All Chapters of Her Identity Is Revealed Again: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
252 Chapters
"Baby, do you want to go to the hot spring with me?"Fremingo leans on the threshold, his handsome face is full of indignation, his mouth is up, and he looks very charming.Yuri sees that he is in a good mood. It seems that he is very happy with Hunter Ye.He doesn't really like Hunter Yes, does he?!She learned from Perly Chen that Hunter Ye's sexual orientation is normal. If he is loved by Fremingo, isn't he... At Ye's house, Hunter Ye is good to her. She can't let him be harmed by Fremingo.She had to find a way to prevent them from living together."Yes." Yuri nods.Hunter Ye was surprised.Younger sister, you are too unpretentious!Do you know that you are leading a wolf into the house!He must not let the two of them share a pool."You go first. Let's go in and change our swimsuits." Hunter Ye hurriedly pushed Fremingo back to the room.Yuri looked at the closed door and frowned. When did their relationship become so good?Suddenly more worried about her brother.There is an inde
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Is he close to Hunter Ye?It's Hunter Ye who took the initiative come to him?But the little girl's tone was not very good. He asked, "Why? Afraid that I might bully him?""You know it in your own heart!" Yuri said coldly.Fremingo looked puzzled.He thought that Hunter Ye stopped himself from contacting the girl everywhere, frowned slightly, and looked at Yuri on the other side of the pool.The smoke lingered around her face. one could not see her clearly, but he could feel that she was emitting a sense of exclusion.She did the same in the morning and now, to be exact, since she got the ginseng, she began to deliberately alienate him.Is it because she knows that he is Xingque master?No, according to his understanding of the little girl, if she knew his identity and teased her like this, she would be angry, but she was definitely not so silent.Or is it because she said before that they would never have any relationship after curing his disease?But, after so long, she still doesn't
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At lunch time, Fremingo answered the phone and left, so Yuri avoided contact with him.After lunch, Yuri received a call from Mike Chen."Yuri, Bella was released on bail."Yuri squinted, "Who was released on bail?"Is it finally out?"In the morning, Edmond Gu came with Jaden Herme and Clab Herme of Herme family, as well as a lawyer, and just released them on bail." Mike Chen said.Jaden Herme is the son of the fourth master of Herme family, Clab Herme is the adopted son of Emma, the eldest daughter of Herme family, and Emma is the daughter of the current owner of Herme family.Is Bella's snobbery in Herme family the owner of Herme family and Fourth Master Qin?"What did Darren change his attitudes?" Yuri thinks of Darren.At that time, Yurilped to keep the family under pressure. Now, he changes, for whom?"Didn't you watch the news? Darren Shao had an accident." Mike Chen was surprised.Yuri immediately opened the news, and headline was "Prince Shao was seriously injured due to the l
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"Yes. But Emma, I am released on bail now. It seems that there is little difference between me and not being released on bail?" Bella said darkly.Emma on the other side of the phone gently advised:"Bella Cousin, you should learn to be satisfied and not be too greedy. Isn't it the best way to break up the public opinion of family?"Bella thought of the two armed policemen guarding the gate, gnashing her teeth, "They sent people to guard at our gate. Are you sure this is to disrupt public opinion? Not to increase public opinion?""Is that so? I didn't expect them to do so."Bella listened to her lukewarm tone, and her heart was burning with anger. Her feelings were not related to her now, so she was calm."Emma, don't forget that I did it for you in those days. Do you think you can still sit on the sidelines as calmly as you do now if something happens to me?" Bella said in a low voice."Bella, are you threatening me?"Bella notices that Emma's tone on the other side of the phone has a
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Yuri looked around with a flashlight. Their car was parked in the middle of the road. The road was still muddy, and there was no cement, not to mention street lights and monitoring.There are lots of trees on both sides of the road. There are more banyan trees, so they are called banyan forests.The whole banyan forest covers a large area, and he doesn’t know that under the fourth tree Phiona Luo said, there is a forest on the left side and a forest on the right side. If there is no plan, he will directly look for it again and again, and it is estimated that he may not be able to find it at dawn."Let's start from the article on the right. Our current direction is the main road to the village. According to the normal logic of driving on the right, the fourth tree is usually a positive number."Avery Yang sweeps the forest on the right with the light of a flashlight. He is familiar with this area.Mike Chen spread a map at the front of the car for Yuri to see. On the map, he circled the
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Yuri turns around to the driver's seat, turns the key and starts the car. Mike Chen's voice comes from the intercom:"Wait, where is the location? How can you get there? I will go back to see you there now?"Yuri told him the position again, "I'll drive over and you can rest first. I'll go back soon."She couldn't wait for a clue."OK, then pay attention to your safety." Mike Chen suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, do you have a driver's license?"Yuri skillfully dropped the car and drove to the destination, holding the steering wheel with one hand and pressing the walkie talkie with the other hand, saying, "Next year we will take the exam.""Shit, can you drive?! Stop quickly and I will take you there!" Mike Chen couldn't help saying a rude word.Yuri listened to the rustling footsteps on the walkie talkie and said, "I used to drive a tractor in the mountains. It's simple."Tractor?Mike Chen tried to imagine Yuri's beautiful face, driving a tractor... The picture w
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When Yuri woke up, she felt as if her head was about to burst and she felt uncomfortable.She wanted to get up, only to find that her hands and feet were tied. There was straw under her. The walls around her were still the mud bricks used to build houses in the last century. The sky was already bright. The sun shone through the grid window. The wooden door was closed, and there were signs of prying in the middle of the door.On her left was a pile of firewood covered with cobwebs.On the right is a "bed" made of straw. The reason why it is called a bed is that the straw surface has been flattened, a blackened quilt is stacked in one corner, and there are two dirty stainless steel plates beside the quilt.Someone has lived here for some time.Yuri judged that she was in the firewood shed in the countryside and struggled to sit up. Her head seemed to be filled with paste. Her body temperature was high. She was a little hot. She should have a fever.She remembered what happened last night
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Nancy Gu's eyes are wide open, and a bad feeling arises spontaneously.According to Yuri, Bella conceals the death of Phiona Luo from her and asks her to come over. Is she trying to hold her accountable for this crime?!This is the death penalty. How could Bella do that?!Even though Bella always dislikes her, she is her daughter!No, it must not be true. It must be Yuri's intention to sow discord!Nancy Gu shouted, "Don't talk nonsense here! Watch her closely!"The last three words were said to Scared man, and he turned around and walked away with high heels.Scared man quickly took the wooden door and locked it again.The moment the door closed, Yuri sighed with relief and fell to the ground powerless.She waited for a long time before she began to feel for the inner bag of her clothes, and only found a packet of small black pills from it.She tore it open, poured it into her mouth, swallowed it hard, then closed her eyes and began to refresh herself.Outside the shed.Scared man cat
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When the gag toothed saw Yuri's charming smile, his lower body tightened, and the smile on his face became more obscene.He hasn't had a woman for a while. It's not easy to get such a young sister. He has to take advantage of the boss and his wife's carelessness in eating.He swallowed saliva, put the dishes aside, and rubbed his hands close to Yuri."Hey hey, little sister, brother will help you untie..."Just as he squatted down unprepared, Yuri saw the opportunity, looked cold, and quickly grabbed his neck.When did she untie the rope?"You......" He was just about to speak. He squeezed his hand around his neck and pressed his fingers on several acupuncture points at the same time. He felt a pain in his neck, and then he couldn't make a sound!!The next second, Yuri felt a piece of firewood hidden behind him with her other hand and knocked it hard on the back of his head.The man stared at his eyes. In the next moment, his hands, which were still struggling, were unable to fall down
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At the same time, this side of the main house.The Scared man who drove back jumped out of the car, took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The mobile phone still had no signal. He thought to himself, "I wonder why there is no signal at all. Usually, this location is available. Is there another problem with the annunciator?"?He had to call Bella and tell them that Yuri had run away.As a result, he looked up and saw a figure in the room. He was about to scold someone. A loud voice came from behind:"Don't move! Put your hands up! You're surrounded!""Who the fuck are you?" Scared man swears and turns around, only to find that he is surrounded by a group of uniformed special forces at some time, and everyone has a gun in his hand, with the black muzzle pointing at him.It seems that as long as he does not listen, the next second, he will be shot into a sieve.Scared man has long been accustomed to such scenes. He is a regular customer of the police bureau. He also knows the police
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