All Chapters of Second Marriage, Ex Regrets So Much: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
350 Chapters
Such a big discussion directly affected Blake Group's stock. When the market opened, the stock that had already slowed down fell a lot.Vicdor Balke was having breakfast with Leyi when he received the call.Vicdor Balke's face turned white when he heard that over there."How can this happen?" He patted the table and asked, "Do you know who broke the news? Do these people have evidence for saying such things?""President Blake, it's not a problem of proof now. We can't even sue for libel, because the other party uses all the initials and codes, but because it's too obvious, the netizens guessed you directly."Special help said with frustration.Recently, the Special Assistant feels that her workload has increased too much.She wants to resign.Vicdor Balke clenched his teeth and looked at Leyi beside him. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her arm and asked, "Are you causing something?""What?"Leyi didn't know anything. When he questioned her like this, she was very scared.
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"Snow Cecy, it seems that the lover you are looking for has some skills, but that is not enough. If you really want to compete with me, you need some power!"Vicdor Blake is ready to tear up the subpoena again.He suddenly saw the lawyer's name written on the summons."Edward Tudor?"He thought the name was familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.He frowned and made a phone call: "Look up a lawyer named Edward Tudor."After the order went on, Vicdor Blake hung up the phone, frowned and smiled a little coldly, thinking, "Snow Cecy, I will never let you be satisfied this time."Not long after he thought about it, the phone rang again.He thought that the ability of his subordinates was so good, theynd Edward Tudor's information so quickly. Unexpectedly, it was one of hisrtners who called."President Blake, isn't the situation of President Blake too bad recently? Besides, it's all because of your private life. Don't President Blake think you should give some explanations for the co
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"Why should I feel guilty? I told the reporter that everything is true. Now Vicdor Blake and Leyi have asked for all this!"Snow Cecy snorted and smiled. She felt relieved when she saw Mrs.Blake was pissed off.She used to be able to make up what kind of state the Blake family was in. Now she sees it, which is really similar to what she imagined."You also said that they asked for it. You felt your conscience and said," Did Vicdor treat you badly before? Did you not poison Vicdor, almost kill him, and kill Vicdor's grandfather? " Seeing that Snow Cecy was going to turn over the past,Mrs.Blake began to turn over the past!But what Mrs.Blake didn't know was that Snow Cecy had never done this.So Snow Cecy has a clear conscience.But Lila and Sasha Bovis did not know that Snow Cecy was innocent.Both of them looked at Snow Cecy with some surprise.Now many employees of the company are preparing to eat, and almost all of them have heard the words of Mrs.Blake.Everyone looked different."I
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Snow Cecy pulled the corner of her lips, showed a particularly tired smile, couldn't help sighing and said: "I hope now, I just want to end this as soon as possible, and then take Mike to find a quiet place to live a peaceful life."After tearing for such a long time, she was already very tired, especially when there was such a big problem in her body, she really could not continue.But what will Mike do if she leaves?Vicdor Blake is selfish. In addition to Leyi's provocation, he doesn't care about Mike's life or death at all. It can be imagined that if she really... Mike will be tortured to death by the dog men and women!With these thoughts in mind, Snow Cecy took a deep breath, pinched her eyebrows, and forced herself to cheer up. She could never fall down!"But Snow, you don't have to worry too much. Everything is going well now. I believe you will be able to clean up your grievances and get rid of all this soon!" Alice on the other side of the phone encourage her best friend and
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"Those netizens changed their comments quickly, and their comments are meaningless." Snow Cecy calmly picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly."You can't say that! Even if these netizens only made comments to vent their feelings, they made me feel comfortable reading them!" Alice said happily."Anyway, the public relations team of Blake Group is too bad, isn't it? This matter has been circulating on the Internet for so long, and even went on the hot search, they don’t know how to suppress it, just let it go?" "It's not that the public relations team of Blake Group is too bad, but that Blake Group is full of contradictions. Several waves of people are busy competing for power and profits. It's good for them to let the scandal of Vicdor Blake go viral. They just don't care about these things. They wish things were bigger." Snow Cecy said in a cold voice.At the beginning, the reason why she chose to take such a move was that she knew that the internal contradictions of the Blake Grou
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"This rumor is true or false, and it has nothing to do with me. Why should I be curious?" Terrence Edmin leaned directly on the chair and answered calmly."But you are not..." Alice almost revealed his relationship with Snow Cecy.Isn't this man interested in Snow? Is there really no hostility to Vicdor Balke, Snow's nominal husband?When something happens to a rival in love, he doesn't take the opportunity to step on his feet. He is so magnanimous and looks on coldly. Can you do it?At this time, shouldn't we take advantage of the opportunity to win beauty's favor?"Alice, eat your meal!" Snow Cecy warned Alice with a nervous face, fearing that she would make some disorderly remarks."All right." Alice closed her mouth reluctantly and dared not go on talking nonsense.The three sat down and had a quiet meal.Alice originally planned to go shopping with her. But after looking at Terrence Edmin, who was sitting in a chair and had no intention of leaving, she had to give up.It's too muc
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"Vicdor, I was just going to look for you. I didn't expect you to be here." After the old guy came in, he looked around and saw the whole public relations department in a mess."Hey, what's wrong? The Public Relations Department is an important department of the company. Why is it so embarrassed?"Vicdor Blake turned his head and saw this middle-aged man. His face suddenly turned ugly."Uncle Chevis, why are you here?" Vicdor Blake forced himself to calm down and asked in a hard voice.The middle-aged man is Edmond Chevis, the vice chairman who is particularly at odds with him.Edmond Chevis can be regarded as a good brother of Vicdor’s father . When they were young, they started a business together and jointly founded Blake Group.He is a well deserved second in command of the Blake Group. His shares are second only to the Blake family, and he is the second largest shareholder of the company. At the same time, he is also the most feared opponent.When his father was still alive, Edmon
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"What are you doing here again?" Vicdor Blake was upset when he saw Leyi appear in front of him. He couldn't hold back his anger and asked impatiently.Leyi was stunned by the roar of Vicdor Blake. She looked at him with some grievances, and then said, "Vicdor, I made chicken soup for you. You are hungry. Please sit down and drink some soup to reduce your anger."Leyi carefully flattered Vicdor Blake and thoughtfully brought out the chicken soup that had been prepared for a long time."Vicdor, what happened?" Leyi asked, pretending to be considerate."Pa!" Watching a face suddenly approaching, Vicdor Blake felt uncontrollable irritability.A evil fire rose from the bottom of his heart, which made him unable to control his anger any longer. He directly slapped Leyi in the face."You have the face to ask me what happened? Don't you know the messy news on the Internet?!" Vicdor Blake grabbed Leyi's collar and lifted her up.Leyi's head hummed with a slap from him. She felt dizzy for a mom
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Vicdor Blake turns a deaf ear to this. Emotion is the cheapest thing. much he and Snow Cecy loved each other and promised to make a solemn pledge of love, but now they have come to the point where they hate each other.Moreover, the reason why he chose Leyi at the beginning was not because of any feelings, but just because he wanted to be fresh and relax for fun.But it does not mean that he is willing to share this joy with others. He is obsessed with cleanliness, and doesn't want a woman of unknown origin!"Then explain to me what happened to those videos and photos. Don't say they were framed by others!" The corners of Vicdor Blake's mouth have drawn an ironic arc."Those photos were taken by others when I was young and not sensible, and they deliberately framed me by using angle issues. In fact, We are just talking seriously." Leyi said stiffly.Vicdor Blake did not struggle with this problem for too long. What he is most worried about now is how to solve the problem of online publ
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"You'd better think of a way to satisfy me, or shut your mouth and stop talking nonsense!" Vicdor Blake warned."I... I know." Leyi said weakly, and the cheeks on both sides began to redden and swollen rapidly, looking very embarrassed. She did not look weak and beautiful before.Faced with Leyi like this, Vicdor Blake was not interested at all. He simply closed his eyes and got up."Buckle -"At that moment, there was a knock outside his office door.Vicdor Blake pulled the tie off his neck with a sigh of relief and said aloud, "Come in!"The secretary appeared at the door of the office, dared not even step in, stood directly at the door, and quietly reported: "President Blake, all shareholders have arrived, and asked for a shareholders' meeting. Do you think... how to deal with this?"As for why the shareholders' meeting was held, Vicdor Blake knew it well. These people have been impatient for a long time. They want to take this opportunity to persecute him!Vicdor Blake's eyebrows a
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