All Chapters of The Hostage (Book 2 of The Arrangement Series): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
98 Chapters
Chapter 51- Perfect End Scene
After her self-imposed night of no orgasms, Amberleigh allowed Leo to make up for it the next day. Twelve times to be exact, including two unplanned pit stops back to the hotel during the day as they saw the sights of Paris. Feasted on delicious Crepes from a street vendor. Crammed in a bit of shopping in the beautiful Galleries Lafayette department store. It had the most amazing stained glass domed ceiling and golden balconies. It was by far the most gorgeous store Amber had ever set foot in her life.In between their pit stops to the suite, Amber and Leo took a leisurely stroll across the extravagant bridge Point Alexandre III. The famous bridge decorated in golden statues, nymphs, and cherubs, had been in several famous films as well. Amber couldn’t help but toss a coin into the river Seine below to wish that every day was as perfect as this one with Leo by her side.But even more exciting than taking a promenade across a magnificent piece of cinematic history, was the artist Amber
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Chapter 52- I'll Happily Be Your Concubine
It was Leo and Amberleigh’s last full day in the city of light, so the chef was determined to make it special. It began with him waking Amber up before the sun and ushering her out of the hotel. She was naturally feeling grumpy but trusted that Leo had a good reason for such a heinous act. And she was rewarded for not biting his head off and being a good sport about it.It turned out Leo had paid his way into allowing he and Amber to watch the sunrise over Paris from atop the Eiffel Tower. And it was an experience like no other. Nearly life changing to watch the sky wrapped in what appeared to be pink, purple, and golden velvet while most of the city beneath it still slumbered. Amber felt as though if she reached out, with Leo by her side, she could touch a cloud. It was the perfect way to start the day, possibly even better than morning sex.Both of their chatter had stopped immediately as the first rays of color had broken the dark horizon. Hand in hand, the young lovers gave it th
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Chapter 53- You Are The Best Part Leo
The loyal subject more than fulfilled his promise to Amberleigh back at their suite. He helpfully disrobed her and instructed her to lie across the bed. The chef came prepared as if he had planned this moment would come at some point during their trip to Paris. He had packed not only lavender scented oil, but also a few warming stones.Honest to God, the chef placed the stones into the fire for a bit to allow them to heat, while he began to work her tense back muscles. It felt orgasmic really as his fingers kneaded the oil into her skin. Amber moaned beneath his touch, but that wasn’t the only response her body gave, she also felt her folds moisten rather quickly.Leo had magical hands indeed that he gravitated across her shoulders, and down lower and lower, the length of her spine. He paused on the threshold of her ass only to quickly remove the stones from the flames to allow them some time to cool. He picked up right where he left off, massaged the place atop those two small indent
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Chapter 54- No Need To Spoil Their Last Night In Pari
The chef had outdone himself once again, just when Amberleigh had been convinced there was no topping watching the sunrise from the Eiffel Tower. Of course, she’d also believed that about being given a promise ring on the Eiffel Tower during its lightshow. She had never been so happy to be proved wrong in all her life.In Leo’s arms-while the sun gave a light show of its own-proved to be the most romantic experience in Paris yet. Together, the lovers stood entwined on the stern of the yacht watching the oranges and golds painted across the twilight sky. Sweet orchestra music played from the live band set near the dancefloor.It was a cruise just for the two of them, and even though the ship had several crew aboard to help make their night magical, it felt as Leo and Amber were the only two souls on board the vessel. The rest of the world disappeared around them while wrapped in Leo’s arms as he held her close. The sun faded more and more, though the world didn’t grow dark and scary.
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Chapter 55- Why didn't I just answer the fucking phone last night?
The sun had not yet arisen when Amberleigh was jarred from a pleasant dream. In it, a naked Leo was feeding her grapes, before he began to dance for her. A nice, private show in which Amber got to lay back and enjoy the tables being turned in her dream. Well at least until an incessant buzzing sound grated in her ears over and over. The delicious dream slipped from her grasp as she was pulled back to lucid consciousness. Not that waking up next to Leo was a nightmare or anything.She turned on the bedside light as Leo’s watch danced along the other bedside table. Over and over. It wouldn’t stop. Had bounced itself off its charging dock and now crept closer to tumbling off the stand altogether. With watery eyes, Amber noticed it was 5:41 a: m, someone had better be dying!The watch stopped moving. But the respite was brief. It began to go off again almost immediately. She had worn the chef out so thoroughly, Leo slept on like the dead. She almost took pity on him, as she had been so ro
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Chapter 56- Already Far Too Late
Leo recovered his shit rather quickly. He pulled his head from his hands and turned to look at Amberleigh. He wore the same look as he did the night in the penthouse after they’d found Grayson overdosed on alcohol and benzos, taking control of the situation and adulting hard.“Okay, we need to get packing. I’ll make the travel arrangements,” he put his hand against her tear- stained cheeks, “It’ll be alright Love. We’ll go back to Omega City. Get in touch with Grayson. Hell, he’ll probably contact me before we even step off the plane.”She only cried harder. He pulled her into his chest to try and sooth her. He couldn’t possibly know her breakdown was also out of guilt and regret. She couldn’t lose Leo. She couldn’t lose Grayson. Amber wouldn’t survive losing both of the men she loved. And Leo would hate her.“I don’t want you to leave me Leo,” she sobbed, “please don’t hate me.”“I could never hate you, Love. And I’m not going anywhere. I promised you we’re in this th
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Chapter 57- Things Weren't Adding Up Here
Leo didn’t have much to say to Amberleigh as they packed up their hotel suite. He did make a vain attempt to call Courtney to demand some answers. But just like with her husband, her phone went to voicemail. Well after three rings, making it totally fucking obvious she’d declined Leo’s call. Naturally, that didn’t help his state of mind any. Leo cursed the bitch heiress out as he finished his angry packing.Despite how upset the chef was with Amber, he still made sure to make her some tea before they left for the airport. He also encouraged her to put at least something light into her stomach. But Amber knew food wouldn’t sit well in her churning belly. And she knew it wasn’t just morning sickness this morning either. She was heartsick more than anything else. Amber began to feel like a playlist stuck on repeat as she kept apologizing to Leo. And crying. And thanking him for bringing her to Paris and all the things he had done for her. Leo asked her to please stop all of the above
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Chapter 58- Let's Go Find Our Billionaire Shall We?
By the look on Leo’s face, the chef was also thinking things were shady as hell. He thanked Viola quickly and promised he’d be in touch soon. He ended their call with “I love you Mama V.” Amber rubbed Leo’s arm as the frown lines were taking over his pretty face again.“There are so many things wrong here,” he stammered.“I was thinking the same thing. It’s like Courtney is covering for something. Why would they cut their honeymoon short for business obligations only to turn around and leave again the next day? It doesn’t make sense.”“And if G-Man’s watch was broken or something, he would get a replacement immediately. Going without one is not like him at all.”“Unless he doesn’t want to be found Leo. Is it possible he knew you installed that locator app on his phone?”“I don’t know. But regardless, I refuse to believe he would leave the city permanently without telling me or his parents. He wouldn’t do that Amber. Hell, you saw how much of a workaholic he was. He wouldn’t just walk
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Chapter 59- This Can't Be Real Life
Amberleigh refused to let her nerves get the best of her on the ride to the penthouse. Leo didn’t say much at all. Luckily, their car had been prompt and traffic wasn’t too bad to make it to uptown Omega City. Preeminence Tower was just as tall and imposing as Amber remembered it, that shiny, spiral high rise which rose towards the clouds from where the God of this city lived at the top. But now she knew better of course. Grayson Godwin was just an imperfect man with problems and faults, even if he was as beautiful as a God and just as wealthy. But neither of those things made him invincible, immortal, or immune. And now his very life, or what was left of it, was most probably at stake. Amber shuddered at the thought as Leo and the driver messed with their luggage. The chef hadn’t wanted her to lift a finger to help and she was in no mood to argue. She did feel like shit anyway. The doorman brought them a luggage rack to cart all the shit up to the penthouse, though Leo ins
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Chapter 60- I'll do whatever it takes to get Grayson away from that coldhearted bitch
When Amberleigh’s world came back into color and focus, Leo was the first thing she saw. The chef was kneeling beside her on the marble floor with a concerned look on his face. She looked around the room with a groan trying to remember what the fuck had just happened. Her eyes landed on Courtney who gave her a dark look while the heiress clutched a crystal vase to her chest. Fuck. It hadn’t just been a nightmare after all.“Easy does it Love, you feinted,” said Leo, “I’ll call Dr. Gainey to come and check you over.”“You nearly broke this crystal vase which has been in my family for three generations! It’s a Baccarat,” snapped Courtney, “and we can’t risk having anyone else in the penthouse right now Leonardo. You heard what that man on the video said about anyone going to the Marshals. The less people who know about this situation, the better.”Leo turned toward Courtney with a look on his face that Amber never wanted to be on the receiving end of.“Are you fucking kidding me right
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