to be. I’ve never felt that way about anyone else, not even close. I know we are mates.“So, I don’t understand it. And that was humiliating. It was already tough enough to get up there in front of everyone and tell them that the arrangement between Lavender and I is off. I already knew some people might judge me for it.“So, for Sasha to do something like that… And even call me out for breaking off the engagement with Lavender…”“Do you think you would forgive her?” Caden asks. “If she asks you to forgive her, of course.”“I would,” I say quietly. “It was embarra
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“I’m sorry,” I say, turning to see Zach one more time before I go.I don’t know why I do that. I just feel this awful feeling of regret in my heart. Maybe I just feel bad for him because he seems so sad about it.What am I supposed to do though? Be with a stranger because I don’t want to make him sad? That isn’t fair to me or him.“I love you,” he says.Kara and I walk away for real this time.“I’m so glad you came,” I tell her. “The timing is perfect. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here.”“I can’t imagine,” Kara says. “That was all a lot.”“I’m sorry,” I say. “I didn’t mean for all this drama to happen. I especially didn’t mean to drag you into it.”“I know you didn’t,” she assures me. “It’s okay.” Kara pauses. “Do you know why he feels that way?” she asks.“I have no idea,” I reply. “I really don’t. I barely know him.”“That’s so strange,” she says. “And scary. To have someone you barely know become obsessed with you like that…”We both shiver. As women
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“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Zach asks. “I thought Caden was the person you truly love.”“Caden?” I ask. He nods.I’m honestly not sure how I feel about Caden. He doesn’t have particularly high standing in the pack, so I’ve never truly thought about it. I don’t allow myself to think about it.If I fully allowed myself to dwell on it, I don’t think I’d like the answer I’d land on. So, it’s better not to let those thoughts even flutter into my brain.“He’s not,” I say. “You’re the person I love. What would give you the impression that he is the person I love?”“He told me so himself,” Zach explains. “He said that the two of you are mates. I don’t want to get between the two of you. Especially not if you are mates.”“We aren’t,” I insist. Though I know I can explore that further even if I get married to Zach. Caden and I have had our moments together before. He gives me status, while Caden can give me something else.“He may think we are,” I say. “But we’re not. And
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“Don’t worry about it,” Gretta says, as I panic. “I can fix this.”What if Zach is my mate? What if I’ve hurt him for no reason?If even half of what he says is true, this is awful. What I did to him is awful and I don’t think he’d ever forgive me.“It might not be true though, right?” I ask. “Zach still could be lying. That doesn’t mean he’s my mate. It doesn’t necessarily mean I ruined things.”“That’s right,” Gretta says. “You don’t know anything for sure because your mind is in a compromised state.“First, we have to get rid of the fog. Then, you’ll know that the truth is. Then, you’ll know what you have to do.”“How do we get rid of it?” I ask.“Through another potion,” she says. “But we can’t do that today. Your body is already worn down by the potion you ingested. “Your brain can be negatively affected if we keep pumping it with potions. It’s changing the way you think and feel. You can’t keep doing that without bad side effects.”“So, what do I do?” I ask. “I have to
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“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” I ask. I’m not sure if I’m asking because I’m not okay with this or because I suspect he’ll change his answer. Maybe both. I know this will hurt him. It’ll hurt me. This is all wrong, but it feels like I’m destined to be tortured like this.“I am,” Caden says, as he straightens his tie. His body is rigid though. His words are clipped. It seems like he’s struggling to hold onto his composure.“It hurts,” he admits. “It really does. But it’d hurt more to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with me. I can’t make her want to be with me.“I love Lavender, but if she can’t see it, this is for the best. I want to find someone who will love me back. And I’m starting to question if she is my mate at all. I don’t think a true mate can hurt you like that.”I nod. “I understand. That’s how I feel about Sasha. I feel it in my soul that she’s my mate, but I don’t understand how she could hurt me like that if she is. It’s all so confusing and awful.”
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“You need to leave,” Lavender says, trying to take control of the situation. “Right now. You came in and disrupted everything, you hurt Zach, you’ve caused so many problems in our pack.“I’m not going to let you ruin my wedding too. You need to leave.”I don’t pay attention to her though. My gaze stays on Zach.“Please, Zach,” I say, “none of this is what it looks like. I can explain. Just give me a chance.”Zach glances at Lavender, then back at me.“Okay,” he says. “I will give you a chance. Though after what happened, I’m not sure there’s much you can say to make that better.”“I know,” I reply. “And if you don’t want to talk to me after this, I understand. I’ll leave and I’ll never bother you again.“I’m sorry for what I said. I’m sorry for hurting you and embarrassing you in front of the pack. That’s why I’m doing this here now, in front of everyone. So, you can get your revenge if you want. You can reject me or you can accept me.”I start walking down the aisle towards hi
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