All Chapters of Taken by the Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
20 Chapters
The wolves take us back to their den.Deep in the woods, they lead us to a cave.I am glad to get out of the cold and the dark. But I am scared about what my captors will do to me.I can't see where the girl is.They have taken her somewhere else.The Alpha takes me to a room.There is a fire inside. I warm my cold hands. Soon, I stop shivering.He sits and looks at me. He has not said a word yet."What do you want with me?" I ask.The white wolf looks at me. He growls.Then he bites me.Hard.It's so sudden I scream.I grab my arm. I try to push the wolf away.The wolf holds on.The wolf holds on and he does not let go.My arm is in excruciating pain. I feel like I am going to pass out.I cry out.I fight as hard as I can.I kick and scream.But the wolf does not let go.I scream and scream and scream.But he does not let go.I feel faint.Everything goes black.I wake up in a cold, dark cell.My arm, where I was bitten, is wrapped in bandages.I try to sit
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The guard leads me through dark corridors. The lair is scary. Gloomy. I shiver as I follow him.He stops by a door. "In there," he says.I shake as I open the door.But inside, there is no executioner waiting for me. There are no gallows.Inside, there is the Alpha.I am confused.The door slams behind me.He turns and fixes me in his amber eyes."You survived the night," he says.It is the first time I have heard him speak."Yes," I say.He gives a little sigh. "Come here."I step towards him.He puts his hand on my back. He presses me against his chest. I can feel his heartbeat.It is quick.He moves his hand from my back, leaving his fingers on my bandage. He pulls it off my arm.He looks at my bite. "It's healing well."I look down. His fang marks have scabbed over.I nod."That's good.""Why?""It means we are destined. Just like I thought."I realize what is happening. The guard was lying. I have been claimed after all.And I realize I am not scared.Held
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White Alpha's POVI pace back and forth in my den. How can this be happening?I know she is the one. My mate. I know we are destined to be together.I can feel it. I knew it from the first moment I laid eyes on her.But I was too hasty to bite her. I did not think it through.I was overwhelmed with my desire. I bit her before I knew her.The smell of death on her lingers in my nose.She is a killer.I cannot be with a killer.I have made mistakes before. The pack gave me another chance. If I get it wrong again, they will turn me out.I cannot take the risk on her.She is a killer.If I can smell death on her, the others will too.I pace around my den.I am angry and sad and hurt.I already miss her.I know I will not be able to stay away from her.She will call to me.She will call to me and I will go to her.I know I will.I cannot resist her.She is my mate.I want her here. I want to talk to her. I want to be with her. I want to make everything better.I want
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HER POVI wake in my cell.I can't believe what happened yesterday.The Alpha claimed me. Then rejected me. Because I killed Romulus.If he understood why I did it, would it change anything?I had to kill him before he mated with me against my will.It was self defense.I know in my heart the white Alpha is my mate. He knows it too, or he would not have claimed me.Something is wrong.Something is holding him back.The door opens. It's the guard. They've come to take me to my death. To my execution.I can’t believe it. My mate is going to kill me. I wish I could explain to him that I killed another Alpha, a man who claimed me against my will.I feel bitter. I found my true mate. Now he is sentencing me to death.I walk through the hall with the guard.We reach the center gallows.The pack is small, but they watch me eagerly.I think of my friend who they killed. I should hate my Alpha, but I cannot. I know he is good. I know something is holding him back from loving me
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The woods are dark. Branches snag at us as we run.We run together, nimble and fleet-footed.We have no supplies. We have no map.I am scared. But I am happy. I am with my mate. We are running away together.I am tired, but I do not slow down.We run all day.But I do not care. I am with my Alpha. I feel safe, warm, loved.A wolf howls behind us. He sounds close."Are they following?" I ask as I run."They have already scented us," my Alpha says."Then we must hide," I say."We will hide in the mountain," he says. "I know a cave where they can't scent us. We will be safe there until daybreak."He leads me through the woods. I trust his guidance. I know he will keep me safe."I love being with you," I tell him.He smiles. "I love being with you, too."Suddenly, a noise comes from the undergrowth.We both freeze.A wolf leaps at us. Teeth bared. He attacks my mate.He goes for the neck.My Alpha jumps.The attacker's teeth sink into his shoulder.Red blood stains his
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John's POVI stalk back through the forest. I am furious. I cannot believe my Alpha chose a peasant girl over me. A murderer.I am too ashamed to return to my pack.I told them I would kill the girl and bring him back. But I did not. I could not. When I saw my Alpha and saw the love he had for her, I could not kill her.But now what?I will have to return to the den eventually.I have an idea.I know of a sorceress who lives in these forests. If I can find her cabin, I can get her to put a spell on the girl.My Alpha will be heartbroken. But at least he will be alive and back with the pack where he belongs.I am his Beta. I will do what I must to get back my Alpha.I break through the trees and behold the cabin. A small cabin. It is old and small.I knock on the door.It is opened by a wizened old woman. The sorceress.She is hunched over. Barely standing. She has a dog, a small dog that is her familiar.They both look up when they see me."It's a wolf," the dog growls.
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P’s POV.I wake in the cave beside my Alpha.After my nightmare, I slept soundly.I remember our plan today, to go to the village and get married.I sit up. My Alpha is already awake."Shall we hunt?" he asks me."Yes," I say.I forget about my dream and the bad omen. I am elated now.We are going to get married!I leap up, ready to go. Ready to leave.We leave our cave side by side.I sniff the air. Listen.I sense something. Something wrong. "Do you smell that?" I ask my Alpha."Yes," he says. He looks troubled. "It is the smell of human.""And dog," I add."You're right.""Someone approaches," I say.He nods.Coming up the hillside is an old, hunched woman."What is she doing here?" I ask my Alpha."Let's ask her and find out."We walk to the old woman."Who are you?" I ask."A fortune teller," she says.My Alpha chuckles. He seems to find this very funny. I'm not so jovial myself."I do not need my fortune read," I tell her."But you're going to be a bri
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We reach the village.I should be happy. I am about to marry my Alpha.But instead, I feel terrible about the curse."What's wrong?" he asks me."I have a bad feeling.""You're not still worry about the witch and her spell, are you?""Yes.""Don't." He smiles at me. "I told you I don't believe the witch. You should be happy. We are getting married."I fall silent. I feel torn. I don't know how to tell my Alpha what is really going on in my mind.I don't think I can marry him.He leads me to the village center. A woman stands outside a cottage. She has been waiting for us.The woman smiles at my Alpha. "It is good to see you again.""And you."They embrace. I feel a pang of jealousy. Who is this woman? Why are they meeting again?"I heard you had found a mate," she continues. "You have brought her with you, I see."She looks over at me. I think I see judgement in her eyes.My alpha smiles. "I did." He looks at me with pride. "This is her.""Are you ready to marry?" the
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I stumble along the path. I feel like I'm in a dream. A nightmare.I remember the nightmare I have in the cave. The omen was right. I should have known.Suddenly, I hear a noise. A twig snapping.I'm being followed.I stop. Look around. On edge."Who's there?" I call.My heart is in my throat. I wish I had my alpha's protection. But I am all alone in the world now.I see a flash of white.My heart soars.It is him! My alpha followed me.But my heart drops again as I realize he cannot be mine. I cannot have him.He strides out of the thicket."Stop!" he shouts. "Please. We must talk.""What is there left to say?" I say."You are giving up too soon," he tells me. "The spell can be broken.""How?""We will find a witch."I shake my head, cutting him off. "What witch? Where? Who? The one who worked for John? She won't help us!""There will be more," he says. "We will travel the world until we find one.""Even if we did find a witch, how can you be so sure she would be ab
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Alpha's POVI am so confused.I don't understand.She leaves me and she says it is because she needs to let me go so I can find a mate who can give me cubs?I am stunned. Speechless.She would chosoe the wretched life of an omega? A lone wolf? Rather than take the risk of never finding a witch who can help us?I am heart broken. Desolate. I don't understand why she is giving up.I am an alpha, but I feel like an omega. A lone wolf. I have lost my mate, the love of my life.And for what? Because she cannot give me cubs?I trudge back to the village. My heart is heavy as I walk through the entrance.I am still in a state of shock. I guess I never really believed it could happen to me. That I would ever lose my mate. That I would ever have to endure this kind of pain.I have not been this heartbroken since my mother died. It was a long time ago, but I can still remember the feeling.The village is still festive from the wedding. Full of life. I see the children. Playing. Lau
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