All Chapters of His Luna: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
134 Chapters
Chapter 40 - Little Things
Language is said to be something that everyone has in common until God divided the world and made His creation speak different tongues. It created barriers, problems, and conflicts between nations and individuals.Language barriers led to broken families, relationships, and even wars. The misunderstanding that it caused made it impossible for individuals to patch up their conflict and call it a day.Since then, many scholars have tried to shorten the gap that language had. They reached the conclusion of making one language universal. A language that everyone would be able to understand.A language that will act as a bridge to solve the misunderstandings, to answer the conflicts, to stop the bombs from getting thrown just because the other nation did not understand that the other party was just trying to compliment their colors.A connection was built when they reached this conclusion.“You speak ten different languages? Woah, why am I only hearing this today?” Charlene was stunned whe
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Chapter 41 - He did not know
Humans are one of the most complicated creatures on the planet. They have different beliefs in science, nature, and religion. They seek to find what and where they came from. They try to find purpose in living their lives. They cannot stand by in a day without asking the questions of their existence, purpose, reason, passion, love, connection… they are complicated creatures who never stop thinking about what and why, and how. And sometimes, this action of seeking answers became their whole life. It becomes the sole purpose of their existence— finding why they exist. There is magic in asking questions about things. And though other races aren’t living like how humans do, they share the compassion of seeking to find answers to the wonders of the vast universe. Every answer in the world started with a question. And every great answer came from great questions as well. Even a child understands that you cannot be understood if you would not ask for it, like a baby who would have ways
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Chapter 42 - What are we?
If there is something that everyone in the Adams estate knows about, it has to be the friendship between the youngest daughter of the Alpha and the youngest son of the Beta. It was a friendship that many people looked up to despite them being children.They were too mature… She was too mature for a child. Charlene dismissed the chef that she brought back after Weiss outrightly fired him out of spite. She thought that his decisions were clouded by all the things that had been happening around them. Charlene did not want to take any unnecessary action that could cause a problem in the future.“You have no say on that matter, Charlene. I executed my judgment, and that should have been the end of it! Why did you have to call back an ignorant chef who almost got you killed!? Don’t you remember how you almost died when you ate a freaking sandwich that your nanny gave to you? And it turns out what? She was a spy from the hunters! Who knows who that man is! How could you be so stubborn?” Wei
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Chapter 43 - Day Break
“Father, can we talk?” Charlene knocked on her father’s study soon after she got herself ready for the day. “Come in,” she opened the door after hearing her father’s approval. She could smell green tea lingering inside the place and realized that her father must have been awake since last night. Charlene went to the table and asked a servant to send a new set of tea so that she could brew them herself.Charlene sat on the couch, watching her father scan through the documents that were towering on his desk and on the floor. “What happened to your shoulder, Father?” Alphonse looked up after he heard her daughter ask.He raised his brows, got up from his seat, and sat on the table while still reading through the documents, “What do you mean?” he meaningfully asked her. Charlene stared him in the eyes, and she realized why her father suddenly asked.Charlene chose not to answer that question. Her father must have had reasons why he’s letting a broken shoulder be left untreated. She would
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Chapter 44 - Losing Time
Charlene could not feel her body at all. She felt like she’d vomited upon hearing the situation. Adhler ran to her side and supported her, “Hush, it’s going to be okay. We’re almost done. We are almost there, Charlene. You should hang in there, too,” he whispered to her.Adhler glanced at Weiss and motioned him to clear the room for them. The latter immediately understood his words and went out with the servant and Ignes.The Lycan Prince helped Charlene sit on the couch and calm herself down. “I need to be there with her, Adhler! Let go of me!” Charlene tried pushing him aside, but she had fallen too weak to even lift her head high. Tears started falling from her eyes as she covered her face with both her hands. “We are losing her, Adhler. She’s dying, and we are nowhere near the finish line! Don’t lie to me like that! Don’t make my hopes up! She’s dying. My sister is dying. Ashina is falling weaker day by day, and that is the reality! —” Charlene’s eyes widened, then she closed the
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Chapter 45 - Is it working?
Adhler woke Charlene up in the middle of the night after he finished checking all the things they needed for the big day tomorrow. It had been a long journey that brought them to their knees and cost them sweat and tears. Charlene squeezed her eyes, trying to make them wide open though she had only retired to the bed an hour before the Lycan Prince came knocking. “Are you okay? Are you sure you want to do this? You haven't slept yet in the past two days,” Adhler was worried. Charlene had been pushing herself past all the limits that existed just so they could go on and continue the pacing of the creation of the experiment. She even forgot to eat multiple times because she was too preoccupied with the experiment.“Adhler, it's okay. I'm going to be fine. Look, I know you're worried, but I am telling you— I am not too weak just yet for you to worry that much about me. I am the one who should be worried about you. Have you been eating? Have you slept even a wink in the past month that
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Chapter 46 - Beautiful Flowers Get Picked First (1)
It had been over a month since the medication took place, and everything was going well. Ashina is evidently healthier than she had ever been in her life. Her complexions are better, and she could even participate more in various activities that the family had set after she regained her health.The whole family is set to visit the new restaurant that was opened by an elf in their territory. There are races accepted to live in the kingdom, especially when doing business such as this one.Everyone was busy preparing to get out. It had been too long since they went out for a picnic, and today, they wanted to make it all extra special. It was the first time in a very long time that Ashina would be able to join them… and their family would be complete while going out.“Have you had your things ready? Your medicine? Did you pack it with you? You should have an extra set of clothes covering your body, the weather is especially cold today, and I heard that there could be a snowstorm later in
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Chapter 47 - Beautiful Flowers Get Picked First (2)
Charlene rushed out of the mansion after hearing the news. Her brother ran after her, but she had already ridden a horse and gone to the forest. Her vision is blurry as she pulls the leash of the horse to a halt. Charlene fell to the ground. She feels too weak to even jump off it that she just lets herself fall down. Her back ached, and some of her ribs were probably broken, but she did not care.All she could ever think of was trying to sleep tight after visiting Ashina. She tried to calm herself down so she could think more rationally the next day, but it was all for naught. And she felt betrayed that her family did not even wake her as Ashina fought for the last of her breath.“Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!” she repeatedly cursed as she punched her chest, trying to feel the pain more physical than what was inside… but the surging emotions in her were too great than the extent of pain that her hands could do.Tears kept falling down from her eyes as she covered them with her
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Chapter 48 - Beautiful Flowers Get Picked First (3)
“How long has she been like this?” Alphonse asked Harry as they stared at Charlene, who was pale and lifeless, looking out at the snow outside. Alphonse tried talking to her earlier, but she never responded. He has to give up after several tries. Alphonse has never experienced this with Charlene before, and though he can understand why she’s acting this way— he could not help but feel like he had failed to stand tall as the foundation for his family.“She almost died two days ago after I found her unconscious in the snow. It’s a surprise she could even sit now. What should we do, Father? Charlene does not talk or even look at us. Whenever she sleeps, she has a nightmare and will wake up crying and shouting that everything was her fault,”Alphonse listens to Harry as he thinks of what he should do regarding the matter. They tried making Louise talk to her, but even Charlene’s favorite cousin could not do anything to make her speak or even react!“Have you tried calling him?” Alphonse
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Chapter 49 - Sadness Speaks
Charlene’s POV ‘What do you want to be when you grow up? Will you be a princess, or will you be the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world?’ Ashina giggles as she dresses me up so I can attend the school needed as a part of the nobility. I could only remember staring at her at the time. I did nothing but stare at Ashina most of the time. I love the colors of her eyes, those deep purple eyes that glittered whenever the sun rays over them. I always loved watching them smile as she told me all the good things that she had experienced in life. I love the way she would stroke my hair whenever she put me to sleep. I love the way her hair smells after running around the field since she loves the sun so much. She loves the sun… Ashina would sometimes spend her days staring at the clear sky, feeling the heat of the sun against her skin as she hummed her favorite song. She loves the sun. She loved the sun. And she died without it watching over her. She died in the middle of the col
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