All Chapters of The Mafia's Wild Flower: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
254 Chapters
Chapter 15: Joni's Masterpiece
I was shaking inside. To say I was disgusted could probably serve no justice to what I feel right now. I was sick in the guts."Fuck you!" I cursed angrily."No one is here to protect you, princess. No troops will be able to save you. How saddening is that, right? You come from a powerful family, yet here you are right now, powerless."I couldn't control myself anymore. I just want to lounge at him and take his heart off of his chest this instant. I would rather kill someone and not be disgusted than to let other people abuse my body in a way I couldn't stomach.And hell bitch, I would rather kill myself than to let him touch me."I will kill you," I said through my gritted teeth while glaring at him. If looks could only kill, he would've already been dead by now."I dare you," he mocked.I was indeed defenseless right now. My gun was in the drawer inside my room. I have no other guns placed in other places in this apartment other than my room. I could fight him in a hand to hand comba
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Chapter 16: Different
"Miss Ferrero."I was still a little overwhelmed by what happened earlier. The fact that somebody had come to kill me was beyond my expectation. Although to think that moving out from the house means leaving my life behind, was absolutely absurd. I didn't actually think of this possibility, did I?I was stupid.After that incident, I have no choice but to contact one person to clean off my mess. I didn't contact my family for everyone's information. Instead, I called my cousin slash bff.When he literally heard my voice through the phone call, the first thing he said was, "What the fuck, bitch?! Why did you only call me after so many weeks?! Don't you know how worried I was for you, you slut?! You are not thinking, you dumbass shit of a girl!"He went on to curse me to no end. He was the only person that could say something to me like that. He was the only person allowed to utter those things to me that I did not mind hearing at all.Instead of getting offended, I laughed."Stop laughi
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Chapter 17: Let's go
Chapter 17: Let's goThere was a sudden lump in my throat. I could not breathe properly.My heart began heaving up and down in panic as he continued to look at me.Did he notice? Does my brown colored contact lenses look so fake? Can he see my actual blue eyes? "Y-You're quite too close, sir. Please, put some distance. People might misunderstood us.""No one is here than us," he said as a matter of fact. I think I might have a heart attack at this point. What does he mean by that? Why does it sound different?"You're being unprofessional today, sir. Please respect my personal space as well as my working space. I want to work a normal and peaceful work," I said. I made sure to put some emphasis on the tone of my voice so he'd understand I was being uncomfortable with our distance.Thankfully, he got my point and sensed my discomfort. He pulled away and stood up straight.I fanned myself through my hand, as if the A.C alone is not enough to make some air. I was sweating for God's sake!
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Chapter 18: Jealous
I don't know where we are heading. Khein didn't tell me a thing or two, but I just went with it. He's probably up to have a meeting. No one knows."Be careful," he said, his voice was serious as he held me on my arm to steady me. I was about to strip while trying to get into his arm.I flinched. His touch feels like an electric bolt was touching my skin. I involuntarily jumped out of it.He let go of me and cleared off his throat and I awkwardly thanked him before getting inside the car.He eventually walked over across the car and went to the driver's seat.After he was seated, he threw me a side glance. "Put your seatbelts on," he stated.Blinking, I realized I wasn't on my seatbelt yet. "Ah, yeah. Thanks."He nodded his head and started the engine."Where are we going, sir?""You'll know later when we get there."My forehead creased. I badly want to know where we are going. The excitement and curiosity are literally killing me.It was thrilling me.Well, it's not that bad to have a
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Chapter 19: Necklace
"What are we here for?" I asked. "I haven't had my lunch yet," he simply said which made my brows raise up."You can simply order through online and have them delivered right through your office. Why come all the way here?"He pulled a chair for me and I immediately sat down after uttering a quick thanks to him.He sat down on his seat across mine. He was stunning even after all the driving to this place from his company. "Why does it matter to you? Coming all the way here is worth it."I shook my head. "For someone who has a big company to deal with, coming to this place is totally unnecessary and incontinent. Unless you use a chopper, then it would be less inconvenient for you. I'd rather take the latter than suffer that hell of a traffic. Oh, gosh," I said before rolling my eyes heavenwards in an exaggerated way. "And why bring me here though if you only want to have lunch? Can't you eat alone?"I know I should act professionally as I am still at work and am facing the CEO, but I c
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Chapter 20: Cozy
"What is this for?" I barely said. I couldn't find my voice. I was utterly stunned to even speak. It was as if I ran from a thousand miles, I was kinda panting. My heart was pounding against my chest like it wanted to come out.Why would he give me a necklace. What for?"Think of it as an apology for mistreating you last week."He pulled away and went back to his seat across mine. I was still in daze, unable to think nor move. To say I was stunned was probably an understatement, I am... shaken.No one, aside from my family's gifts, has ever given me a necklace as an apology to show off their sincerity towards me.I was moved.Soon enough, the waiter and waitress came to bring our food. I wasn't able to react yet because soon enough we were occupied with the dishes on our table."Do you have any allergies? Are you okay eating crabs?" he asked, as if my opinion matters the most.I shook my head. "N-Not that I'm aware of."He flashed me a small smile before nodding his head. "You should t
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Chapter 21: Brat
I wasn't planning to tell Khein where I was actually living, but then I had already agreed on letting him drop me off at my house. I was so stupid. I didn't think of it and just impulsively agreed with it. I feel like crying at my dumbness, omg."So, uh... thanks?" I said after the three long awkward moments of sitting in the car after we stopped right at the side corner of the street a few distance from the place I was living."Do you really live here?" he asked, his voice was void of any emotions. I grimaced and couldn't help but to feel a bit ashamed. I mean, he grew up privileged, so do I, but I was able to adjust immediately of living amongst the slums due to the fact that I often went to different raids our underground business does. Blending in society isn't much of a deal for me. But it varies to different people, of course."I do," I replied."And you lived alone?" he added before turning his head on me.I shook my head. Of course I wasn't living alone. I have my cat waiting
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Chapter 22: Come in
My hand reluctantly held the knob of my door. I was now having a second thought of really letting him in my apartment or not. His words rang through my head like a broken radio, and no matter how much I thought about it, it makes sense. He has a point. How could I let a stranger like him enter my house just like that.But anyway, it's too late to regret. If he does something to me, then I can just kill him like I did to the man earlier. Yes, I will—"Oh my fucking gosh...!" I gasped when I realized that something had actually happened in the morning. I was... attacked and I happened to kill a man on the same day.Oh, how could I even forget about that?! Why was I so nonchalant about the fact that I just killed a man on the very same day? How could it slip through my head that there's a possibility that the deceased body of the man I took the life with is probably still inside my apartment and bathing in his own flesh?Gosh!I really, really hope that Ustin cleaned it all for me whils
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Chapter 23: Say hi to my cat!
"You know what? Nevermind. Let's go in."And with that, I heartily opened my door and let myself in. Khein followed me behind.Thank goodness Ustin was quick enough to clean my mess up and on my rescue 24/7, I couldn't be more grateful.I put my things on the center table of my living and glanced at Khein was still standing near the door."So, this is where you live," he uttered, roaming his eyes around my place. My apartment isn't that big nor was it too small. Just enough for me. It's also one of the nicest apartment I've seen around here and it's enough for me."Yep." I nodded my head. "Please, have a seat. I'll make you a coffee. Feel free at home."I went to my room first and washed my face before I went and changed into a comfortable clothes. I saw Joni in his cage and pet him but I didn't take him out just yet. I noticed some poop under his cage and I cleaned them up first before I gave him food."I'll be back, Joni." Getting out of my room, I saw Khein was still wandering his
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Chapter 24: Live with me
Khein, Joni, and I had dinner together. I have never ever imagined I would have a dinner with my boss inside my humble abode with my cat sitting across from us and happily eating his cat-friendly food and dessert I've ordered online specifically for him."When did you adopt him?" Khein asked. "He's so calm, huh. And kind..."For a moment, I wanted to agree with his statement. But then I realized that this cat could turn into an angry tiger when triggered. He may look calm and kind, but he could literally save your life when circumstances occur."Yeah..." was what came out of my mouth. "He really behaves well, you know.""I can see that." He chuckled, which made me smile."Anyway, do you really live here alone? Isn't it an unsafe place for you?"Actually, it is. I was practically just attacked earlier. This place is not safe at all! If I could only afford a condo unit without using my debit card, otherwise my father could track me down."I think so," I answered a safe answer to his qu
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